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What do we have in common?

What do we have in common?

Students complete a worksheet with a student they do not usually work with or do not know. Ideal for encouraging students to talk to new people. This has also been used for a starter activity to provoke a discussion about students similarities and differences prior to looking at the 'We are Britain' Poems.


KS2 tutorial following CEOP guidelines for staying safe online and general e-safety.
Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology

LO's: Describe and evaluate two relevant theories in Attachment. Describe and evaluate supporting studies in attachment Use relevant terms and concepts relating to developmental psychology Apply the nature versus nurture debate to your chosen theories Designed for Level 3 courses. Student activities embedded throughout the presentation.


Aimed at Year 7 students, an activity booklet which students can type into which covers a range of e-safety points which will complement any e-safety unit. The pack also includes students prompts, student instructions for producing their own PowerPoint Presentation on E-Safety, unit evaluations and other handy tips. The pack also looks at file management and saving work effectively. An e-safety quiz PowerPoint has also been included to be used before students learn about e-safety to assess prior knowledge. This may well be a useful first unit for year 7's.
Sociology of Education

Sociology of Education

Presentations on Sociology of Education. Focus on Social Class, Under-Achievement, Gender and Socialisation. Presentations do contain some student activities but you will need to create additional student focus tasked to suit your students. Presentations are fairly detailed and were designed for Level 3/4 learners.


Lesson Focus: To be able to use psychological theory to explain why misconceptions of disability exist. Some student activities, contentious questions and relevant theory throughout. Originally aimed at Access to HE Learners but would also be appropriate for other courses. You may wish to use additional student focused activities to compliment this.
Sociological Theories of Deviance

Sociological Theories of Deviance

Whole lesson which was delivered over a full day of teaching. Students will research key theories and apply this to real life context. This is suitable for A-Level and Access to HE Learners. PowerPoint also contains some details for teacher prompts. Students will explore relativism vs absolutism, social constructs
Who am I?

Who am I?

A basic worksheet with prompts for students to write and draw things about themselves to tell other students/teachers more about themselves. Students could exchange answers with other students.
Employment Letter Writing

Employment Letter Writing

A handout/worksheet style session designed to remind students of standard and expectations of speculative letter writing/cover letter writing to support their CV when applying for jobs. Will need a accompanying powerpoint to support delivery.
Road safety

Road safety

Lesson on road safety aimed at KS1. Could be delivered prior to a practical activity/role play. The aims are to make children more familiar with road signs, staying safe and understanding potential safe/dangerous places to cross.
Bullying Tutorial

Bullying Tutorial

This was a 1.5 hour tutorial originally produced for FE but would also apply to mature year 9 students and above. The session is mainly discussion based covering bullying, harassment etc. . However, student activities include creating a post it note wall to spark discussion, poster/research activity on cyber bullying and a case study analysis. Students will be working in pairs and small groups. Objectives which could be set might include: Define/Describe what is meant by bullying and harassment, Analyse the Impact that Bullying has on people, Identify support for individuals who are being bullied/harassment.


This presentation features discussion of the types of joints, an investigation of their mechanisms and an activity on conditions which affect the joints.
Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology

Whole lesson covering what forensic psychology is and treatment of criminals. Student activities contained.
Coping with Job Rejection

Coping with Job Rejection

Whole Lesson covering the following via group and independent tasks: To identify the common reasons why people might not be hired for the job. To identify what people can do to counteract these reasons. To identify the worst reasons why people are not hired for jobs. Student documentation, a basic lesson plan and full PowerPoint have been included to provide you with everything you need to teach a lesson on job rejection.
Spellings and Comprehension

Spellings and Comprehension

This is a worksheet creates for SK and SL spellings e.g. ski, slip, skid etc. The activity features a gap fill activity which students will need to read in order to work out which word goes where. There are sometimes a couple of alternatives of words which could fit, making it more challenging for higher ability learners. The purpose of this activity was to help learners understand the meaning of words and not just be able to spell them. Extension activity included: students asked to use the words in their own sentences.
Social Work-values and Purpose

Social Work-values and Purpose

This is a powerpoint with activities to enable students to explore the values and purpose of social work. Students will produce an information sheet for a scenario, they will then examine the British Association of Social Work Ethics Committee.
Sapphire Jubilee-Queen Elizabeth II-reading comprehension-formal letter

Sapphire Jubilee-Queen Elizabeth II-reading comprehension-formal letter

This reading comprehension covers the Sapphire Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II is currently celebrating. The reading comprehension asks open and closed questions about the text. In addition, their is a letter writing activity to the queen which makes up an extension activity for more able learners. Maths has been embedded into the comprehension.
Reading Comprehension-Brexit

Reading Comprehension-Brexit

This reading comprehension summarises the key points of Article 50 and Brexit in a way which is easy for younger people to understand. The questions are focused around the content of the text, an embedded maths questions and students opinion on whether they agree with the right to leave. There is also a challenge/extension for more able learners of which you will need access to the internet for.
LY Spellings, Suffix, Adverbs, Words

LY Spellings, Suffix, Adverbs, Words

This is a worksheet created for LY words (adverbs) and spelling. The activity features a gap fill activity which students will need to read in order to work out which word goes where. There are sometimes a couple of alternatives of words which could fit, making it more challenging for higher ability learners. The purpose of this activity was to help learners understand the meaning of words and not just be able to spell them. Extension activity included: students asked to use the words in their own sentences.