The Academy of St Francis of Assisi
Liverpool, United Kingdom
About The Academy of St Francis of Assisi
The Academy of St Francis of Assisi is a unique and special place to work. It is a vibrant and happy school, serving a neighbourhood which ranks as one of the most deprived in England. We have a high proportion of students who qualify for pupil premium. We have a much higher than average number of students for whom English is an additional language. Many of these students also newly arrived in the country. There are 64 languages spoken at the Academy with 58 nationalities represented amongst students. This diversity makes our Academy a very special place.
A higher-than-average percentage of students have SEND. On average, students arrive at the Academy well below KS2 national expectations. All years are at their admission number for 2024-25. We are on a real journey of curriculum improvement and are looking for a special person to join our Academy and help to build upon the improvements already underway.
The Academy of St. Francis of Assisi benefits from its membership of the All Saints Multi Academy Trust, a unique Joint Denominational Multi Academy Trust in Liverpool.
“Don't change the world, change worlds.”