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Unseen poetry Assessment- 3 hour task

Unseen poetry Assessment- 3 hour task

Pupils complete the booklet on their own, under exam conditions. This results in pupils studying a range of conflict/war poems and an essay on the poem Futlity. This task can also be combined with the futile nature of conflict in Romeo and Juliet- AQA Literature Controlled Assessment.
Video on the poem Love after Love

Video on the poem Love after Love

I made this video to help pupils see the poem from my own perspective. With poetry, all of us have our own ideas so if you dont feel the images/music go with the poem then please do not make a negative comment. Poetry is written to reach out to us in different ways. I hope you find it useful- my last year 11s loved it! CAN YOU ALSO RATE OR LEAVE A COMMENT. Thanks- it's nice to know if others have found my resource useful.