Chelmer Valley High School
Essex, United Kingdom
About Chelmer Valley High School
Chelmer Valley High School is located north of Chelmsford, in the village of Broomfield. We became an Academy on 1st August 2011. It is a very exciting time at Chelmer Valley, we continue to go from strength to strength with a staff whose commitment to taking the Academy forward is second to none and a governing body that provides challenge and support.
Our school has a positive atmosphere and everyone is expected to treat each other with respect in creating a positive and effective learning environment. Chelmer is a very popular school and as a result, over a number of years, the school has become heavily oversubscribed.
The current school roll is nearly 1200 students, including 190 in the Sixth Form. Our aim is to remain at about this size in order to provide each student with the appropriate level of personal attention and care that they need and deserve.
The Premises
Major developments are evident throughout our site. State of the art Technology and Science facilities combined with an impressive specialist Performing Arts centre, purpose built sixth form building and modern PE facilities provide staff and students alike with the latest and most effective resources to support learning.
In the classroom
Our expectations of students are high; they are expected to work hard. Various programmes are in place to provide a wide range of opportunities for all students whether it is additional help in the class for those who need it or, additional activities for Gifted and Talented students.
Considerable emphasis is placed upon academic achievement and students’ progress is monitored carefully to support them in meeting their targets. As a school we set challenging targets and constantly reflect upon our practice and plan effectively in order to reach our goals.
Leadership is very strong indeed. We believe in developing the teaching and learning skills and qualifications of all our staff. Leadership development is prevalent throughout the school. Internal promotion is encouraged and to our credit a number of staff having gone on to be Heads of Department, Deputy Headteachers and even Headteachers in other local schools. We want all our teachers, through their creativity, initiatives and teaching skills to ensure the delivery of high quality lessons and learning opportunities for all our students.
We were one of the first secondary schools in Essex to be designated as a training school by the DfE and work very closely with teacher training hubs as part of the Mid Essex ITT.
Our school is regularly involved in a variety of extra curricular activities covering all areas of school life. School productions, language visits, competitive sports and music tuition are but a few examples of what is on offer. We would always hope to encourage students to become directly involved in these activities, or seek to develop others where their interests lie.
We actively encourage the parents of Chelmer Valley students to support their children by being involved in what they do. The PTAhosts several functions during the year including Fireworks evening and Lower School Discos for students which parents are encouraged to support.
We are a forward thinking, innovative and successful school. Our list of achievements is extensive and includes: The School Achievement Award, SportsMark, Essex Achievement Award for promoting positive behaviour, Member of the Mid Essex ITT Consortium, a strategic partner of the Chelmsford Teaching Schools Alliance and National Healthy Schools Status. We are also a National Support School.
Values and vision
There is a positive ethos at Chelmer Valley High School, with a high standard of welfare and care for students. Staff inspire children to become effective and responsible members of society. The school strongly promotes the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
Thomas Sparks