March 2023 Codebreaker BundleQuick View

March 2023 Codebreaker Bundle

Around 25 codebreakers (answer the questions, reveal the punchline to a joke) in this bundle. There are a number aimed at covering parts of the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate but also ones covering topics on the GCSE curriculum too. Each of these is individually available for free but if you want all of them they are available here.
Matrices - Fill In The BlanksQuick View

Matrices - Fill In The Blanks

Designed for the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate, it struck me as we were covering matrices that a “fill in the blanks” sheets would (should?) work nicely with them. Hopefully I have come close to hitting the nail on the head… it involves multiplying and transformations.
Transformation Matrices CodebreakerQuick View

Transformation Matrices Codebreaker

Students must work out from the written transformations the transformation matrix in each case to reveal a punchline to a joke. This is designed for the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate qualification.
Stationary Points CodebreakerQuick View

Stationary Points Codebreaker

Written for the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate but could be used at A Level too. This is the usual “answer the questions, reveal the anagram of the punchline” thing, being an anagram so that student don’t guess the order/answers. I like this joke but others may not…
Second Derivatives CodebreakerQuick View

Second Derivatives Codebreaker

Designed to be used in the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate but could be used at A Level too. Answer the questions, reveal the punchline to a cheesy joke… the usual nonsense.
Simple Differentiation CodebreakerQuick View

Simple Differentiation Codebreaker

Designed for AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate course (the style of questions in particular) but could be used at A level too. Answer the questions, reveal the (really rather good, even if I do say so myself) joke.
Trigonometric Equations CodebreakerQuick View

Trigonometric Equations Codebreaker

Solve some relatively simple trigonometric equations and reveal the punchline to a joke. This was written with AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate in mind but could be used at A Level.
Trigonometry (Exact Values) CodebreakerQuick View

Trigonometry (Exact Values) Codebreaker

This is a non-calculator sheet, using knowledge of exact trig values to solve problems. The joke is obviously hilarious… Designed for GCSE or AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate.
Circle Theorems (Geometric Proof) CodebreakerQuick View

Circle Theorems (Geometric Proof) Codebreaker

Find an expression in terms of x for y using circle theorems and discover the punchline to a cheesy joke. Designed for AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate but could be used as an extension at GCSE. Typo corrected!
Careless Casey - MatricesQuick View

Careless Casey - Matrices

Casey is now on the final chapter of the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate: matrices, including multiplying and transformations. Casey requires help because mistakes are being made; can your classes help and explain what Casey has done wrong? These work well as discussion activities in class in my experience, but use them (or not) how you wish,
Careless Casey - CalculusQuick View

Careless Casey - Calculus

Casey is working through the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate and has reached the Calculus chapter; however, Casey requires the help of your class. Spot the mistakes, correct them and explain where Casey has gone wrong. These work well for discussions in class.
Careless Casey - Geometry IIQuick View

Careless Casey - Geometry II

Casey is doing the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate and struggling; Casey requires you class’ help to explain where they have gone wrong and then correct it. This chapter deals with trigonometry and Pythagoras including £D and non-right-angled triangles.
Careless Casey - Geometry IQuick View

Careless Casey - Geometry I

Casey is doing the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate but keeps making mistakes; can your class help Casey and explain what went wrong? This time Casey is tackling circle theorems, trigonometric identities, trigonometric equations and surds (trigonometry in right-angled triangles). Spot the mistakes…
Careless Casey - Coordinate GeometryQuick View

Careless Casey - Coordinate Geometry

Casey is making mistakes in the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate chapter on Coordinate Geometry, involving gradients, circles (equations), dividing lines in a ratio; can your class help Casey out? This works nicely in class and gets students discussing mathematics. Typo corrected…
Careless Casey - Algebra IVQuick View

Careless Casey - Algebra IV

Casey’s tackling quadratic sequences, quadratic inequalities, factorising cubics using the factor theorem and solving quadratics “in disguise” but making errors again and need your class’ help. Ideal for discussion in class… Designed for use in the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate course.
Careless Casey - Algebra IIIQuick View

Careless Casey - Algebra III

Casey is at it again whilst going through the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate course. Algebra III is essentially functions so this includeds domain/range, equations of functions given two points, composite functions, functions split in to three distinct parts. The usual correct and explain stuff which encourages discussion in class.
Careless Casey - Algebra IIQuick View

Careless Casey - Algebra II

Casey is making mistakes again, this time involving difference of two square, rearranging formulae, algebraic fractions and completing the square where the coefficient of x squared is not 1 (and is negative). The aim is to get classes discussing methods and deepening understanding and is aimed at the AQA Further Maths Level 2 Certificate course (Chapter 2).