NPQSL Final Combined Task - completed 2016Quick View

NPQSL Final Combined Task - completed 2016

This assignment includes my: blood, sweat and tears! This is my NPQSL assignment and is focused on improving writing in a primary school. I really wish I’d had an NPQSL example assignment to look at while I was writing mine as it would have stopped me second guessing myself. However, I passed with flying colours and am now offering mine to you to make the process much easier. I uploaded the assignment on 8.2.16 and received feedback on 29.3.16. Feedback (as shown on first page) awarded all of the 9 competencies as passed at the required level. The written feedback was excellent and only includes strengths, no areas for development. I have deleted several appendices because they included photographic evidence of specific events/individuals. I would recommend that you consider doing this also as visuals are always a nice break from a lengthy piece of text. However, I have kept my action plan and report to the Headteacher in the appendices as I feel these are important for your reference. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you! A section from my written feedback: 'Strengths were demonstrated in Delivering continuous improvement as your priorities for improvement were clearly linked to your vision for the project. You regularly reviewed progress and reflected on actions and achievements of pupils in writing. The Action plan and strategies were fully implemented and you skilfully monitored planning, teaching, learning and assessment data. Throughout the project you remained solution-focused. In terms of Modelling excellence in leadership of teaching and learning you demonstrated excellent leadership of teaching and learning. You set up and embedded the writing initiatives and adapted the teaching and learning approaches to suit the needs of pupils. It is evident that you have high expectations, model excellence and vision and have shared ideas and practice very effectively. Staff have been provided with the clarity they need in order to feel empowered and accountable in their role. Strengths were demonstrated in Learning focus as you set up and embedded the writing initiative and applied theory and knowledge of learning to improve outcomes for pupils. It is evident that you are committed to learning and achieving excellence and led valuable inset for staff to improve their subject knowledge in grammar, planning and writing. ’
Personal Statement for Assistant Headteacher for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum FOR ADULTSQuick View

Personal Statement for Assistant Headteacher for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum FOR ADULTS

This is my own personal statement for the position of Assistant Headteacher for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum - a job which I got. Being able to download someone else’s personal statement while writing mine, would have been a huge help. Therefore, I thought offering mine, would give practitioners an option to view one before they start writing their own and thus having new ideas and a clear structure. Obviously, every personal statement should be tailored to the person specification but it is easy to use ideas from this personal statement and shuffle them around accordingly. I have removed specific names from the personal statement and instead typed, XXX.
Practise Mock Phonics Screening Test for Year 1Quick View

Practise Mock Phonics Screening Test for Year 1

Here are the real and pseudo given by the gov. for mock screening. There are 40 words, 20 of each. Use flashcards for children to read. A lot of time goes into my resources, if you find them useful and they save you time then please leave a comment or review...thank you! p.s I have made a second mock paper with alternative words, can be found in my resources.
Phonics Mock Screening Test part 2Quick View

Phonics Mock Screening Test part 2

I have created another mock phonics screening test, in the format used with a tick sheet (front cover) Thank you to all those who left nice comments on the last one I does motivate me to upload more so please if you use my resources, leve feedback!
THE TWITS activitiesQuick View

THE TWITS activities

Powerpoint with various ideas linked to book and some worksheets. Was used for book week. Also a homework sheet linked to Roald Dahl and directional language. Please do review or rate my resources. Thank you :)
CapacityQuick View


Estimating volume - to start having a think about capacity. Jug measuring - For top ability group with support, thinking about measuring in ml and counting in 100s and 1000s. Challenging - good scaffold for relevant vocab use. Measuring out into cups - Used for my BA group to do with support. Some time will be needed to collect resources but if you put a note in the staffroom or ask parents these things can be collected faster (then keep them for next time) As said on sheet adding food colouring and sequins makes it that bit more exciting! Thank you :)
Report Statements General and TargetsQuick View

Report Statements General and Targets

Just to use for ideas. I have copied and pasted the last, general comment that I used on the end of year report to parents. Might just give NQTs a few ideas if you're stuck. They are generally very positive in line with the expectations of my current school. Also some general strengths and targets (again which my current report form asks for). Sorry it&'s slightly patchy - it&';s done for my class and their levels.
FLAT STANLEY various activitiesQuick View

FLAT STANLEY various activities

Read 'Flat Stanley Actvities&' which gives you 20 ideas of activities you may like to do related to the story of Flat Stanley. If you have other ideas please do leave them as a comment so other users can build up a bank of activities.
Promoting SMSC - British Values - informative assembly and guidance on running a British Values DayQuick View

Promoting SMSC - British Values - informative assembly and guidance on running a British Values Day

I recently ran a very successful British Values Day. I began the day by inviting parents/carers/governors in and delivered the attached assembly presentation to them as well as to pupils. I then gave each class a value of their own (see guidance). Classes were able to be as creative as they liked but were asked to give me one outstanding piece of display work so I could create a British Values display at the entrance of the school (see photo of display). Pupils dressed-up in their cultural clothes or wore red/blue/white and all brought in a 'gold coin donation' to give to charity. The assembly goes through each of the British Values and their meanings. There is a song and video clip attached as well as a short quiz at the end. Promoting British Values is extremely important, Ofsted say: 'Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British values, are at the heart of the school’s work.' Powerpoint could also be used for a KS2 lesson on British Values. If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
Speech bubbles with lines for writingQuick View

Speech bubbles with lines for writing

Used on display, children write captions about any topic. We linked it to Rights Respecting, took photos of children standing to the side and then the speech bubble coming from their mouths.
Find half of given shapesQuick View

Find half of given shapes

Must - colour in half of a whole shape. Should - colour in segments in a shape. Could - colour in segments in shape and record the relevant fraction.
Thought-Provoking Mental Well-Being presentation full of activities for 10 lessonsQuick View

Thought-Provoking Mental Well-Being presentation full of activities for 10 lessons

Good mental well-being has become harder to maintain as life becomes increasingly hectic. That's why it must be our priority to help pupils to understand their own mental well-being and know how to improve it. This great presentation is full of ideas, starters, suggested activities and examples aimed at supporting pupils to improve and maintain a healthy mental well-being. Activities range from thinking about what makes them happy to designing their own happy place to setting goals to thinking about how helping others can lead to being a happier person. The activities are suitable to support a 10 week programme on mental well-being, which should become a priority in every curriculum. Any questions, please just ask.
Halving - finding half of differentiated numbersQuick View

Halving - finding half of differentiated numbers

Simple worksheet. 6 questions easy to adapt. Children to split dots into two circles and then write how many dots are in one circle. BA - numbers 2-12 A - numbers 8 - 20 Children to draw their own dots in and then split AA - numbers 24 - 40 Good for assessment. Please leave feedback :) Thank you!
Design a pancake with info about pancake dayQuick View

Design a pancake with info about pancake day

A quick powerpoint presentation with a short description of what Shrove Tuesday is. Worksheet design a pancake (bit of RE/Literacy/Art) ties in with adjective use. If you have found this useful please favourite and rate :)
George's Marvellous MedicineQuick View

George's Marvellous Medicine

1. Answers to 2 2. A passage from 'George Begins to Make the Medicine&' with several mistakes. Chn can either correct on paper or copy passage out correcting. Good way for chn to start thinking about checking their own work. 3. Powerpoint looking at the verbs in the book with a related verb task to do in books. 4. Simple storyboard worksheet 5. Long list of verbs for more able chn to select from when doing activity on powerpoint (above) 6. Self-assessment for books relating to activity in no.3 7. Fill in Dahl&';s missing face. 8. Fill in Quentin's face.
Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake ActivitiesQuick View

Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake Activities

1. Roald Dahl cut and stick timeline 2. Quentin Blake timeline 3. Design a stamp (Quentin Blake designed xmas stamps in 1993) 4. COmpare the lives of RD and QB (we researched on ipads first and then made links) A lot of time goes into my resources as a whole, so if you use them - please leave a comment. Thank you!