Class Charts in September
September is a challenging month for everyone involved with schools, but we are here to help and support as much as possible.
Below are a range of the most common issues and solutions that arise in September.
Click on a link below to jump to a relevant FAQ section:
Help us help you!
September is a busy month for you and for us!
We are here to help, please be aware we solve issues more efficiently if you email rather than call us. If you have read the common issues & solutions below but have not been able to resolve things then please report the issue with as much information as possible, the more you can provide means the quicker we can help.
Information such as this is a great help:
- Clear description of the issue you are facing
- Which school you are from
- Involved class/pupil names only when essential to the query
- Involved teacher names & email used for logging in
- Screenshots including relevant images from your School Information System (e.g. SIMS) (*Please redact any sensitive information from screenshots where possible)
- For any integration/sync related queries, please contact us via email as we are unable to action any requests via phone call
Sync and timetable issues
Please be aware classes will not synchronise until their “Go Live” date as set in your timetable package.
**Year 7 Will normally sync a couple of days after main cohort.
If you are synced with your school management information system (eg. SIMS, Arbor, Bromcom, Ed:Gen):
If you are integrated with your school management system then we do most of the heavy lifting for you. New pupils, teachers etc will automatically be synced and those who have left will be archived.
*The most common issue we get is that the link with your school information system (eg. SIMS, Arbor, Bromcom, Ed:Gen) is not working. Please ask your school’s Network/IT manager to check that our integration (either Xporter/XoD/Wonde) is still active and working.
When will a sync with SIMs / Our Management Information System happen?
We automatically sync every night around midnight which means when your timetable goes live or if you make changes then you will not see those in Class Charts until the next day, unless you request us to run a manual sync. Photos sync every Friday.
What happens to the timetable?
If you are connected to a school information system then your timetable will roll over automatically and populate Class Charts with classes. If you are a school admin then you will see a banner which allows you to archive your old classes:

Just click to archive old classes.
Please note that we sync nightly. Classes will only appear according to start date as set in your timetable package.
New classes are missing
We sync the timetable according to the ‘go live’ date in your MIS, we do not sync future timetables. If the issue is that your new classes have not synced then the first thing to check in their ‘go live’ date in timetabling module in your school information system.
Can teachers create seating plans for new classes before September?
We only work with live timetables with start dates as defined in your timetable package. Teachers cannot create seating plans in advance of the class start date as defined in the timetable package you use.
Where are Year 7?
They will populate in Class Charts when their admission date has been reached in SIMS or other school information systems (MIS). We only sync current/on roll pupils and pre-admission pupils on request. If you have checked their start/on roll date and everything looks correct in terms of dates then please do get in touch but please do not contact us if today’s date is prior to the start / on roll date in SIMS/other MIS.
If you are using Xporter on Demand or Wonde and have only allowed specific pupils to sync with Class Charts, you will need to re-visit this in your Xporter on Demand or Wonde portal, and include any new pupils you would like syncing into Class Charts (to find out which integration you are using, please see
Why are the old classes still there?
There could be 2 reasons for this:
- Check the class end dates in the timetable module in your school information system.
- You old classes have not been archived, only Class Charts School Admins can do this, they get a message when they log in and just need to click to archive old classes:

Pupils have moved year groups or houses but not changed in Class Charts
The most likely reason for a sync not occurring is usually errors in memberships, as a result you need to validate memberships within SIMS. Go to: Tools > Validate memberships, this will run a database check on student and staff membership of predefined and user defined groups.
No new data at all
It may be that you have moved to a new SIMS server, changed firewall or proxy settings or have duplicates in SIMS. Just contact us and we will help, it may require a remote session with your School Network/IT Manager.
Photos are missing or not updated
The first thing is to check that the photos exist for the pupil in SIMS or your school information system. If they exist and are not synced with Class Charts then please be aware we only sync photos once per week on Fridays if integrated via Xporter/XoD.
No Pupil Premium showing?
Most likely solution is: In SIMS, navigate to Reports > General Student List > Additional Information > Pupil Premium Indicator. Drag the pupils that are Pupil Premium onto the displayed list. If the pupils in the list are still set to No, you will need to contact the DFE and request a new Pupil Premium list for the current academic year.
Once this is complete please let us know and we can synchronise the data for you.
Teacher Account issues
Problems with teacher accounts?
You can find a dedicated September page for teachers here.
Teachers can reset their passwords here.
If you are a School Admin then you can manage teacher accounts by going to the menu > Teachers. Here are some things you should check in September:
- Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE, your staff need to ensure caps lock is not on.
- All teachers or staff you require to have access to Class Charts need to have a valid and correct school email address. If a teacher is not receiving login details then the first thing to check is if their email address is correct. Please replace any personal email addresses with official school emails.
- You may need to reset teacher password, a help guide for that is here.
- To send account details to a member of staff just click on their name and select send account details in the top right corner, they will then be sent a welcome email. You can also select multiple staff members or you can manually set passwords by clicking on the 3 dots to the left of their name and select ‘Set Password’.
- New staff will not appear until their start date as set in your school information system.
- Teachers who cannot log in may have been archived. If you scroll to the bottom of the Teachers page then you can restore them.
- If possible all teacher accounts should be synced with SIMS or the school management system you use. You can tell if an account has been synced because there will be a double arrow next to their name. If more than one account exists for a teacher, then you should use the one with the double arrow next to their name:
There is lots of help available here on teacher accounts.
Staff are not receiving password reset or welcome emails?
We recommend checking the following first:
- Is the teacher’s email correct, 100% sure?
- Has our email gone into spam? Ask teachers to check their spambox.
- Has your email provider blocked the email before it has arrived in inboxes? Check with your email provider again.
Our new staff have not synced?
Check that the staff member(s) have contract start dates applied and are marked as on roll/active in your school information system (e.g. SIMS). This can also be a common issue for staff returning to work from eg. maternity leave.
How do I reassign Heads of Year/House?
Head’s of Year, Subject & House will need to be reassigned if there have been changes.
There are guides on how to assign staff to year groups, subjects & houses.
Behaviour management troubleshooting
How do we adjust Class Charts to match our new behaviour policy?
If you updated your behaviour policy and need to change the Class Charts behaviour types to reflect that then you may need to delete or add behaviours.
A guide on how to setup behaviours in Class Charts is here.
How do I update Class Charts Intelligence Events for the new academic year?
Because timetables and staff responsibilities change you should review what Intelligence Events you have setup and ensure they are still valid.
There is lots of help on Intelligence Events here but some things you should check are:
- Do the required Intelligence Events have valid start & end dates and are ticked as “Active”?
- Have any Intelligence Events assigned to specific classes been updated? We work with class IDs and not class names which means that even though a class has the same name it will be recognised differently in a new timetable.
How do we reset displayed and rewards store points for the new academic year?
You can reset the points displayed on pupil cards and available in the Rewards Store by heading to School Settings from the three lines menu. Resetting displayed or rewards points will have no impact on analysis reports.

Where have some of the behaviour points gone?
Something else to consider is the current settings your school have in place for viewing the behaviour points. Within the Display options, accessed from the three lines menu > School Settings, there is a dropdown menu of settings which control how behaviour points are displayed. This is called ‘Behaviour points display option.
It is flexible how points are displayed, and these can be set to view on a class by class basis, all points awarded etc. So while it may seem they are missing, they may just be visible under certain conditions.
Viewing behaviour reports from last year
Your behaviour reports from previous academic years are still available. Just adjust the date range in an Analytics page.
Aspects and custom fieldsets
Aspects have not synced from SIMS
Please check there is actually data in the assessment/aspect in SIMS before contacting us on this issue.
There are 2 possible reasons for assessment data not syncing:
- Your sync with us is down. If there is a problem with your school’s sync that your school technician cannot resolve then please get in touch with as much relevant information as possible.
- You don’t have aspects/template in the correct category in SIMS (depending on which MIS integration you are using, if you are unsure please get in touch)
You control which templates/aspects we receive. We only sync templates/aspects that are part of the correct category as shown in the guides below.
If this all looks correct then go to School Settings (Class Charts School Admins only) > Custom Fields > Setup Custom Fields and then click on the Add from SIMS button to the top right:

Once you click on this button then you will see a list of aspects available, you can enable/disable aspects available to teachers here and you need to make sure the aspects you require are ticked (Use the filter and select all option to save time):

Custom fieldsets are not appearing in classes
Custom fieldsets are linked to the unique ID (not class name) for each class in SIMS/your School Information System. This means that in a new academic year custom fieldsets need to be reassigned to the new classes.
There is a Quick Start guide here about managing custom fields and a guide here dedicated to managing field sets.
Attendance FAQs
What is Class Charts Attendance?
Class Charts Attendance is a powerful module that allows teachers to quickly take AM/PM and lesson attendance directly within Class Charts. It provides attendance administrators with a set of analysis tools that will allow them to monitor how attendance is taken school wide.
Year 7 pupils in September
When marking attendance in September, you may find that your new year 7 pupils are not appearing in your Class Charts registers and lessons. They should appear within a couple of days. Year 7 pupils often have a different start date set in SIMS. We only sync current/on roll pupils and cannot pull pre-admission pupils.
If you have checked your year 7 pupils’ start dates and everything looks correct then do not hesitate to get in touch, but please do not contact us if today’s date is prior to the start date in SIMS.
Parent and pupil accounts
Our parent & pupil apps help engage & celebrate achievement and allow them to view behaviour, homework, attendance, timetable, wellbeing and two-way messages.
September is the best time to set up Parent and Pupil accounts to drive engagement throughout the whole year!
- How to distribute pupil account codes (we are unable to give out pupil access codes)
- How to distribute parent account codes (we are unable to give out parent access codes)
- Click here for a parent quick start guide – we recommend sending this out to all parents/carers with access
- Click here for a pupil quick start guide – we recommend sending this out to all pupil with access
Two-Way Communication between Teachers and Pupils & Parents is now available. This can be used to convey any essential messages to pupils or to check in on how they are doing in combination with our Wellbeing and Homework Modules.
At this difficult time you may find our Wellbeing module beneficial to monitor pupils personal wellbeing during a school closure.
Wellbeing scores can be submitted by teachers, pupils and parents. Alerts can be created to notify key members of staff.
Class Charts in September for teachers
September is a challenging month for everyone involved with schools, we are here to help and support as much as possible. Below are a range of the most common issues and solutions that arise in September.
Help us help you!
If you have read the common issues & solutions below but have not been able to resolve things then please report the issue with as much information as possible, the more you can provide means the quicker we can help. Information such as this is a great help:
- Screenshots (this link will help if you are not sure)
- Clear description of the issue you are facing
- Which school you are from
- Involved class names
- Involved pupil names
- Involved teacher names & email used for logging in
- Relevant screenshots from SIMS / your School Information System (SIS).
Click on a link below to jump to a relevant FAQ section:
I forgot my password!
No problem! Just reset it here. If you still have a problem then please read the section below.
Teacher help documents:
Class and timetable issues
My new classes are missing
We sync the timetable according to the ‘go live’ date in your School Information System (in SIMS this date is set in Nova-T6), we do not sync future timetables. If the issue is that your new classes have not synced then your Class Charts School Admin needs to check their ‘go live’ date in Nova-T6 or timetabling module in your school information system.
Can teachers create seating plans for new classes before September?
We only work with live timetables with start dates as defined in your timetable package (Nova-T in SIMS). Teachers cannot create seating plans in advance of the class start date as defined in the timetable package you use.
Where are Year 7?
They should pop up in a couple of days because they often have a different on roll/start date set in SIMS or other school information systems (SIS). We only sync current/on roll pupils and cannot pull pre-admission pupils. If your Class Charts School Admin has checked their start/on roll date and everything looks correct in terms of dates then please do get in touch but please do not contact us if today’s date is prior to the start / on roll date in SIMS/other SIS.
Old classes are still there
The could be 2 reasons for this:
- Your Class Charts School Admin should check the class end dates in Nova-T6 or the timetable module in your school information system.
- You old classes have not been archived, only Class Charts School Admins can do this, they get a message when they log in and just need to click to archive old classes:

I am still teaching the same class, do I really need to setup a new seating plan for them?
We work with class IDs, not class names so this depends upon how your timetable has been setup in your School Information System. If the class ID has not changed then the seating plan will still be there, otherwise you will need to drag and drop.
Pupils have moved year groups or houses but not changed in Class Charts
This is most likely reason for a sync not occurring is errors in memberships so your SIMS Manager may need to validate memberships. In SIMS >Tools > Validate memberships. This will run a database check on student and staff membership of predefined and user defined groups.
Photos are missing or not updated
We only sync photos once per week (Fridays). If a sync is required prior to this schedule then just ask your Class Charts School Admin to get in touch and we will push the button.
Teacher Account issues
I have a problem logging in
Not being able to log in is frustrating but everything works fine at our end so please check:
- Your School Admin has setup and activated your account with the correct email address.
- Passwords are CASE SENSITIVE, you need to ensure caps lock is not on.
- You must have a valid and correct school email address. If you are not receiving login details/reset password emails then the first thing to do is check your spambox, if the email is not there then ask your Class Charts School Admin to check is if your email address is correct. Please do not use personal email addresses, official school emails only should be used.
- You may need to reset your password.
- If you are a new member of staff then your account will not become active until the start date as set in your school information system.
- You may have been archived. If your Class Charts School Admin scrolls to the bottom of the Teachers page then they can restore you.
I am not receiving password reset or welcome emails
We always send emails so this is most likely a problem at your end. Some things to check are:
- Is your email correct, 100% sure? Please ask your Class Charts School Admin to check by going to Menu>Teachers.
- Has our email gone into spam? Please check your spambox, if emails are going in to spam school wide then contact us on how to whitelist our email domains.
I get a message saying I am archived when I login
You may have been archived in error or there may be a reason for it. For security reasons we cannot unarchive you but your Class Charts School Admin just needs to go to Menu>Teachers, scroll to the bottom of the page and restore your account from there:
I don’t have an account
For security reasons we cannot setup your account for you, your Class Charts School Admin needs to do this by going to Menu>Teachers, checking your email is correct and then clicking “Set Password”.
I am a new member of staff
Your Class Charts School Admin may need to check that you have correct contract start dates applied and are marked as on roll/active in SIMS / your school information system. This can also be a common issue for staff returning to work from eg. maternity leave.