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Historia Victoria

Average Rating3.68
(based on 453 reviews)

I have a passion for History and communicating knowledge in an engaging form. I have 20 years experience of teaching History, Geography, English, Religious Studies and Citizenship.




I have a passion for History and communicating knowledge in an engaging form. I have 20 years experience of teaching History, Geography, English, Religious Studies and Citizenship.
WW2 Animals in War

WW2 Animals in War

Story of parachuting WWII dog Bing to be told in new children's book The story of Bing, the parachuting World War II dog who leapt from a plane on D-Day and led troops to victory, will be told for the first time in a children’s book Powerpoint to support entry to looking at D-Day etc All The Best S Yellland
Victorian Heroes PP

Victorian Heroes PP

Can be played in 2 ways - pupils have back to the board and the class describe the character without using the name. Or remove the name and can be used as a whole class activity.
Ideas of the Known World Around 1500 Quiz

Ideas of the Known World Around 1500 Quiz

Ask 2 pupils to sit with their backs to the board - rest of class must give clues to the answers that are in red writing without saying the red words. Alternatively, you can delete the red words and do the quiz as a whole class activity. Best Wishes, Steven
The Franklin Expedition: What really happened?

The Franklin Expedition: What really happened?

In May 1845 Sir John Franklin set off on his third Arctic expedition with two Royal Navy vessels, Erebus and Terror, and 129 men. After being spotted by a whaling ship in Lancaster Sound in July 1845, they were never seen again. The search for the Franklin expedition began in 1848, and grew to be one of the largest and most costly search and rescue operations in history.
Henry VIII You Say We Pay Quiz

Henry VIII You Say We Pay Quiz

Ask 2 pupils to sit with their backs to the board - rest of class must give clues to the answers that are in red writing without saying the red words. Alternatively, you can delete the red words and do the quiz as a whole class activity. Best Wishes, Steven