txt, 702 Bytes
txt, 702 Bytes
txt, 773 Bytes
txt, 773 Bytes

Tha aithris mallachdach air uachdar Mars a’ faighinn a-mach a’ dearbhadh creideas.

Fhuair luchd-saidheans eòlas dlùth air Mars.

Rinn iad aithrisean geur air an eachdraidh aige.

Bha eadhon lorgan tuiteamach iongantach.

Tha e na paradocs gun robh an ceannardas fo eagal le seo.

Gus am milleadh rinn an luchd-saidheans deasbad air na h-oidhirpean aca.

Tha ath-aithris ghoirid air uachdar Mars a’ faighinn a-mach creideas deuchainnean.

Fhuair luchd-saidheans eòlas dlùth agus pearsanta air Mars.

Rinn iad aithrisean rèabhlaideach mun eachdraidh aige.

Bha eadhon lorgan beaga iongantach.

Tha e neònach gun robh an ceannardas ann an cunnart le seo.

Gus an socrachadh, rinn an luchd-saidheans deasbad air na h-oidhirpean aca.

A cursory recount of the Mars surface discovers tests credulity.

Scientists got an intimate knowledge of Mars.

They made incisive statements about its history.

Even incidental discoveries were amazing.

It is a paradox that the leadership was intimidated by this.

To mollify them the scientists debated their further efforts.

A brief retelling of the Mars surface discovers tests belief.

Scientists got a close up and personal knowledge of Mars.

They made revolutionary statements about its history.

Even minor discoveries were amazing.

It is a odd fact that the leadership was threatened by this.

To calm them down the scientists debated their further efforts.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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