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AQA A2 Sociology- Theory and Methods: Social Policy

AQA A2 Sociology- Theory and Methods: Social Policy

Objectives: To identify (AO1) and analyse (AO2+AO3) the influence(AO3) sociologists have on social policy Key terms/Concepts: Social policy Social problem Sociological problem Key Questions: How have social policies moulded and shaped our society?
AQA A2 Sociology- Crime and Deviance: Functionalism

AQA A2 Sociology- Crime and Deviance: Functionalism

Objectives: To outline the Functionalist theories on crime To evaluate functionalist theories on crime Key terms/Concepts: Durkheim- Functionality Merton- Strain Cohen-Status Cloward and Ohlin- Opportunity structures Miller- Focal concerns Key Questions: How can you evaluate the Functionalist view of crime?
AQA AS Sociology: Research Methods- Introduction

AQA AS Sociology: Research Methods- Introduction

Objectives: To gain an understanding of the importance of research methodology in Sociology. Key terms: Research Explanations Objective Methodology Key Questions: How do we look into and explore problems in society
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Influences on news content

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Influences on news content

Objectives: To understand the various influences behind the selection of media news content Key terms: News management News diary Social construct Key Questions: What sort of influences do you think there are for the selection of media news content?
AQA AS Sociology- Families and Households: Functionalism (Parsons) and the symmetrical family

AQA AS Sociology- Families and Households: Functionalism (Parsons) and the symmetrical family

Objective: To apply and compare theoretical perspectives on the family (AO2) To evaluate the functionalist explanation of the family and its relationship to social change (AO3) Key terms/concepts: Consensus Socialisation Instrumental and Expressive Role Symmetrical family Key Questions: How can we compare the sociological evidence of the family to the relationship between family and social change?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: News values (theory)

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: News values (theory)

There are slides with the theory information on that you can work through OR the word document for a student led focus :) Objectives: To evaluate perspectives on selection and production of news and current affairs. To know the nature and influence of news values Key terms: News values Dumbing down Narrative Key Questions: Who or what decides what news and information we receive? How far do we receive a balanced view of the world?
AQA AS Sociology- Families & Households: Family Diversity Essay Exemplar

AQA AS Sociology- Families & Households: Family Diversity Essay Exemplar

Objective: To account for reasons behind diversity in the family To understand how to plan and write a sociology essay Key terms/concepts: Family Diversity Family types Key Questions: What are the reasons behind family diversity? How do we put together a 20 mark answer? How should we structure our answers to demonstrate our knowledge?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Globalisation

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Globalisation

Objectives: To understand cultural and media imperialism theories of globalisation To know cultural flows and network and reception theories of globalisation Examine studies and evidence of competing models of globalization Key terms: Globalisation Cultural imperialism Public sphere Key Questions: What is our understanding of globalisation? How has globalisation impacted the public sphere?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Tasks and Activities

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Tasks and Activities

A range of resources and activities for the start of this A2 unit (Ownership, control and mass/popular culture) Includes: - Research task for marketplace activity - Key terms for Bingo - Research and comprehension - Key questions
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Mass Culture

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Mass Culture

-To understand the mass culture debate -To evaluate the competing theoretical positions. Key terms: Mass culture Folk culture Popular culture Key Questions: What media changes have taken place and how has it changed our ‘mass culture’? What are the concerns of the right and left wing?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Culture

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Media and Culture

Objective: -To understand the mass culture debate -To evaluate the competing theoretical positions. Key terms: Mass culture Folk culture Popular culture Key Questions: What media changes have taken place and how has it changed our ‘mass culture’? What are the concerns of the right and left wing?
AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Ownership and Control

AQA A2 Sociology- Mass Media: Ownership and Control

LO: To understand the relationship between ownership and control of the mass media A LOT of the theory and researchers broken up with a few tasks. - Definitions - Concepts - Marxist and Neo-Marxist ideas - Evaluation and AO3 focus Enjoy!