Magazine Subscriptions FAQs

Get your Tes magazine subscription queries answered here


  • Subscribing is quick and easy. For the latest subscriptions offers and how to order your subscription simply go to the 'Store' link on our website or contact our customer services team on 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164).

    We also offer schools and organisations group-wide access to Tes with our Tes Magazine Institutional Subscriptions

  • All subscriptions includes unlimited access to Tes magazine online including all subscriber-only content. Each subscription ensures you stay up to date with the latest research, teacher innovation and insight, plus classroom tips and techniques. 

  • In order to view Tes magazine content online, you are required to have a subscription with us.  If you do not already subscribe please go to to sign up.

    If you are an existing subscriber, you can get access to the magazine by logging in to your Tes account here.

  • Individual subscriptions allow access for a single user.  However, we offer various packages for schools and institutions wishing to obtain wider access to our digital content, find out more.  If this is something that you are interested in, please contact customer services by email at or by phone on 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164).

  • For all subscription related queries please contact our customer services team at or on 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164), or write to Tes Magazine Subscriptions, 26 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4HQ, London. You can also manage your subscription online at


  • You can pay for your subscription by Direct Debit. To purchase a subscription online visit our store or contact our customer services team on 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164).

  • For individual subscribers, your subscription will automatically renew on a quarterly or annual basis, depending on the subscription you have chosen. For school-wide subscriptions, when your subscription is due for renewal you will be sent a reminder email from us. Alternatively you can contact our customer services team at, 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164). 

  • If you would like to pay by BACS then please contact our customer services team at, 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164), or write to Tes Magazine Subscriptions, 26 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4HQ, London.

  • This option is only avaialble for schools and organisations. Please contact our customer services team at or on 0345 521 7111 (international +44 (0)203 194 3164) to arrange an invoice.