Antibiotic resistance (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Antibiotic resistance (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes the development and spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and discusses the difficulties in controlling this spread. The PowerPoint and accompanying worksheet have been designed to cover specification points 6.4 (i & ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification President Trump’s error ridden speech about antibiotics is used at the beginning of the lesson to remind students that this is a treatment for bacterial infections and not viruses as he stated. Moving forwards, 2 quick quiz competitions are used to introduce MRSA and then to get the students to recognise that they can use this abbreviation to remind them to use mutation, reproduce, selection (and survive) and allele in their descriptions of the development of resistance by evolution through natural selection. The main task of the lesson challenges the students to form a description to explain how this strain of bacteria developed resistance to methicillin, making use of the five key terms emphasised above. Moving forwards, there is a focus on the hospital as the common location for MRSA infections and students will recognise that this opportunistic pathogen can infect through open wounds to cause sepsis and potentially death. Figures from infections and deaths in hospitals in the US are used to increase the relevance and students will learn how a MRSA prevention program in VHA facilities includes screening of surgery patients to try to reduce its impact. The lesson concludes with a discussion about other methods that can be used by hospitals and general practitioners to reduce the spread of MRSA and to try to prevent the development of resistance in other strains.
Cell theory and organisation (Edexcel A level Biology B)Quick View

Cell theory and organisation (Edexcel A level Biology B)

This detailed lesson introduces the 3 main principles of the cell theory and describes how cells are organised into tissues, organs and organ systems. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 2.1 (i) & (ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. The cell theory is introduced at the start of the lesson and the 1st principle is immediately discussed to ensure that students are aware that all living organisms are made of cells. This principle is discussed with relation to viruses to enable students to understand that the lack of cell structure in a virus is one of the reasons that they are not considered to be living. The second principle states that the cell is the basic unit of structure and organisation and this leads into the main part of the lesson where specialised cells and their groupings into tissues are considered. Students are challenged to compare an amoeba against a human to get them to focus on the difference in the SA/V ratio. This acts as an introduction into the process of differentiation and a recognition of its importance for multicellular organisms. Students will discover that a zygote is a stem cell which can express all of the genes in its genome and divide by mitosis. Time is then taken to introduce gene expression as this will need to be understood in the later topics of the course. Moving forwards, the lesson uses the process of haematopoiesis from haematopoietic stem cells to demonstrate how the red blood cell and neutrophil differ significantly in structure despite arising from the same cell along the same cell lineage. A series of exam-style questions will not only challenge their knowledge of structure but also their ability to apply this knowledge to unfamiliar situations. These differences in cell structure is further exemplified by the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and students will understand why the shape and arrangement of these cells differ in the trachea and alveoli in line with function. The link between specialised cells and tissues is made at this point of the lesson with these examples of epithelium and students will also see how tissues are grouped into organs and then into organ systems. The third principle states that cells arise from pre-existing cells and this will be demonstrated later in topic 2 with mitosis and meiosis.
Edexcel A Level Biology B - Topic 4: Exchange and TransportQuick View

Edexcel A Level Biology B - Topic 4: Exchange and Transport

A 200 slide presentation covering the specification points of Topic 4. I created this to support homeschool tutoring of a capable A Level candidate. With this in mind, it is a useful resource for other tutors, or for students in need of some revision. Some slides animated to simplify tricky concepts. Hope you find it useful!
A-Level Biology - PhotosynthesisQuick View

A-Level Biology - Photosynthesis

Set of full A-Level Biology lessons. Suitable for all A-Level Biology specifications but was originally designed for Edexcel Biology B specifications. Lesson explains the details of photosynthesis including the Light Dependent and Light Independent Reaction along with the Calvin Cycle and Photophosphorylation.
A Level Biology - Biological Molecules PresentationQuick View

A Level Biology - Biological Molecules Presentation

his is a fully editable PowerPoint presentation designed specifically for the new Edexcel A Level Biology B Specification for first teaching in 2015. It covers the whole of Topic 1 which is Biological Molecules. Each specification objective is covered in just the right amount of detail with clear diagrams and clever slide animations. This presentation is over 150 slides long! Although it is designed for the Edexcel specification much of its content is relevant for other A Level courses.
BUNDLE of Pearson Edexcel AS Level Biology Unit 1: Molecules, Transport & HealthQuick View

BUNDLE of Pearson Edexcel AS Level Biology Unit 1: Molecules, Transport & Health

BUNDLE These power points and worksheets cover the specification for the Topic 1 units for the AS Edexcel Biology course. It includes power points to cover all of the teaching for Topics 1A (Chemistry for Biologists, 1B (Mammalian Transport Systems and 1C (Cardiovascular Health and Risk. There are also some work sheets to aid the teaching included.
Topic 4: Exchange and transport (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Topic 4: Exchange and transport (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

18 Resources
The wide variety of tasks that are written into the 18 lesson PowerPoints and accompanying resources that are included in this lesson bundle will engage and motivate the students whilst covering the detailed content of topic 4 of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification (Exchange and transport). The following specification points are covered by these lessons: Understand how the surface area to volume ratio affects the transport of molecules in living organisms Understand why organisms need a mass transport system and specialised gas exchange surfaces as they increase in size The structure of the cell surface membrane Passive transport is brought about by diffusion and facilitated diffusion Passive transport is brought about by osmosis Understand how the properties of molecules affects how they are transported Large molecules are transported in and out of cells by endocytosis and exocytosis The process of active transport The phosphorylation and hydrolysis of ATP Understand how insects, fish and mammals are adapted for gas exchange The structure of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries The advantages of the double circulatory system The sequence of events of the cardiac cycle The myogenic stimulation of the heart Interpreting ECG traces The role of platelets and plasma proteins in the sequence of events leading to blood clotting The structure of haemoglobin in relation to its role in the transport of respiratory gases The Bohr effect The dissociation curve of haemoglobin The significance of the oxygen affinity of foetal haemoglobin The similarities and differences between the structure and function of haemoglobin and myoglobin The formation and reabsorption of tissue fluid Know that tissue fluid that is not reabsorbed is returned to the blood via the lymph The structure of the xylem and phloem in relation to their role in transport The movement of water by the apoplastic and symplastic pathways The cohesion-tension model Hours and hours has gone into the intricate planning of all of these lessons and the quality can be sampled by downloading the following lessons which have been uploaded for free: Surface area to volume ratio ATP, active transport, endocytosis and exocytosis Structure of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries Double circulatory system Apoplastic and symplastic pathways
Topic 7: Modern genetics (Edexcel A-level biology B)Quick View

Topic 7: Modern genetics (Edexcel A-level biology B)

7 Resources
This bundle contains 7 detailed and engaging lessons which guide students through the key processes involved in modern genetics. Each lesson contains a variety of tasks, including exam-style questions (and answers), guided discussion points, and quick quiz rounds which will introduce the following content in topic 7 and challenge the students on their understanding: Understand what is meant by the genome The PCR can be used to amplify DNA samples DNA samples can be used for gene sequencing and DNA profiling The role of transcription factors Post-transcription modification of mRNA Gene expression can be changed by epigenetic modification The differences between totipotent, pluripotent and multipotent stem cells The formation of iPS cells and why their use is less controversial than embryonic cells The production of recombinant DNA If you would like to view the quality of these lessons, then download the epigenetic modification lesson as this has been shared for free.
Eukaryotic cells (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Eukaryotic cells (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the ultrastructure of an eukaryotic cell and describes the relationship between the structure and function of the organelles. The detailed and engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 2.1 (v) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification As cells are the building blocks of living organisms, it makes sense that they would be heavily involved in all of the 10 topics in the Edexcel A-level B course and intricate planning has ensured that links are made to topic 1 and details are provided to link to the upcoming topics. A wide range of activities, that include exam-style questions, class discussion points and quick quiz competitions, will maintain motivation and engagement whilst covering the finer details of the following structures and organelles: nucleus nucleolus ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus lysosomes smooth endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria cell surface membrane centrioles vacuole (+ tonoplast) chloroplasts cell wall As mentioned above, all of the worksheets have been differentiated to support students of differing abilities whilst maintaining challenge Due to the detail that is included in this lesson, it is estimated that it will take in excess of 3 hours of allocated A-level teaching time to cover the work
Aerobic respiration (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Aerobic respiration (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This detailed lesson describes each of the 4 stages of aerobic respiration and explains how this cellular reaction yields ATP and generates heat. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover points 5.1 (i) and (ii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specificaiton and acts as a clear introduction for the upcoming lessons where the finer details of glycolysis, the Link reaction and Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation are described The lesson begins with an introduction to glycolysis and students will learn how this first stage of aerobic respiration is also the first stage when oxygen is not present. This stage involves 10 reactions and an opportunity is taken to explain how each of these reactions is catalysed by a different, specific intracellular enzyme. A version of “GUESS WHO” challenges students to use a series of structural clues to whittle the 6 organelles down to just the mitochondrion so that they can learn how the other three stages take place inside this organelle. Moving forwards, the key components of the organelle are identified on a diagram. Students are introduced to the stages of respiration so that they can make a link to the parts of the cell and the mitochondria where each stage occurs. Students will learn that the presence of decarboxylase and dehydrogenase enzymes in the matrix along with coenzymes and oxaloacetate allows the link reaction and the Krebs cycle to run and that these stages produce the waste product of carbon dioxide. Finally, time is taken to introduce the electron transport chain and the enzyme, ATP synthase, so that students can begin to understand how the flow of protons across the inner membrane results in the production of ATP and the the formation of water when oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor.
Autosomal linkage (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Autosomal linkage (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson explains that autosomal linkage results from the presence of alleles on the same chromosome and uses biological examples to demonstrate this concept. The PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets have been designed to cover point 8.2 (iv) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and supports students in the formation of their descriptions of how these results of these crosses can be explained by the events of meiosis (crossing over) This is a difficult topic which can be poorly understood by students so extra time was taken during the planning to split the concept into small chunks. There is a clear focus on using the number of parent phenotypes and recombinants in the offspring as a way to determine linkage and suggest how the loci of the two genes compare. Important links to other topics such as crossing over in meiosis are made to enable students to understand how the random formation of the point of contact (chiasma) determines whether new phenotypes will be seen in the offspring or not. Linkage is an important cause of variation and the difference between observed and expected results and this is emphasised on a number of occasions and a link to the chi squared test which is covered in an upcoming lesson is also made. The main task of the lesson act as understanding check where students are challenged to analyse the results of genetic crosses involving the inheritance of the ABO blood group gene and the nail-patella syndrome gene n humans and also the inheritance of body colour and wing length in Drosophila.
Xylem and phloem (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Xylem and phloem (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes the relationship between the structure and function of the xylem and phloem in transport. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 4.7 (i) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. The lessons begins by challenging the students to identify the substances that a plant needs for the cellular reactions, where they are absorbed and where these reactions occur in a plant. The aim of this task is to get the students to recognise that water and mineral ions are absorbed in the roots and needed in the leaves whilst the products of photosynthesis are in the leaves and need to be used all over the plant. Students will be reminded that the xylem and phloem are part of the vascular system responsible for transporting these substances and then the rest of the lesson focuses on linking structure to function. A range of tasks which include discussion points, exam-style questions and quick quiz rounds are used to describe how lignification results in the xylem as a hollow tube of xylem cells to allow water to move as a complete column. They will also learn that the narrow diameter of this vessel allows capillary action to move water molecules up the sides of the vessel. The same process is used to enable students to understand how the structures of the companion cells allows assimilates to be loaded before being moved to the sieve tube elements through the plasmodesmata.
Action of antibiotics (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Action of antibiotics (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes the action of bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics, as illustrated by penicillin and tetracycline. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 6.3 (i) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification but it has been specifically planned to make continual links to earlier lessons in topic 6 and to protein synthesis as covered in topic 1 The lesson begins by challenging the students to use their general biological knowledge and any available sources to identify the suffixes cidal and static. Students will learn that when the prefix is added, these form the full names of two types of antibiotics. Their understanding of terminology is tested further as they have to recognise that Polymyxin B is an example of a bactericidal antibiotic as its actions would result in the death of the bacterial cell. Time is then taken to describe the action of penicillin and students will learn how inhibitors and modified versions of this antibiotic are used to overcome those bacteria who have resistance. Tetracycline is used as the example of a bacteriostatic antibiotic and students will discover that its prevention of the binding of tRNA that inhibits protein synthesis and this reduction and stopping of growth and reproduction is synonymous with these drugs. Students are challenged on their knowledge of translation and will also be given time for a class discussion to understand that these antibiotics encourage the body’s immune system to overcome the pathogen in natural, active immunity. The final part of the lesson uses a quick quiz competition and a series of exam-style questions to ensure that students can recognise these different types of antibiotics from descriptions.
Detection of light (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Detection of light (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the structure of the human retina and explains how the rhodopsin in rod cells allows vision in low light intensity. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 9.7 (i), (ii) & (iii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification but also makes links to previously covered topics such as cell structure and nervous transmission. It is likely that students will be aware that the human retina contains rod and cone cells, so this lesson builds on that knowledge and adds the detail needed at this level. Students will discover that the optical pigment in rod cells is rhodopsin and that the bleaching of this into retinal and opsin results in a cascade of events that allows an action potential to be initiated along the optic nerve. Time is taken to go through the events that occur in the dark and then the students are challenged to use this as a guide when explaining how the events differ in the light. Key terms like depolarisation and hyperpolarisation, that were met in topic 9.5, are used to explain the changes in membrane potential and the resulting effect on the connection with the bipolar and ganglion cells is then described. Cone cells are also introduced, with the main focus being their distribution in the centre of the fovea which is used to explain colour vision in bright light.
Transcription (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Transcription (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This detailed lesson describes how the anti-sense strand of DNA is used as template to form messenger RNA (mRNA) during transcription. The PowerPoint and accompanying resource have been designed to cover the first part of point 1.4 (vi) as detailed in the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. The lesson begins by challenging the students to recall that most of the nuclear DNA in eukaryotes does not code for polypeptides. This allows the promoter region and terminator region to be introduced, along with the structural gene. Through the use of an engaging quiz competition, students will learn that the strand of DNA involved in transcription is known as the anti-sense strand and the other strand is the sense strand. Links to previous lessons on DNA and RNA structure are made throughout and students are continuously challenged on their prior knowledge as well as they current understanding of the lesson topic. Moving forwards, the actual process of transcription is covered in a 7 step bullet point description where the students are asked to complete each passage using the information previously provided as well as their own biological knowledge. An exam-style question is used to check on their understanding before the final task of the lesson looks at the journey of mRNA to the ribosome for the next stage of translation.
Structure of DNA (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Structure of DNA (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the structure of the DNA, including the structure of the nucleotides and the bonds that form the backbone and double helix. Both the engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover specification point 1.4 (i) as detailed in the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification. As students will already have some knowledge of this nucleic acid from GCSE, the lesson has been written to build on this prior knowledge and then to add key detail. Students need to have a clear understanding of the structure of a nucleotide for this topic as well as upcoming lessons on RNA and ATP, so the start of the lesson focuses on these monomers and the three components. Time is taken to look at the bases and students will be introduced to purines and pyrimidines and are reminded of the bonds that form between the complementary base pairs. A series of exam-style questions checks on their current understanding and mark schemes are displayed to enable the students to assess their understanding and to address any misconceptions should they arise. Phosphodiester bonds are also introduced before a quick quiz competition is used to introduce the numbers 5 and 3 so that the directionality of the DNA strand can be explained.
Meiosis & variation (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Meiosis & variation (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the stages of meiosis and specifically the events which contribute to genetic variation. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover specification points 2.3 (iv) & (v) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and includes description of crossing over, independent assortment and the production of haploid gametes In order to understand how the events of meiosis like crossing over and random assortment and independent segregation can lead to variation, students need to be clear in their understanding that DNA replication in interphase results in homologous chromosomes as pairs of sister chromatids. Therefore the beginning of the lesson focuses on the chromosomes in the parent cell and this first part of the cycle and students will be introduced to non-sister chromatids and the fact that they may contain different alleles which is important for the exchange that occurs during crossing over. Time is taken to go through this event in prophase I in a step by step guide so that the students can recognise that the result can be new combinations of alleles that were not present in the parent cell. Moving forwards, the lesson explores how the independent segregation of chromosomes and chromatids during anaphase I and II results in genetically different gametes. The final part of the lesson looks at the use of a mathematical expression to calculate the possible combinations of alleles in gametes as well as in a zygote following the random fertilisation of haploid gametes. Understanding and prior knowledge checks are interspersed throughout the lesson as well as a series of exam questions which challenge the students to apply their knowledge to potentially unfamiliar situations.
Homeostasis (Edexcel A-level Biology B)Quick View

Homeostasis (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This lesson describes the importance of homeostasis using negative feedback control and also describes the meaning of positive feedback. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to the content with point 9.1 of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and explains how this feedback control maintains systems within narrow limits but has also been planned to provide important details for upcoming topics such as osmoregulation, thermoregulation and the depolarisation of a neurone. The normal ranges for blood glucose concentration, blood pH and body temperature are introduced at the start of the lesson to allow students to recognise that these aspects have to be maintained within narrow limits. A series of exam-style questions then challenge their recall of knowledge from topics 1-8 to explain why it’s important that each of these aspects is maintained within these limits. The students were introduced to homeostasis at GCSE, so this process is revisited and discussed, to ensure that students are able to recall that this is the maintenance of a state of dynamic equilibrium. A quick quiz competition is used to reveal negative feedback as a key term and students will learn how this form of control reverses the original change and biological examples are used to emphasise the importance of this system for restoring levels to the limits (and the optimum). The remainder of the lesson explains how positive feedback differs from negative feedback as it increases the original change and the role of oxytocin in birth and the movement of sodium ions into a neurone are used to exemplify the action of this control system.