3 teachers looking at their school timetable
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How smarter timetabling can increase teacher retention

The challenges of teacher retention are well known - but the right timetable can help
05 Jun 24

It’s widely recognised that schools need to address the issues that are leading to teachers leaving in such significant numbers – and improving timetabling is a huge factor. In fact, the timetable can be the difference between your staff feeling nurtured and supported, or hopelessly overworked. 

Our timetabling software provides powerful solutions designed to tackle even the most complex timetable and can help you prioritise teacher choices and welfare, as Sue Plant, Head of School at John Taylor Free Schools, explains:

"Tes Timetable is so time-efficient and the outcomes it generates are significantly better than I have experienced previously. This will positively impact both students and our staff, and in wellbeing, retention and teaching quality."

Does your Timetable support staff wellbeing Banner

Here are six ways our timetable software can help you to improve the wellbeing of your school:

1. Offering more flexible working

Tes Timetable enables you to facilitate all kinds of flexible working, from days off for staff who don’t require hard-coded part-time patterns, to easy generation of part-timers’ schedules, and variable start- and end-of-day work patterns and adjustable arrangements through the school year.

2. Improving rooming

Our rooming features allow schools to manage the amount of movement between rooms that’s required throughout the school day, cutting down on unnecessary trips.

3. Better room distribution 

Where specialist rooms, labs or workshops are limited, our software improves teachers’ access to spaces and equipment.

4. Fairer duty scheduling

This feature enables an equitable distribution of school day duties by considering staff’s busy days, teaching commitments before or after duty slots, and timetables across the full timetable cycle, reducing stress on teachers.

5. Fewer split classes

Reducing the number of split classes on the timetable means that teachers have less need for time-consuming informal planning and assessment meetings.

6. Managing teacher meetings

Our software can provide a timetable where all faculty and team meetings are scheduled within the school day, improving work-life balance.

Interested in learning how we can support you to create a timetable that improves teacher wellbeing and retention in your school? Contact us by filling in your details and we'll be in touch to organise a free demonstration. 

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