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Spanish GCSE writing bookmark

Spanish GCSE writing bookmark

I’m more than happy to share resources. If you’re happy with them, feel free pressing the coffee link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MrBCurrier if my resources have helped you. Something simple to use as a bookmark reminder in pupils books of what to do and how to extend in their writing questions. Two examples provided and space for pupils to personalise and add 2-3 extras of their own P.P.O.F reminders
French book basics

French book basics

I’m more than happy to share resources. If you’re happy with them, feel free pressing the coffee link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MrBCurrier if my resources have helped you. Included in this free bundle are resources we make all pupils have in the front of their books from the first lesson. Book register routine - A helpsheet to guide pupils on how to answer the question “ça va” each lesson when the register happens. Book basics - Covering generic basic areas such as opinions, verbs and numbers for pupils to refer to at any point in lessons to aid with their own independent work. Book reward chart - A Euro bank which is glued in the back of the pupil’s book and they earn a euro each time their teacher tells them to mark it off. A great way for pupils to see instant praise and have a fun reward element to it.
Spanish book basics

Spanish book basics

I’m more than happy to share resources. If you’re happy with them, feel free pressing the coffee link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MrBCurrier if my resources have helped you. Included in this free bundle are resources we make all pupils have in the front of their books from the first lesson. Book register routine - A helpsheet to guide pupils on how to answer the question “Cómo estás” each lesson when the register happens. Book basics - Covering generic basic areas such as opinions, verbs and numbers for pupils to refer to at any point in lessons to aid with their own independent work. Book reward chart - A Euro bank which is glued in the back of the pupil’s book and they earn a euro each time their teacher tells them to mark it off. A great way for pupils to see instant praise and have a fun reward element to it.
Spanish photo frames

Spanish photo frames

Providing FLOVAQNS writing structure in Spanish, star graded phrases and most importantly, target language that students can independently use in lessons. All at the right size to fit in Tolsby frames from a very famous Swedish shop.
GCSE Spanish: Topic planners

GCSE Spanish: Topic planners

A breakdown of the 5 themes for the Edexcel GCSE in Spanish with key verbs, adjectives, nouns and star quality expressions. Also, there are expressions in a variety of tenses in the past, present and future. Each column has 3 starting points and then it is up to the pupils to add what they need to revise on.
Spanish and French classroom displays

Spanish and French classroom displays

A variety of resources/displays that I created a few years ago and every year update. Spanish and French grammar - including the conjugations for the different tenses, plus irregulars Questions - question words in the foreign language and English Spanish and French clocks - clocks with time expressions on Spanish and French jigsaw pieces - connectives in each language, as well as a translation on each one Opinions - With a variety of opinions and justifications.
Edexcel Spanish writing exam

Edexcel Spanish writing exam

A PowerPoint that contains key structures to help structure pupil’s work when answering the written paper for GCSE Edexcel Spanish. Ideas including; P.P.O.F - Present, Past, Opinion and Future - helping to answer all four bullet points Justifications - Using a range of expressions to justify and show more complexity Essay planning - How best to plan the four bullet points Phrases that will stand out - Including expressions in the past, present and future to help grade boost a piece of work.
GCSE Spanish revision: Reading and Writing exam

GCSE Spanish revision: Reading and Writing exam

GCSE Spanish revision booklet which contains literature texts, translations from English-Spanish or Spanish-English and essay planning for the writing exam. The writing exam planning is something I have used with my classes and allows for them to think about key words and phrases that will help them answer each bullet point.
April homework - GCSE Spanish Edexcel

April homework - GCSE Spanish Edexcel

A plan for homework for the whole of April which includes exam questions from Edexcel, Higher and Foundation translations and space to write down key oral questions for each theme. Printed into a booklet and will be given to pupils next week for the whole of April.