Chaidh am prìosanach a lorg ciontach de eucoir bheag.
Bha a dhìteadh a’ giùlan a’ bhinn bàis.
Bha seo mar thoradh air coitcheannachadh mu dheidhinn a h-uile duine den chlas aige.
Bha suathadh ann.
Bhiodh a chrochadh a’ sileadh ‘s a’ milleadh nan uachdaran.
Bha iad airson na daoine beaga a mhilleadh.
Bha am prìosanach air a bhith somalta chan e an uamhas ris an robh dùil.
Mìneachadh air seo?
Chreid e ann an Dia agus 'n a cheartas.
Sgiobachd: Lìon e!
Chaidh am prìosanach fhaighinn ciontach de mhion-eucoir gu meallta.
Bha a’ bhreith aige a’ giùlan a’ bhinn bàis.
Bha seo mar thoradh air beachd farsaing air a h-uile duine den chlas aige.
Bha trioblaidean air a bhith ann.
Bhiodh a chrochadh a’ sàsachadh agus a’ maothachadh nan uachdaran.
Bha iad airson na daoine beaga a phronnadh.
Bha gabhail socair aig a’ phrìosanach chan e an eagal ris an robh dùil.
Chreid e ann an Dia agus 'n a cheartas.
Dùblairean: Chan eil ùidh agam!
The prisoner was found culpable of a minor crime falsely.
His conviction carried the death sentence.
This was due to a generalization about all people of his class.
There had been friction.
His hanging would quench and mollify the landlords.
They wanted to obliterate the little people.
The prisoner had complacency not the expected trepidation.
Explanatory of this?
He believed in God and his justice.
Skiptics: Stuff it!
The prisoner was found guilty of a minor crime falsely.
His verdict carried the death sentence.
This was due to a broad opinion about all people of his class.
There had been troubles.
His hanging would satisfy and soothe the landlords.
They wanted to crush the little people.
The prisoner had a calm acceptance not the expected fear.
He believed in God and his justice.
Doubters: I’m not interested!
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