txt, 643 Bytes
txt, 643 Bytes
txt, 866 Bytes
txt, 866 Bytes

Cho-obraich luchd-saidheans air synthesis stuthan airson deiseachan dìon.

Bha iad mìorbhuileach.

Rinn iad atharrachadh mòr air rannsachadh taobh a-muigh Mars.

Dh’ fhaodadh casg a chuir air rèididheachd falaichte a bhiodh a’ siubhal air uachdar.

Tha eòlaichean air na rabhaidhean aca a tharraing air ais.

Dh’ fhaodadh an fheadhainn le ro-innse a dhol a-mach agus coimhead timcheall.

Bha luchd-saidheans ag obair còmhla air cruthachadh stuthan airson deiseachan dìon.

Bha iad foirfe.

Rinn iad atharrachadh mòr air rannsachadh taobh a-muigh Mars.

Dh’ fhaodadh casg a chuir air rèididheachd cùl-fhiosrachaidh a dh’ fhaodadh siubhal uachdar millte.

Thug eòlaichean na rabhaidhean aca air ais.

Dh’ fhaodadh an fheadhainn a chòrd e a dhol a-mach agus coimhead timcheall.

Scientists collaborated on the synthesis of materials for protective suits.

They were impeccable.

They made a profound change on outside Mars exploration.

Latent radiation that marred surface travel could be blocked.

Experts retracted their warnings.

Those with a predilection could go out and look around.

Scientists worked together on the creation of materials for protective suits.

They were perfect.

They made a radical change on outside Mars exploration.

Background radiation that ruined surface travel could be blocked.

Experts took back their warnings.

Those who liked it could go out and look around.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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