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David Matthew Baker's Primary Shop

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I'm currently training as a Primary Teacher so making a wide range of resources using a variety of programmes including ActivInspire and Smart Notebook. My shop also has some of my past resources that I made during my time as a Special Needs Support Assistant. I am also a Cub Scout Leader and have provided some of the resources I have made for this role where I feel that may be of use to others.




I'm currently training as a Primary Teacher so making a wide range of resources using a variety of programmes including ActivInspire and Smart Notebook. My shop also has some of my past resources that I made during my time as a Special Needs Support Assistant. I am also a Cub Scout Leader and have provided some of the resources I have made for this role where I feel that may be of use to others.
Christingle Service PowerPoint

Christingle Service PowerPoint

Here is a PowerPoint I have made for Durham City and District Scout's Christingle. I&'m uploading it here as you might like to borrow parts of it for an assembly (there are lyrics in place for Away in a Manger, The Christingle Song, Shine Jesus Shine, Once in Royal David&';s City and Show me the way to shine for Jesus. I have left the video from the Children's Society in place but have had to remove Bethlehem Rhapsody for space reasons (I&'ve included a YouTube link).
Hobbit - what happens after the story

Hobbit - what happens after the story

A descriptive writing task based after the events of the Hobbit but staring the books main characters. I've written a synopsis for the events I thought might take place but the pupils need to flesh out the story with some descriptive writing. I suspect the level at the moment is probably too high but I'm uploading it here in case anyone likes the idea and wants to tweak it a bit to make it suitable. This was another one of the items that I wrote for my English tutor.
Facts: Life in Kenya and Kikuyu Names

Facts: Life in Kenya and Kikuyu Names

A couple of pieces that I wrote about Kenya when I had an English tutor. One looks at the naming traditions of the Kikuyu tribe whilst the other looks at the typical days of a 10 year old girl both during holiday time and on a normal school day. These sheets might be useful for introducing pupils to the differences between the UK and Kenya.
Hobbit Conversation with Smaug Worksheet

Hobbit Conversation with Smaug Worksheet

A worksheet that includes some scans from a graphic novel version of the Hobbit with the text parts blanked out. The idea is that the pupils come up with the conversation that they think will have been held between Smaug and Bilbo. This was a worksheet I made when I had an English tutor. I've never tried it with children so would be interested to hear how well it goes down with classes.
Hobbit / LOTR Comprehension & Descriptive Tasks

Hobbit / LOTR Comprehension & Descriptive Tasks

Here are two sheets I made when I had an English tutor (last time I applied for Primary Teacher Training). Both are themed around the Hobbit (or Lord of the Rings). In one you are given some text and asked to draw or construct a picture of a Hobbit based on that text. The other gives you a picture of Gandalf and asks you to write a description of the Istari (Gandalf) who is shown in the picture. I've never tried these with children so would be interested to hear how they go down with them if you do try them out.
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Powerpoint Display

Philippines Typhoon Haiyan Powerpoint Display

A short repeating Powerpoint Display I made for a school assembly on a none uniform day where we were raising money for the Typhoon Haiyan appeal. It has some pictures showing the disaster (suitable for children aged 3 to 19) and a few pages to help them understand where the Philippines is and just how big the storm was.
'Work Experience' Diary (Life Skills)

'Work Experience' Diary (Life Skills)

A simple booklet that I made for some of our Autistic Students to encourage them to do their life skills work. They used this booklet to record what they had done in the lesson (cleaning, washing up, ironing, etc...) and then were given a target by the member of staff with them for the next lesson. There is also a second page that they can use to stick any pictures of them doing these activities to.
Types of Joint

Types of Joint

A very simplistic worksheet that was used to hit one of the outcomes of an entry level qualification. It simply shows 3 joints and gives the advantages of each joint then asks the students which of the 3 joints they are going to use. (Mitre; Half Lap and Finger Joints)
Persuasive Poster (Bug Houses) (Differentiated)

Persuasive Poster (Bug Houses) (Differentiated)

Here are a series of 4 differentiated worksheets to help students create a persuasive poster encouraging people to buy Bug Houses that they were producing as part of their Design and Technology lessons. This set of posters formed part of an observed lesson and was designed to show cross curricular links with English. (As we currently have a focus on writing within our school.) We started the lesson by showing the students a variety of adverts and talking about the features they use.
Bird themed resources - research before project

Bird themed resources - research before project

Here are a couple of sheets I made for one of our classes that was making bird feeders. One of the two sheets is a matching exercise where the pupils have to draw lines to link up the pictures of the birds with their names and descriptions. The other sheet is related to why the number of garden birds are decreasing and formed the basis for a piece of research that they needed to do.
Woodworking Machinery Worksheets

Woodworking Machinery Worksheets

3 worksheets covering: Band Saw; Pillar Drill and Disc Sander. They ask the students to explain a safety rule relating to the equipment. When they have used the equipment and what the equipment is for. Each sheet has a hand drawn picture of the tool it relates to within my own school. I hope these might also be useful to some other people.
2x CAM Worksheets (Laser Cutter and Vinyl Cutter)

2x CAM Worksheets (Laser Cutter and Vinyl Cutter)

A couple of worksheets based around CAD / CAM - one for a laser cutter and one for a vinyl cutter. These worksheets have a couple of hand drawn pictures of the machine and then some simple sentances to complete by filling in the missing words. (These are given in a word box on the sheet.) They are also asked to give an example of where they have used the particular piece of equipment. The draws are of a Denford Versa Laser VLS3.50 and a GCC StarPal Puma III.
Levels of Support Record Sheet

Levels of Support Record Sheet

A record sheet to show the amount of support students need for different tasks. You score the student on the amount of: Verbal Support; Visual Support and Physical Support - with 1 being no support and 5 being lots of support. There is also a column to record how much Independent Work the student did and space to make comments - such as new skills seen, improvements in skills, etc...
Semphore Flag Positions

Semphore Flag Positions

A sheet showing young people the different flag positions for the alphabet / numbers in semaphore. This could be used to examine communication and how it only works if both people are paying attention and understand what you are saying.
Next Steps Design & Technology Template

Next Steps Design & Technology Template

A sheet to help students understand where they should be trying to go next in terms of their learning to help them make progress with regards to p-levels or National Curriculum levels. I've left in some of the targets we set students this term (autumn 2013) but have removed their names from the sheet. You should easily be able to modify them for your own use.
Short Term Causes of World War I PowerPoint

Short Term Causes of World War I PowerPoint

A PowerPoint going through the immediate leadup to the First World War. There are hyperlinks on some of the slides defining key words incase students don't understand them. Where possible these are related to things that they should know about. There are 10 main slides and 7 hidden ones containing definitions (of terms such as Heir, Consitution and Alliance).
Storage Tray Mini Project

Storage Tray Mini Project

A number of worksheets to cover a project where the pupils make a storage tray. The first sheet covers shading, 2nd writing a design brief and explaining who the product is targetted at, 3rd ACCESS FM Analysis, 4th Ergonomics and Specification, 5th Handle Design and types of joint, 6th Final Design and the last page Development and Testing and Evaluation.
Bird Feeder Planning Sheet (Template)

Bird Feeder Planning Sheet (Template)

A sheet with 8 spaces for students to draw and write about the stages they have to go through when making a bird feeder. There is also space for students to list the tools and materials they need when making the feeder.
Hand Drawn Bug House

Hand Drawn Bug House

A drawing I made of the Bug Houses we produce that students could practice their shading skills on. (This is also included in one of the worksheet packs I have produced.)
Durham District Cub Camp Song Booklet

Durham District Cub Camp Song Booklet

A booklet of various easy to pick up and follow songs enjoyed by the Cub age group (8 to 10 1/2 years old). I've uploaded it here incase anyone can find any use for these songs in school or on school residential experiences. Alternatively if you are a Cub leader all you probably need do is change the front cover. Though we don&'t want no 'Someones verbing lord, Kum ba Ay' verses (I was telling the Cubs how to make other verses not giving them another one to sing!)