pptx, 520.29 KB
pptx, 520.29 KB

This is a free sample of a full presentation available on this platform. The instructions/description below relates to the full presentation.
Presentation created as a no preparation required starter or plenary for Tutor Time/Registration. This presentation structure is also used in Geography. History, Science and a number of other curriculum areas.
The presentation contains 40 challenges which all follow the same format. The students are presented with 3 names/terms which are obscured and, at the teachers action by clicking on the numbered ellipses in sequence. the letters are revealed one by one. The students are tasked with identify the 3 terms as Nations, Animals, Planets, Rivers, Sports, Cities etc and name the common factor with an element of competition as students attempt to be first to decode the answer. A slide with a complete list of solutions is included at the end of the presentation (Not in this free sample but in whole presentation). Whole presentation contains 40 activities and 44 slides with hyperlinks embedded throughout

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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