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Design Technology and Engineering Shop

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Resources for all areas of Design Technology and Engineering. Lots of help and work sheets to aid lessons and build lessons around. Extension tasks and full lessons.




Resources for all areas of Design Technology and Engineering. Lots of help and work sheets to aid lessons and build lessons around. Extension tasks and full lessons.
New and Smart Materials lesson and resources

New and Smart Materials lesson and resources

PowerPoint and resources for a lesson on New and Smart materials in Design and Technology. Their is a starter video (linked to YouTube) with a question sheet to ensure students are paying attention during it. Students have a worksheet that they initially work through during the teachers explanation but then use resources around the room to find out about the different Smart materials, they should then compare and discuss this with their peers. Differentiated worksheets for the main task and a plenary which links well to the progress criteria for the lesson.
Colour Wheel and Relationships Lesson

Colour Wheel and Relationships Lesson

PowerPoint and worksheets for a lesson on the colour wheel and other elements of colour. The PowerPoint asks questions of students and their perceptions of colours with colour tricks and colour blindness tests. There is also a worksheet for the students to work through for their reference. Plenary task included which asks students to explain their knowledge of the colour wheel.
Point of Sale Resources Starter and Blank Templates

Point of Sale Resources Starter and Blank Templates

Two worksheets that can be used to aid in a Point of Sale lesson or used as an extension task. One sheet asks students to label parts of existing points of sale with a differentiated version for different ability students. The other is a sheet with two blank POS display units that students can use to design their own POS for the project they have done.
Wood Working Tool Recognition Activity

Wood Working Tool Recognition Activity

Resources for a wood working tool activity that requires students to find information on tools and interpret it onto a work sheet. There is a differentiated worksheet for slower or lower ability students in the class with some parts filled in for a guide. The Information sheets can be placed around the classroom so students have to find the tools, recognise them and find the points they need in the text for their sheet. Shows great knowledge retention of tools and understanding of what they are used for.
Lesson on Seasonal Food and Food Miles (Resources and PP)

Lesson on Seasonal Food and Food Miles (Resources and PP)

Full lesson on Seasonal Food and Food Miles including the PowerPoint and worksheets. The PowerPoint goes through the lesson explaining the parts in the notes section. Bell task, followed by the starter and new information which is written onto the Seasonal food work sheet. Students then use information sheets to create resources to teach the other students about their argument on food miles. Plenary which links the learning to the students everyday life and why it is important. Included: PowerPoint, Work sheet on seasonal food and food miles including numeracy and literacy tasks. Differentiated version also. Information sheets about food miles for the teaching task and a summary sheet for the students to summarise their learning and have a reference. Plenary sheet which links the knowledge to the real world. (The Learning Objectives and SC have been removed so you can add your own tailored versions.)
Worksheet and Recipes for comparing differences in healthy recipes

Worksheet and Recipes for comparing differences in healthy recipes

A worksheet which asks students to compare the nutritional content of different similar recipes. They also need to explain why they think they are healthier and how they could be made healthier. There are also 3 recipe sheets with different recipes that students can compare on the sheet. Great extension task for high ability students.
6R's Explanation Sheet

6R's Explanation Sheet

Simple explanation sheet for the 6R's. Good for use in lessons to aid students in the subject, uses questions that students can ask about products to help analyse them or make their designs better.
Nutritional Analyser Help Sheet for Food A Fact Of Life Website

Nutritional Analyser Help Sheet for Food A Fact Of Life Website

Help sheet which shows in pictures and explains in writing the stages of using the nutritional analyser on the Food A Fact Of Life Website. Great resource for students to refer to and encourage independent work. Great for cover lessons and less confident users of the website to quickly be able to pick up the analyser.
Instruction sheet for Autodesk Inventor: Basic shapes, Revloves and Sweeps

Instruction sheet for Autodesk Inventor: Basic shapes, Revloves and Sweeps

Instruction and Help sheet for Autodesk Inventor. This double sided sheet explains the steps in both written and pictorial form for creating basic shapes, adding filets and chamfers to edges as well as how to create a revolves and sweeps in the program. Great resource for letting students explore the program and build on the skills on the sheet. Goes through the basics for anyone to follow and more complex modelling techniques. Great resource for less confident users of the program to aid their own ability and get to grips with the basic functions quickly. See my other resources for a help sheet on assembling parts in Autodesk Inventor.
Help Sheet for Assemblies in Autodesk Inventor

Help Sheet for Assemblies in Autodesk Inventor

A help sheet that explains how to assemble parts in Autodesk Inventor. The sheet has written instructions as well as pictures to aid students. This is a great sheet to allow students to be in control of their own learning and progress once they start to assemble and be able to make independent progress. Also good for teachers who are not too confident with the program as it talks through the basic stages of assembly which can then be built upon to increase confidence and knowledge of the program.
Questionnaire Sheet for Market Research

Questionnaire Sheet for Market Research

Double sided questionnaire sheet for use in market research, good for KS3, 4 and 5. Students come up with questions and answers and then complete the survey to give them data. The sheet also has boxes for students to explain what the results mean to the research they are doing. Students can use this and then move onto Excel to create graphs of the data.
ACCESSFM Product Analysis Help sheet Differentiated

ACCESSFM Product Analysis Help sheet Differentiated

Help sheet that explains the different parts of the ACCESSFM acronym with a number of questions. The sheet can be printed one sided for high ability students but it also has an another side which can be printed 2 sided to differentiate for lower ability students in the group. this side gives more information and what they should be looking for and commenting on.
Social, Moral and Environmental Issues Worksheet

Social, Moral and Environmental Issues Worksheet

Starter or Plenary worksheet that highlights a number of products that have either good or bad points around Social, Moral and Environmental Issues. Excellent conversation starter for the topic and lays the foundations for the topic in the lesson.
Orthographic Worksheet

Orthographic Worksheet

Worksheet which lays out the orthographic projections of an example shape. Students need to complete the views to create an orthographic drawing of the shape. Good extension task or for teaching students about orthographic projections. Completed drawing example included also.
Electronic Component Worksheets

Electronic Component Worksheets

Electronic component worksheets used to consolidate the knowledge of simple electronic components used in most school projects, looks at resistor values and LEDs, Capacitors and Battery Clips. Two versions of the worksheet to aid different ability students.
Electronic Component and Soldering Worksheet

Electronic Component and Soldering Worksheet

Worksheet looking at a number of different electronic components used in schools and their features. Also used to test students on their knowledge of soldering and the techniques used. Differentiated worksheet included to aid lower ability students.