GCSE Computer Science - Calculating Image File Sizes - WorksheetQuick View

GCSE Computer Science - Calculating Image File Sizes - Worksheet

This resource is aimed at students studying GCSE Computer Science. The worksheet contains a space for students to write down the main steps required to calculate the file size of a given image file. It then contains 10 questions (3 of which are worked through) that require them to calculate the file size of the image. It also contains the associated answer sheet. NB: The measurements for KB, MB, GB have been used as multiples of 1000 as per the new 9-1 specifications.
AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) - Student TrackerQuick View

AQA GCSE Computer Science (8520) - Student Tracker

This excel and word document combination is designed to be used to allow you to track and monitor the progress of students as you navigate through the theory elements of the AQA GCSE Computer Science (9 to 1) specification. In the word document there is a space for the students to note down their level of confidence with each of the points off the specification, there is also space for them to update this level of confidence as you revise/go over topics with them. The excel document gives the teacher the opportunity to enter a value of between 1 and 10 for each point on the specification to allow you to track the progress of the students with each part of the theory topics. It will break down each point on the specification and will show you roughly what percentage they have attained for each section of the theory course. It will also provide a working at grade (this is just calculated from all of the percentage understanding values from each section). UPDATE: 30/09/2018 - This resource now also includes an alternate version of the tracker to be used as a “Personalised Learning Checklist” with spaces for both the student and teacher to make comments. The “Book Chapters” mentioned on the PLC reference the AQA Computer Science for GCSE Students textbook by Hodder (Sean O’Byrne, George Rouse).
Lesson Plan Mail MergeQuick View

Lesson Plan Mail Merge

In order to reduce the amount of time spent creating lessons plans during my PGCE I created an excel spreadsheet where I filled in the necessary section of my lesson plan. This then auto-populates into the lesson plan template so it is ready to be printed off. I did this to save time and also to reduce on the amount of files I need on my computer. This way I only need 1 Word Document and 1 Excel Spreadsheet for all my lesson planning. Also attached is a little help guide I made to assist with those who struggle to mail merge documents,
KS3 Computer Science - Binary/Denary Conversion - WorksheetQuick View

KS3 Computer Science - Binary/Denary Conversion - Worksheet

This is a resource aimed to be used with students in KS3 to test their ability to convert to and from Binary and Denary/Decimal numbers. Section 1 - Binary to Denary/Decimal The first section of the worksheet starts with getting students to convert an 8 bit binary number into its equivalent denary value. After they have complete these there are a couple of extension questions that get them to try and expand their understanding by finding out what the next column headings are for the binary numbers that come with 10 bits and then 12 bits. Section 2 - Denary/Decimal to Binary Once students have been shown the way to convert from Denary/Decimal into binary there are a series of conversions that they must carry out to create the binary string from the given denary/decimal numbers. If they finish the main section, there are 2 small extension sections that get students to try and develop their conversion skills by converting number that require 10+ bits. There is also one questions that requires them to use 16 bits. I have also included the answer sheet for both the conversions so you can go through the answers with the students in class.
A-Level Computer Science - Fixed Point Binary - WorksheetQuick View

A-Level Computer Science - Fixed Point Binary - Worksheet

This resource is aimed at students studying A-Level Computer Science and 20 questions on converting a given Fixed Point Binary number in Denary and a further 20 questions converting a given Denary number into a Fixed Point Binary number. It also includes the associated answer sheet.
GCSE Computer Science - Data Representation: ASCII & Unicode - WorksheetQuick View

GCSE Computer Science - Data Representation: ASCII & Unicode - Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to allow students to broaden their knowledge of the ASCII and Unicode character coding schemes. The worksheet contains several questions about the history of ASCII as well as some about how many bits it uses to represent data. The worksheet then moves onto looking at Unicode and getting the students to use the Unicode website to find and retrieve details about specific Unicode characters. The worksheet conclused with a 4 mark questions that asks them to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ASCII & Unicode. This download also contains the accompanying answer sheet (for everything except the 4 mark question).
GCSE Computer Science - Networks  - WorksheetQuick View

GCSE Computer Science - Networks - Worksheet

This resource is aimed at students studying GCSE Computer Science. The worksheet contains questions that cover the main areas of the course content. Areas covered include: network topologies advantages and disadvantages of networking the different types of network network hardware wired vs wireless network protocols the TCP/IP model Answer sheet is not yet included.
A-Level Computer Science - Error Checking - WorksheetQuick View

A-Level Computer Science - Error Checking - Worksheet

This resource is aimed at students studying A-Level Computer Science and provides students with a series of questions aimed to enhance their knowledge of the 3 different error checking methods including Parity Bits, Majority Voting and Check Digits. The worksheet contained 40 questions for Parity Bits, 40 questions for Majority Voting and 40 questions for Check Digits. It also includes the associated answer sheet.
GCSE Computer Science - Data Representation: Representing Bitmap Images - WorksheetQuick View

GCSE Computer Science - Data Representation: Representing Bitmap Images - Worksheet

This resource is aimed at students studying GCSE Computer Science. The worksheet contains a space for students to write down the key definitions for Bitmap image file types. It then provides a space for students to carry out some independant research into common resolutions. It then provides students with 2 image grids which contain strings of binary numbers which must be coloured accordingly in order to produce the associated image. The associated answer document is also included.
AQA GCSE Computer Science (4512) - Component 2 - Checklist & TrackerQuick View

AQA GCSE Computer Science (4512) - Component 2 - Checklist & Tracker

This is a collection of 2 resources designed to aid in the tracking and monitoring of students who are completing the AQA GCSE Computer Science (4512) Specification. In Component 2 of the specification students are tested on a range of different theoretical elements relating to Computer Science. With this checklist and tracker you will be able to keep track of how much progress each individual student has made across the course content. The checklist can be given to students to fill in, they aim should be to fill in the Student column with either a Y, a P or an N. - If they have answered Y, this means they feel confident with this point on the specification. - If they have answered P, this means they understand some of the content for this point of the specification. - If they have answered N, this means that they do not understand any of the content for this point of the specification. There is also a column available for the teacher to make a mark, again, either a Y, P or N is useful here. This is useful for formattive assessment of how well you think the student is doing with the theoretical content. After you have collected the data from the students you can enter this data in the tracker (this is meant to be a working document, so the checklist in student’s folders gets updated regularly as does the tracker.) The student’s names and GCSE target grades should be entered at the top of the spreadsheet. Then for every point on the specification for every student, you need to enter either y, p or n (lowercase). Once this is done, you will find that each section will show a percentage of how much of the specification has been completed for that student and at the top of the page, you should see a working grade based on how much of the content they have covered (this will only show their overall progress against the whole specification).
A-Level Computer Science - Data Representation: BinaryQuick View

A-Level Computer Science - Data Representation: Binary

6 Resources
This bundle contains a series of resources aimed at teaching A-Level Computer Science students about the different conversions and calculations required for A-Level data representation topics. It covers Addition, Subtraction (using Two's Complement), Multiplication, Two's Complement conversions and Fixed Point fractional binary.
Data Representation - Binary Units of MeasurementQuick View

Data Representation - Binary Units of Measurement

This resource is a worksheet designed to help students learn the different units of measurement of Binary numbers. They will start off small learning the correct term for 1, 4 and 8 Bits of data and then start moving towards the larger denominations for Kilo, Mega, Giga-bytes etc. At the bottom of the worksheet there is a couple of extension questions aimed at improving the students knowledge of data representation by trying to find some real life applications of these terms. I have also included the answer sheet. PLEASE NOTE: This version of the worksheet is designed to teach students the correct definitions for variations of 1000. There is also a different worksheet for the 1024 variations that will teach students the correct definitions for Kibi/Mebi/Gibi-bytes. Files included: - Data Representation - Binary Units of Measurement - Data Representation - Binary Units of Measurement - ANSWER SHEET
AQA A-Level Computing - COMP4 MarkbookQuick View

AQA A-Level Computing - COMP4 Markbook

The attached resources is designed to help you monitor and track students’ progress through the COMP4 project. There are 7 sections in the overall project, each of these sections is given its own spreadsheet worksheet. The 7 sections for each tab are: Analysis, Design, Technical Solution, System Testing, System Maintenance, User Manual, Appraisal Each cell is formatted using conditional formatting to give you a quick visual representation of how well the student in progressing through their project: - If you enter Y the cell will go Green (Section Complete) - If you enter P the cell will go Yellow (Section Partly Complete) - If you enter N the cell will go Red (Section Not Attempted). Based on the amount of sections completed you can then award the student a suitable mark for their work. On the final worksheet there is a summary of the students grades across all 7 sections and then a predicted grade based on the grade boundaries from the AQA past grade boundaries for COMP4 coursework. The content has been created from the Project Log PDF supplied by AQA.
Teacher Planner - DigitalQuick View

Teacher Planner - Digital

**A digital alternative to the traditional teacher planner. ** This is an excel spreadsheet with space for all of the usual information that would go in a physical teacher planner. Sections M1 to F2: There are 10 worksheets designed to represent the 10 days on a 2 week timetable (from Monday - Week 1 to Friday - Week 2). Each worksheet has space to plan for a 5 lesson day with the lesson times given in the first main column. There is also space for notes to be made for tasks that need to be completed before, during and after school such as lunchtime clubs and/or meetings etc. You simply need to write the date for the current Monday in the cell next to Monday and this will adjust the dates automatically for the rest of the week, there is also a space for you to write down the current half term e.g. “Spring Half Term”. On the F1 and F2 worksheets there is a button titled “Save & Reset”, when clicked this button will save the contents of the current teacher planner into a PDF document - details on how to set this up are shown below. Jobs: The jobs worksheet allows you to list tasks that need completing by specific dates. Simply write the task in the “Task” column and the deadline in the “Deadline” column. This will then tell you the amount of days you have remaining to complete this task. It will also give you some coloured warnings when you are getting close to the deadline AND when the task is overdue. If you complete a task, simply enter a “y” in the “Done?” column and this will turn that row Green. If you click the “Organise Jobs” button, this will move all the completed jobs to the bottom of the page and organise the remaining jobs by date priority. HW: The homework worksheet will display the lessons you have got on that specific day, all you simply need to do is enter the first Monday of the academic year in cell C3 - this will then automatically adjust the calendar for the remainder of the year. Where it says “Week 1” or “Week 2” simply choose which week it is and the sheet will change the lessons accordingly. Det: The detentions worksheet is a space to record any detentions that have been given out during lessons. There are also some additional columns that can be made use of to record arrival of students at detentions and to calculate the time their detentions end. There is also a handy check column to make sure you have recorded their behaviour onto the appropriate system. TT: Lastly, the TT worksheet is where you should enter the details of your timetable. Once you have done this the next time you “Save & Reset” it will clear your worksheets and reset them to the correct lessons. This worksheet is used to populate any data in the rest of the workbook that requires the lessons you teacher during your working day. You can also make comments about
GCSE Computer Science - Data Representation: ASCII Table - HandoutQuick View

GCSE Computer Science - Data Representation: ASCII Table - Handout

This resource is aimed at students studying GCSE Computer Science and contains all of the Denary, Hexadecimal and Binary codes for all of the original 128 ASCII characters, alongside the character symbols and a description of each symbol. It also contains details about a possible Extended ASCII set with some descriptions, alongside their equivalent Denary, Hexadecimal & Binary codes.