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Welcome to a fun new way to teach history. Get those kids out of their seats and into some board games with these fun, interactive games.

Welcome to a fun new way to teach history. Get those kids out of their seats and into some board games with these fun, interactive games.
Civil War Board Games #9 Gettysburg

Civil War Board Games #9 Gettysburg

In this board game students are able to familiarize themselves with the events and location of the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was a pivotal conflict during the American Civil War, fought from July 1 to 3, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It marked the largest battle in North America and resulted in a Union victory. General George G. Meade led the Union Army, while General Robert E. Lee commanded the Confederate Army. The battle’s outcome halted Lee’s invasion of the North and is considered a turning point in the war. It resulted in heavy casualties, with over 50,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or missing.
Civil War Board Games #10 Reconstruction

Civil War Board Games #10 Reconstruction

This game is set after the American Civil War when states had to reinstate themselves back into the United States, In order to do this, they had to agree to certain conditions, namely, accepting the 13th, 14th, qnd 15th amendements and making a number of other changes. However there were a number obstacles that prevented the states from being reinstated. In this game, players interact with the real aspects of reinstatement, with amendments, and with elements of history that enable them to learn in a fun way. They must collect and trade cards to win the game.
Civil War Board Games #5 The Anaconda Plan

Civil War Board Games #5 The Anaconda Plan

This game is based on The Battle of New Orleans and General Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan in 1862. It is a game where students fight over the board by placing counters and trying to dominate the certain strategic spots. The Anaconda Plan was a Union strategy during the American Civil War to defeat the Confederacy by slowly squeezing it into submission. It aimed to block Confederate ports, control the Mississippi River, and cut off vital supply lines, like an anaconda constricting its prey.
Chinese Dynasty Board Game #9 - The Voyages of Zheng He

Chinese Dynasty Board Game #9 - The Voyages of Zheng He

Race against another player to collect trade items, starting from China. In this game, learn about the 7 voyages of Zheng He during the Ming Dynasty. These amazingly enormous ships sailed all the way to Africa and made an incredible presence in the Indian Ocean and Pacific.
Chinese Dynasty Board Game #2 -The Qin Dynasty (Social Studies-History Activity)

Chinese Dynasty Board Game #2 -The Qin Dynasty (Social Studies-History Activity)

In this game, you explore some of the aspects of the Qin Dynasty, and compete with other players to get around the board, while learning info. The Qin Dynasty, which ruled China from 221 BCE to 206 BCE, was a short but significant period in Chinese history. Some key events and characteristics include: Unification of China: The Qin Dynasty is best known for unifying China under the rule of Qin Shi Huang, who declared himself the First Emperor. This involved the conquest of various independent states and the standardization of writing, currency, and measurements to promote unity. Construction of the Great Wall: Qin Shi Huang initiated the early construction of the Great Wall of China to defend against invasions from northern nomadic tribes. Although much of the existing wall is from later dynasties, the foundation was laid during the Qin Dynasty. Standardization of Laws and Writing: Qin Shi Huang implemented legal reforms to standardize laws and punishments across the newly unified empire. He also ordered the standardization of the Chinese writing system, which helped in promoting communication and governance. Authoritarian Rule: The Qin Dynasty was characterized by a centralized and authoritarian form of government. Qin Shi Huang implemented strict control over the population, suppressing dissent and persecuting scholars whose ideas opposed the state ideology. Terra Cotta Army: One of the most famous archaeological discoveries in China is the Terra Cotta Army, a collection of life-sized clay soldiers and horses created to accompany Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife. This massive burial complex was discovered in the late 20th century. Short-lived Dynasty: Despite its significant achievements, the Qin Dynasty was short-lived, lasting only 15 years. After the death of Qin Shi Huang, discontent among the people, harsh policies, and the oppressive rule of subsequent emperors contributed to the fall of the dynasty. The Qin Dynasty laid the foundation for imperial rule in China, influencing the subsequent Han Dynasty and leaving a lasting impact on Chinese history and culture.
American Revolution Board Games #4 Pontiac's War

American Revolution Board Games #4 Pontiac's War

This game is set in 1763 during Pontiac’s War when the Native Americans wanted to drive Europeans out of their land. They attempted to bring different native groups together to achieve this, but were unable to completely drive Europeans off their land. There was some progress in driving back white settlers in the Ohio River Valley when a number of forts were captured or destroyed. This also coincided with the year the Proclamation of 1763 occurred. In the game, you play as the Native Americans to try and determine how you will interact with white settlers – through trading, allying with other native groups, or war.
Civil War Board Games #3 Fort Sumter

Civil War Board Games #3 Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter was a U.S. military fort located in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. It is most famous for being the site of the first shots of the American Civil War on April 12, 1861, when Confederate forces attacked the fort, leading to the start of the war. The game cards show the unique aspects of the game, including the weaponry used, the Charleston Militia, and the positions of the batteries set up to attack the Fort.
Civil War Board Games #2 The Underground Railroad

Civil War Board Games #2 The Underground Railroad

In this game, students will be able to interact with aspects of the Underground Railroad while holding onto some of the ideas that were central to understanding the times… The Underground Railroad was a secret network of safe houses and routes used by enslaved African Americans to escape to freedom in the North and Canada during the 19th century. Quilts were believed to be a part of the Underground Railroad’s communication system, with certain quilt patterns and designs used to convey hidden messages and directions to those seeking refuge. While the historical accuracy of this theory is debated, the idea of quilts as a form of code has become a symbol of the Underground Railroad’s ingenuity and the quilting tradition among African American communities.