BTEC Unit 1 resourcesQuick View

BTEC Unit 1 resources

Here I have included a booklet, which pupils take notes etc in but also has space for them to attac each finished task- pupils then submit completed booklet as their piece of coursework. I have also included all powerpoints, activities etc as well as pupil progress mapping. If you find this useful I have uploaded units 2 and 6 but also have resources for units 5, 8 and 9. Please let me know if you would like me to share these too.
Complete Year 8 food technology SOW with all resources Quick View

Complete Year 8 food technology SOW with all resources

This is a scheme of work that I wrote for year 8 Food Technology (but could be used for year 7 or 9 depending on your students) It is a 22 lesson sow which also includes suitable practical activities All lessons are differentiated with grading criteria for tasks displayed It includes a continuous powerpoint for the SOW which includes all lessons- starters, main tasks, plenaries and homeworks. It also includes embedded recipes for practical lessons and also any additional resources needed for any lesson are embedded in the powerpoint. This also includes an end of unit quiz , evaluations for practical lessons and homework activities for each theory lesson. My lessons are very pupil led with a variety of activities and feedback from lessons observed in this scheme have been good to outstanding. Topics covered include: Sensory analysis Nutrition/ five a day/ Eatwell Plate Multi-cultural foods Seasonality It also includes a range of design activities and projects Practical lessons focus on skill development and include: Pizza Chow mein Ragu/ Roux sauce design practical Korma 'Healthier' muffins Carrot Cake Scones Burger (part of a project) All recipes needed are embedded in powerpoint
KS4 nutrition scheme of work Quick View

KS4 nutrition scheme of work

I have written this scheme of work for WJEC catering but it could be adapted for any KS4 food/nutrition course It contains a detailed lesson by lesson scheme of work and a continuous powerpoint with all lessons- starter, main activities, plenaries and homework tasks. It also contains practical lessons which have embedded recipes. The topics covered are: Macro-nutrients Micro-nutrients Current government nutritional advice Nutrition related illnesses Special diets- lifestyle (vegetarian), religious diets and medical diets (coeliac, lactose intolerance, allergies etc) This resource also includes end of unit test.
Complete year 7 food technology sow with all resourcesQuick View

Complete year 7 food technology sow with all resources

Complete year 7 sow which is differentiated and has accompanying booklet, PowerPoint and homework tasks. The PowerPoint is continuous for all lessons and includes embedded recipes, starters, plenaries etc. This is a 22 lesson SOW with 11 theory and 11 practical lessons. It also contains an end of unit quiz.
KS4 health and safety SOW with all resourcesQuick View

KS4 health and safety SOW with all resources

This is a scheme of work that I wrote for WJEC catering could also be used for other KS4 food/hospitality courses. It is a 22 lesson sow which also includes suitable practical activities All lessons are differentiated with grading criteria for tasks displayed It includes a continuous powerpoint for the SOW which includes all lessons- starters, main tasks, plenaries and homeworks. It also includes embedded recipes for practical lessons and also any additional resources needed for any lesson are embedded in the powerpoint. This also includes an end of unit test with markscheme and also evaluations for practicals etc. My lessons are very pupil led with a variety of activities and feedback from lessons observed in this scheme have been good to outstanding. Topics covered include: Food poisoning Food storage Temperature control Legislation Requirements of food handlers Environmental health officers Practical lessons focus on skill development and include: Bakewell tart Broccoli and stilton soup Spaghetti and meatballs Beef stroganoff Chinese chicken and mushrooms and these correspond with the RAG skill development tracker