Advertise teaching jobs

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Advertise your teaching jobs and attract the best staff for your school with Tes.

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Teachers in a line cheering

Reach the world's largest network of educators

Find the teachers you need by advertising your roles across, our mobile app and job alert emails. More than 880,000* applications were made for jobs on in the past 12 months and there are 280,000** visitors to the Tes jobs page per week.

Network linking teachers

Making hiring simple

Our Applicant Tracking System (ATS) puts you in control of every stage of the hiring process, enabling you to:

  • Create hassle-free adverts

    • Create and share your jobs across

    • Gather the most useful information from candidates using our customisable online application form

  • Track communication

    • Send individual or bulk email to candidates directly from our system

    • Manage reference requests with automatic reminders and validated forms

  • Offer a fair process

    • Maintain high levels of security and transparency with applicants

    • Use our interview scorecard to ensure a fair and documented approach for all candidates

  • 94%
    of UK teachers looking for jobs online use Tes
  • Over 50%
    of secondary school teachers look at jobs on Tes at least once a month
  • 4x
    more teachers than the next best alternative

Two ways to recruit with Tes

  • Image
    Illustration of a computer screens showing job ads, CPD safeguarding training, and wellbeing surveys.

    Unlimited subscription with Staff Management

    Subscribe and unlock unlimited job adverts, premium features to speed up your search and exclusive tools to help you keep great teachers and reduce staff turnover.

  • Image
    Illustration of a computer screen showing a pay as you go job ad.

    Pay-as-you-go adverts

    Place a one-off job advert on using our quick and easy pay-as-you-go route.

Talk to us

Fill out the form below and one of our helpful team will be in touch to talk you through your options.

The information collected here will be used to contact you about Tes services that you have shown an interest in. You can opt out of email messages by following the unsubscribe link on our emails. To find out more, please see the Tes Privacy Policy here.

*Tes internal statistics. Correct as of August 2021.

**Tes internal statistic based on average over 12-month period. Correct as of August 2021.