Howard Carter and the Tomb of TutankhamunQuick View

Howard Carter and the Tomb of Tutankhamun

Powerpoint that tells the story of Howard Carter discovering the Tomb and asks children to empathise with what he was feeling and write his diary. I included the sound effect of a beating heart when Carter first looks through the hole to build up the suspense. I also used a video clip from You Tube -film about Carter discovering tomb.
Elizabeth I PortraitsQuick View

Elizabeth I Portraits

Resources to allow teachers to produce a matching exercise - these will need priniting and laminating. Lesson using the resources - pupils try to match portrait to statement. Finally complete worksheet about why portraits were used and what the queen was actually like. Lesson requiring pupils to design their own portrait for the queen using symbols within it..
Introduction to AztecsQuick View

Introduction to Aztecs

A very basic introduction to where the Aztecs were and what sort of things they did. Includes: ppt and questions info sheet and questions (also SEN) puzzles
Aztecs - Everyday LifeQuick View

Aztecs - Everyday Life

Basic ppt on farming and Aztec homes with 1) worksheet and SEN worksheet on farming. 2) worksheets on rich and poor homes 3) an easy sheet on clothing.
Aztec Food and DrinkQuick View

Aztec Food and Drink

This is a series of activities based on Aztec food and drink. Includes: Wipout game starter Information sheets and worksheet. Ppt with same info as sheets but in colour Ppt starter (sourcewor) Adjective starter for menus We also watch the M&S food advert from You Tube to see how they make the food sound nice before trying to write our own menus.
Catholics and ProtestantsQuick View

Catholics and Protestants

Information for pupils to compare the differences between the two religions. Throughout the ppt I have used Green for Catholic and Orange for Protestant - this links to work we do further on about Ireland and the Orangemen.
Introduction to the RenaissanceQuick View

Introduction to the Renaissance

Lesson 1: memory map aspects of renaissance. This is a group task which is fun and allows a prize. Lesson 2: follow info on what the Renaissance was. Lesson 3: Why Italy
The Harrying of the NorthQuick View

The Harrying of the North

Work to be done over 2 lessons considering the after effects of Norman invasion. Lesson1: Starter - consider consequences of invasion - immediate and gradual. Based on worksheet by Mr Moorhouse in but with added fact. Main - Pupils consider how Saxons would feel about changes and discuss language that could be used to create a biased account. Read Harrying of North and complete basic facts worksheet followed by plan a newspaper account from either a saxon or norman viewpoint. Lesson 2: Starter - paired task problerms and solutions. Main complete biased account.
The Gunpowder PlotQuick View

The Gunpowder Plot

An investigation into whether Guy Fawkes was framed or not. Pupils consider evidence and reliability of sources before making their own judgement. Can be used in conjunction with: Renaissance, Revolution & Reformation text book p82 and also with BBC programme on Gunpowder plot presented by Nick Knowles for a light hearted look.
The Feudal SystemQuick View

The Feudal System

This lesson is designed to go with the text from Folens 'Invasion, Plague and Murder'. The characters for creating the feudal system can be downloaded from but I usually add extra characters and provide hats. King stands on desk, 3 barons on chairs, knights on floor and villeins sat at feet. Kids like choosing their 'helpers' and always remember making the pyramid.
ColumbusQuick View


Work based on the Folens 'Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation' book. Columbus ppt is just based on this. Columbus ppt 2 is adapted with extra activities from boardworks. Logbook is a piece of extended writing for pupils.
The British EmpireQuick View

The British Empire

Introductory lesson for Y8 on how Britain gained an empire and what the benefits and dark side were. To be followed by Was the Empire good or bad lesson.
Martin Luther ProtestsQuick View

Martin Luther Protests

Based on the Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation text book, this includes: PPT about why the Protestants Protested Worksheet to go with page 18 of text book Culminates with satirical poster task for pupils to create.
Civil War to Glorious RevolutionQuick View

Civil War to Glorious Revolution

Based on the Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation Textbook, this lesson is as follows: Starter: Source analysis task on 'The World Turned Upside Down&' Power graph with statements Questions about Restoration England.
Every Day Life in Egypt - Rainbow ActivityQuick View

Every Day Life in Egypt - Rainbow Activity

Collaborative learning activity where pupils work in groups to become expert in one aspect of life and then teach others. Culminates in final assessed piece as the write a report as a Roman detailing what they have found out about Egypt.
Square keep / stone keepQuick View

Square keep / stone keep

Information sheets and work sheets on square stone keep castles. Those with smiley faces on are the SEN sheets. I normally supplement these with a clip from you tube on stone keep castles.
Was Henry VIII a Renaissance Man/Prince?Quick View

Was Henry VIII a Renaissance Man/Prince?

Adapted from a worksheet I found - this is a sorting exercise to follow work on the Renaissance. 1. Pupils must decide whether Henry VIII was a Renaissance Man based on criteria. 2. Pupils then write an assessed essay to answer the question. There is a SEN version that points pupils towards the correct sources to help them. Finally, once the work has been assessed and returned pupils are encouraged to Think Pink - correct errors and choose ONE paragraph to rewrite and improve based upon the guidance given. A second task looking at Machiavellain characteristics is included too.
British Empire -  good or bad?Quick View

British Empire - good or bad?

Lesson based around 2 video links from BBC Class clips and using the Minds and Machines Text book to support. Task 1 considers Britain's involvement in China and the Opium Wars. Task 2 looks at Livingstone in Africa Task 3 asks pupils to consider whether the Empire was a force for good or not.