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Sue Russell's Shop

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I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!




I have just started adding my plays to TES (over 400)!but this will take time! All my assemblies/class plays and guided reading scripts are on www.plays-r-ussell.com and I am happy to write on request. I have converted the entire History Key Stage II curriculum into play format - and much of the other subjects such as Science, Geography, PSHE etc. I cover events such as the Olympics and have received great feedback from teachers around the world! Writing is my passion - hope you enjoy my work!
Paralympics Rio 2016 Assembly

Paralympics Rio 2016 Assembly

Paralympics Rio 2016 Assembly Cast size: 30 – easily adapted up or down. Duration: Around 10 minutes reading time; around 20 minutes with music suggestions included. This assembly covers all 22 sports that the athletes will be participating in, at Rio2016. In addition to this comprehensive coverage, there are references to how some of the special needs of the participants have been accommodated – as in the case, for example, of special equipment and facilities. Sample Text: (Enter Child 14 – holding Archery, Shooting and Fencing banner - and Child 15) Narrator: Oh my! What do we have here? Bows and arrows? I didn’t realise we were taking part in a Robin Hood production! Child 15: We’re not! Archery is a very serious sport, I’ll have you know! Watch and learn! You start by drawing Narrator: Oh, an art lesson, goodie! Child 15: No, silly! Drawing is when you pull back on the bow string, like this (demonstrates) and then release your arrow in the direction of your boss. Narrator: Now wait a minute! Just because you’ve fallen out with your boss Child 15: No and no! No, I haven’t fallen out with my boss – the boss is the black square block to which the target is attached! Narrator: (Wiping his brow) Thank goodness for that! Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 2. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 3. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 4. History of the Olympics Assembly 5. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 6. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 7. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Children of the World Class Play or Assembly

Children of the World Class Play or Assembly

Children of the World Class Play or Assembly Cast of 30 (easily adapted up or down) Duration: Reading time: 10 - 15 minutes; this does not include music selections, and can be extended with the addition of more jokes I have recently updated this script. It was originally written for children whose first language was not English so the language was very simple. I have added to the content – so it is suitable for the whole of Key Stage II, with the proviso that it may need a little simplification/shortening for Years 3 to 4. I work on the basis that it is easier to simplify text/take out chunks than it is to add on. I think this has made the script more rounded and complete. This script is a celebration of children around the world. It has a serious quality - addressing such issues as the importance of celebrating diversity in our world; but a great deal of fun too - with a large selection of jokes - some or all of which may be used at the discretion of the teacher! Narrator: (Clutching his head) But sorry, I’m just not getting this! How can you children, from every corner of the world, have anything in common? You lead such different lives! Child 11: That’s true. We have different religions Child 12: We have different hobbies Child 13: We listen to different music Child 14: We sing different songs! Child 15: But we are all part of this amazing thing called humanity! Child 16: And we should never let our differences stand between us! Other PSHE scripts written by Sue Russell: • You are Not Alone – Anti-Bullying Assembly • Rock Star – Self Esteem Assembly based on Hannah Montana • P.R.I.D.E. Assembly and Guided Reading Scripts - set out to demonstrate the importance of P.R.I.D.E. - an acronym for Positive attitude; Respect for yourself and others; the ability to make Intelligent decisions; time to Dream; and not forgetting all the Effort that needs to be put in - in all walks of life. The sport (basketball) can be easily replaced by another. This Class Play provides the perfect way of demonstrating what it takes to make it in life - the kind of success story all children can aspire to. I have used these to cover many events e.g. World Cup (football and rugby), Olympics etc. • Happy to be me Assembly • Character Assembly – What it Takes To Be Good • Feeling Sad Assembly • Good to Talk – 2 speaker script • If – Rudyard Kipling Assembly • British Values Assembly • Monsters Assembly • Dance Around the World Assembly • Also available: a set of PSHE scripts based on fairy stories – Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty (alternative versions) – which deal with certain themes – serious subjects but handled with sensitivity and humour.
Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly

Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly

Our School's Got Talent Leavers' Assembly With a panel of judges drawn from teaching staff and school students, is there any possibility of justice - when it comes to judging the contestants?! Cast Size: 15 – 30 (For larger cast – up to 90 – see Production Notes) Duration: Around 20-30 minutes (to up to an hour – see Production Notes) Sample Text Music 1 - John Williams: Summon the Heroes (Everyone files in and takes up places) Head Teacher: Good morning and welcome to our Leavers Assembly for Year 6s. I have great pleasure in (Sound of ‘ranting’ from off stage, as Rant and Heck ‘explode’ onto stage) Rant: (Hysterically) Us? Today? Presenting a school version of Britain’s Got Talent? Heck: Why, yes! Oh heck! Didn’t I mention this to you? Rant: (Exploding) Didn’t I mention this to you? Well, of course you didn’t! Do you seriously think I would have agreed? Heck: (Spluttering) But… but… Rant: But… but… nothing! You’ve talked me into more than enough daft situations in the past – but not today! Heck: (Turning to Head Teacher) Oh heck! This probably isn’t what you were hoping for? Rant: And who’s this? Head Teacher: I’m the head teacher of …… Primary School. (Advances towards Rant with outstretched hand) So pleased to meet you! Allow me to introduce you, Rant (pointing to Rant) and you, Heck (pointing to Heck) to our audience assembled here today! You’re just in time to kick off our 2016 Leavers Assembly! Rant: (Incredulously) Kick off? Kick off, did you say? Well, if it’s Wayne Rooney … (pauses and mutters) …hmm, make that Lionel Messi - that you want to ‘kick off’ things today – you’re out of luck! Heck: No! No! He doesn’t need an international football star! He asked for us! Head Teacher: But if it’s too much trouble … Heck: Oh heck! Of course it’s not! Rant and Heck at your service! Other Leavers Assemblies by Sue Russell: • Olympics Leavers Assembly • School's Out Leavers' Assembly • It’s Good to be Me Leavers Assembly • Leavers Assembly for Year 6s
Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading Scripts 2016

Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading Scripts 2016

Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading Scripts 2016 This set of 5 group readers is intended to promote the concepts behind PRIDE – standing for Positive Mental Attitude, Respect, Intelligent Choices, Dreams and Effort (Education). In short, the promotion of healthy, positive self-esteem among young people, highlighting the fact that ‘being the best’ takes time, effort and all round commitment. Also available as an Assembly or Class Play. Extract from PRIDE Group Readers 1.POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE Coach: You're getting there! But don't forget. It's not just about looking big on the outside. You've got to feel big on the inside, too. Player 2: That's where your strength comes from. Player 1: Right. I can lift weights all day long but when I get out there on court, those muscles alone aren't going to help me one bit! Player 3: Not if you don't believe in yourself. Player 2: Not if you don't have fire in your belly! Dancer 1: (Squirming) Ooh! Sounds painful! Player 3: You have to want it so bad it really does hurt! Player 2: That's what playing is all about. Having the passion to win Player 3: And doing your best. And that is just as important off court as on. Fan 1: You mean (sniggering) like in the classroom as well? Player 3: Totally! Even more so! We are all of us learning all the time - it doesn't stop when we leave school. It's what makes us what we are Coach: And what we can become! We can all be heroes Fan 1: Like you Dancer 1: And you! All: (Shouting) You just have to believe in yourself! Other scripts available from Sue Russell: ASSEMBLIES 1. Brazil Host Country to 2016 Rio Olympics 2. Olympics PRIDE Assembly (PSHE 'team spirit' script) 3. Olympic Games 2016 Leavers Assembly 4. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly - covering all 28 sports 5. History of the Olympics Assembly 6. Rio 2016 Olympic Games Assembly: history and events - combined script including Olympic Ode 7. Olympics Assembly for Key Stage 1 Rio 2016 8. Paralympics 2016 Assembly GUIDED READING SCRIPTS 1. A Complete History of the Olympic Games Guided Reading Scripts plus quizzes - set of 8 scripts, plus quizzes 2. Olympics PRIDE Guided Reading QUIZ Rio 2016 Olympic Games Quiz - 100 questions and answers! plus OLYMPIC ODE
Fairer And More Sustainable World  Class Play or Assembly

Fairer And More Sustainable World Class Play or Assembly

Fairer And More Sustainable World Assembly or Class Play Cast of 30 - easily adjustable up or down (Narrator plus 29 Protestors) Duration - around 20 minutes not including music suggestions This script covers two major themes – Fairness in terms of social equality; and Sustainability re: protection of the environment. The two themes are available as separate assemblies: · Fairer World Assembly · The Environment Assembly The price of this script reflects the fact that this is 'The Environment Assembly' plus a segment from the Fairer World Assembly i.e. a combined script. For full coverage of social issues/justice, I would suggest making Fairer World as a separate purchase. Sample Text: Protestor 1: (Holding up ‘F’) F is for Fairer World Protestor 2: (Holding up ‘A’) A is for All living things being loved and cared for Protestor 3: (Holding up ‘I’) I is for International Cooperation Protestor 4: (Holding up ‘R’) R is for Reduction of all things harmful to the environment Protestor 5: (Holding up ‘E’) E is for Education for everyone Protestor 6: (Holding up ‘R’) R is for Respect for everyone Protestor 7: (Holding up ‘W’) W is for Water that is clean and available to all Protestor 8: (Holding up ‘O’) O is for Ozone layer survival Protestor 9: (Holding up ‘R’) R is for Rainforests saved Protestor 10: (Holding up ‘L’) L is for Love throughout the world Protestor 11: (Holding up ‘D’) and D is for Diversity respected and encouraged everywhere Narrator: Wow! That’s a pretty awesome list! Protestor 12: All the more awesome if we could make it happen! Narrator: But that’s why we’re here today! To make it happen! Other scripts available on the two subjects of social fairness and protecting our planet are as follows: Assemblies/Class Plays on: • Bullying and how to deal with it • British Values • Children’s Rights • Mutual Respect • numerous other PSHE scripts – in both assembly/class play and guided reading format • Our Planet • Environment