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How to streamline your school safeguarding processes

We've brought together EduCare's expert-written safeguarding training courses with EduKey's innovative safeguarding reporting software to provide you with a complete end-to-end school safeguarding solution.
26 Feb 21

As a school leader, your number one priority is to keep all the pupils in your care safe. But safeguarding is a complex area, and it can be both difficult and time consuming to ensure that you have all the right processes in place. That's where we can help.

Now that EduCare and EduKey are both part of the Tes family, we can provide your staff with the knowledge, confidence and tools they need to identify and report safeguarding concerns, and for your school to ensure compliance with current regulations and provide evidence for inspections. Giving you peace of mind as you tackle the challenges of our increasingly complex world.

Provide staff with flexible, personalised safeguarding and duty of care training

To keep your students safe, and remain compliant with statutory guidance, you need to ensure that all your staff have access to up-to-date safeguarding and duty of care training. You also need to be able to keep track of who has completed which course and who has training still to finish, and be able to easily evidence course completions to inspectors. Tes Safeguarding, our whole-school online training package, powered by EduCare, can help you to achieve all this.

It provides your whole school with unlimited access to over 40 safeguarding and duty of care courses, written in partnership with leading experts and regularly updated in line with statutory guidance. Courses are accessed through our online training platform, Tes Develop, giving staff the flexibility to train at a time and place that suits them and your school. You can assign mandatory and recommended courses to each staff member, so when they log in they can see the training they need to complete and the date to complete it by.

Through the reporting suite you can easily monitor learning and run reports on course completions. Staff also receive personalised certificates for course completions and CPD accreditation points.

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Easily and quickly monitor safeguarding concerns

As well as ensuring that your staff have the right training to identify safeguarding concerns you need to have an efficient and effective system in place to enable them to report any issues, simply and securely. Safeguard my School, powered by EduKey, is designed to do just that. Rather than filling out paper reports which can be time-consuming and easily mislaid, staff can access the system from any internet-enabled device, at home or in school, to report a concern, which can then be instantly picked up by a safeguarding lead to action.

Individual profiles collate issues for each student in chronological order, and comprehensive data dashboards, our automatic alert system and quickly generated reports enable you to quickly spot trends and risks related to pupils or safeguarding areas.

The system makes it easy for you to ensure compliance with all current legislation, standards and guidance and provide clear, auditable safeguarding evidence for Ofsted/Estyn inspections.

Safeguard your school with our reporting software and training

To find out more, or arrange a demonstration of how you can streamline your processes for safeguarding training and monitoring, and ensure compliance, get in touch with us today.

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