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RF Resources aims to provide quality lessons and resources for teaching English, while promoting collaboration and independence in your students. All lessons are tried and tested in top British and International schools, by teachers with high success rates. Watch out for our series of resources. This week: Literacy Lesson Series Coming soon: AQA Love and Relationship Poetry Series




RF Resources aims to provide quality lessons and resources for teaching English, while promoting collaboration and independence in your students. All lessons are tried and tested in top British and International schools, by teachers with high success rates. Watch out for our series of resources. This week: Literacy Lesson Series Coming soon: AQA Love and Relationship Poetry Series
Literacy Lesson: Etymology

Literacy Lesson: Etymology

A lesson which introduces students to the idea of etymology, and how our understanding of this contributes to how we define and spell words. Good as a way in to spelling unit. Additionally, students build on their dictionary and communication skills. If you enjoy this lesson, look out for more Literacy Lessons by RF Resources, to encourage investigation and experimentation with the English Language.
Literacy Lesson: Spelling Strategies

Literacy Lesson: Spelling Strategies

A simple lesson, which introduces students to seven different strategies to use, in order to help them remember spellings that they are struggling with. An excellent lesson for any time if the year, which ends with an activity that can be used as a interactive literacy display in your classroom.
Macbeth Revision: Graphing Macbeth

Macbeth Revision: Graphing Macbeth

A lesson(s) which facilitates students to revise the pivotal moments in Macbeth by plotting a graph. The students have to evaluate their own ideas about the text, choosing quotes, ranking moods/emotions and attributing themes. The finished product is visual revision tool which can be laminated and used frequently for reference. Students can work individually, in pairs or groups. Originally for a top set class, the activities can be easily differentiated based on time, ability and preference. A very independent, which relies only on clear instructions from the teacher. Note. depending on time, this activity can take up to three lessons. Could be a good cover lesson, as encourages and scaffolds independent work .
Macbeth Essay: A "How To" Guide on Constructing an AQA Macbeth Essay

Macbeth Essay: A "How To" Guide on Constructing an AQA Macbeth Essay

Using advice from AQA, this lesson guides students through the process of constructing an essay response to Macbeth, with reference to the original exemplar question on Lady Macbeth. The lesson provides advice on how to establish an argument, use the AOs and move from extract to whole while maintaining a point, as well as using exemplar student responses. The follow up lesson gives students an opportunity to self assess their progress using the mark scheme, having attempted a response themselves, as well as using the exemplar response from AQA and the examiner's report to further compound their understanding of the exam expectations.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree by WB Yeats

The Lake Isle of Innisfree by WB Yeats

This resource contains three lessons on the poem, The Lake Isle of Innisfree, and is suited for high ability Yr7 - Yr9, higher JC and ordinary LC. The lessons focus on the poet's use of imagery, with an opportunity to explore the five senses, specifically aural imagery in greater depth. Look in notes beneath the PPT slides for guidance and instructions on how to use slides. During the lesson, there is clearly marked opportunities for differentiation, and for highly independent learning, as the lesson revolves around jigsawed group activities. In the final lesson, students have the opportunity to explore what they have learned through the poem, by applying it to their own creative writing. An excellent group of lessons to promote confidence and independence in analysis of poetry, as well as enthusiasm for creative writing.
Literacy Lesson: Impactful Nouns and Verbs

Literacy Lesson: Impactful Nouns and Verbs

A lesson which encourages students to reflect of the impact of nouns and verbs, rather than becoming over reliant on adjectives and adverbs as describing words. It aims to allow students to become more conscious of the choices they make as writers, as well as impacting their analytical skills. This lesson is best used proceeding a piece of creative or descriptive writing, and is suitable for both KS3 and KS4. The lesson begins with an activity to encourage students to understand that words should be identified as functioning within a sentence, rather than classified individually. They then complete an activity investigating the effectiveness of nouns and verbs within a sentence. Students then must reflect and review their own personal writing, paring back their work and reconstructing it based on the lesson's learning.
Literacy Lesson: Sentence Structures and Syntax - Investigating Impact and Effect

Literacy Lesson: Sentence Structures and Syntax - Investigating Impact and Effect

A lesson that can be used proceeding a piece of creative writing, which allows students to investigate the impact of the sentences that they have constructed. This not only improves their own creative writing, but lends itself to students' analytical skills. (AO2/AO5 AQA Language) The resource is suitable for Yr9 to Yr11. The lesson begins by asking students to experiment with a provided sentence, noting the impact of syntax on how a reader sees an image, by moving adjectives and adverbs around the sentence. Students then review their own piece of writing (focusing on 10 lines), paring back their work to basic information, and rebuilding it to have a specific impact through syntax and sentence structure. Students then have time to reflect on what they have learned.
Revising Commas Activity

Revising Commas Activity

A straightforward but effective activity, whereby students add missing commas to a paragraph of writing. It is suitable from Yr7 to Yr11, as either a literacy lesson, or a starter/plenary activity proceeding or preceding personal writing. Teacher then reviews four different uses of the comma with the class. Students can then use the note sheet to review and revise their own personal writing to ensure that their use of the comma is accurate.
Revising Colons, Commas and Semi-colons: Quiz and Explanations

Revising Colons, Commas and Semi-colons: Quiz and Explanations

This is an excellent resource for revising the the use of colons, commas and semi-colons: the punctuation our students struggle with the most. It can be used from Yr7 to Yr12 as a revision tool. Students begin by completing the worksheet alone or in pairs, whereby they answer ten multiple choice questions on the correct usage of the three types of punctuation in sentences. Teacher can then use the PPT to go through each of the answers, which explain the rule of each usage. As a follow on activity, students can reflect on and review a past piece of personal writing, using rules they have revised. This lesson never fails to teach every student something they did not know about the punctuation.