Environments And EcosystemsQuick View

Environments And Ecosystems

This booklet looks primarily at the rainforest and covers how plants adapt to their environments, food webs, the water cycle, how humans us the rainforest and how it can be sustainable. Tasks include wordsearchs, word fills, match ups, comprehension and writing a report
New Bloom's TaxonomyQuick View

New Bloom's Taxonomy

This booklet goes through the basics of what The New Bloom's Taxonomy is, key terms and words which can help with questioning, quick tips and a quiz for understanding
Day To Celebrate 2024-2025Quick View

Day To Celebrate 2024-2025

I started putting this booklet together in 2015 to help keep lesson plans, tutor time and assembly topics fresh and relevant for the students. Each year it has grown as new days and events have been suggested and added. The celebrations, or days of note, range from religious holidays, medical awareness days, charity fundraising events and include a few fun ones such as No Homework Day, Chocolate Day, World UFO Day, and Naked Teaching Day(!) Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation, Instagram @willsoneducation and Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
Crazy ClimatesQuick View

Crazy Climates

This booklet has lots of different types of activities for children to learn about the difference between weather and climate, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, flooding, drought and climate change
The Development GapQuick View

The Development Gap

This booklet helps students understand the development gap by completing activities about: Key Words, A World Divided, How We Measure Development, Adult Literacy, How Does The Development Gap Grow?, The Cycle Of Hunger, Fairtrade and Aid
Creating YOur Own CountryQuick View

Creating YOur Own Country

This booklet allows student to work together to form their own countries. By look at British law, human rights, elections and government as well as research country's names, flags and national anthems
Supporting Those With Dyslexia BookletQuick View

Supporting Those With Dyslexia Booklet

This booklet gives information about dyslexia and how teachers and teaching assistants can support student's within the classroom. The booklet includes: - A quiz to show understanding - Explains what dyslexia is and why its important to identify - How it effects reading and writing, amongst other information
Water World - Unit Of WorkQuick View

Water World - Unit Of Work

This unit of work introduces students to the significance of water from its source through to it being bottled and being a course of conflict. The features of rivers are explored along with the hydrological cycle and how rivers are used. The students carry out and write up an investigation studying how different surfaces react to water which leads into the human and physical causes of flooding, looking specifically at the Queensland Floods and the social, economic, and environmental impacts. Hard and soft engineering techniques are discussed within a ‘decision making exercise.’ Water as a right and conflict is debated. Drawing upon The Ilisu Dam, Turkey, the students debate from various countries points of view its construction. This leads to the debate around bottled water and how fact and opinion can sway viewpoints. The human and physical impacts of shortage of water are reviewed in addition to short and long-term aid. A range of individual and group activities are incorporated within this booklet, including, gathering research from print and video, annotating maps, students thoughts and ideas, drawing graphs, participating in group investigations and discussions, and writing up their findings appropriately. Please like and follow us on Facebook @WillsonEducation or Pinterest @willsoned for more exciting resources, activities, and upcoming events to incorporate into your lessons.
MigrationQuick View


These worksheets help students to learn the key terms related to migration and discuss the push and pull factors associated with this
Similes And MetaphorsQuick View

Similes And Metaphors

This worksheet allows students to understand the differences between similes and metaphors by using examples from Noyes The Highwayman
Ecosystems Worksheet Pack - DesertsQuick View

Ecosystems Worksheet Pack - Deserts

This printable booklet helps students to understand what an ecosystem is, where the world deserts are and their climates. They also look at life in the desert through plants, animals and the San People
Industry: KS3 / KS4 geography work bookQuick View

Industry: KS3 / KS4 geography work book

This booklet has students study job classification and why global employment patters vary. The booklet also looks at industry as a system, location influences, how industry has changed, science parks and industry in LEDCs
GCSE Options BookletQuick View

GCSE Options Booklet

This booklet helps the students to choose their options. Within the booklet are several activities and information to help this. This includes: - What they can study? - A quiz to indicate what motivates the students - A quiz to indicate learning styles - Information about assessments - An action plan, amongst other activities and information
OnomatopoeiaQuick View


This worksheet allows students to understand what is meant by onomatopoeia by highlighting terms within a poem, creating their own and identifying examples within the Noyes poem 'The Highwayman&' or a book they are studying.
Rivers MisbehavingQuick View

Rivers Misbehaving

This booklet looks at the journey of the river from the source to the sea, the drainage basin and the water cycle. In addition the cause and consequences of floods is studies, particularly in Venezuela, Bangladesh and England
The European UnionQuick View

The European Union

This worksheets looks at what the EU is, when and why it was developed. In addition to its rights and responsibilities and advantages and disadvantage of it formation