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I share creative, motivating and communicative oriented Spanish activities, games and worksheets. Most of my resources have been designed for students who have a pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. However, you will also find various games and worksheets aimed at children from 7 to 12. All my resources have proved to be engaging, effective and fun. Hope you enjoy them!




I share creative, motivating and communicative oriented Spanish activities, games and worksheets. Most of my resources have been designed for students who have a pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. However, you will also find various games and worksheets aimed at children from 7 to 12. All my resources have proved to be engaging, effective and fun. Hope you enjoy them!


ACTIVIDADES PARA HABLAR DEL TIEMPO ATMOSFÉRICO (NIVEL INTERMEDIO) ACTIVITIES TO TALK ABOUT THE WEATHER (INTERMEDIATE) Este recurso incluye varias actividades para hablar y trabajar el vocabulario del tiempo atmosférico con estudiantes de nivel intermedio (Nivel B1-B2 según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas). Las actividades incluidas en este pack están pensadas para complementar una unidad sobre el tiempo atmosférico y están destinadas a ampliar el vocabulario meteorológico de forma lúdica, así como fomentar la expresión oral de los estudiantes. En este pack encontrarás: 1 actividad para clasificar diferentes palabras meteorológicas. 1 concurso de 15 definiciones para jugar en parejas y/o grupos. 1 set de 14 preguntas de conversación + set de preguntas por parejas. 1 cuadro-resumen con expresiones sobre el tiempo para utilizar como referencia y/o revisión. Todas las actividades incluyen soluciones para el profesor. Espero que te guste este recurso tanto como a mí. Por favor, no te olvides de dejar tu valoración después de descargar este recurso. Tus comentarios y valoraciones son fundamentales para seguir creando productos de calidad que se ajusten a las necesidades de los profesores de español. ¡Muchísimas gracias! Te recomiendo que visites mi tienda SPANISH MIX & MATCH regularmente, ya que todos los meses te esperan nuevos productos y descuentos. Te animo a que visites mi blog, LACLASEDEELE, donde encontrarás un montón de materiales gratuitos para tus clases: unidades didácticas con canciones, comprensiones de lectura, juegos, herramientas TIC para profesores y… ¡mucho más! Me encontrarás en: Blogger - www.laclasedeele.com Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.es/spanishmixandmatch Facebook - Laclasedeele Veronica Tarantino Twitter - @laclasedeele Gracias por visitar mi tienda. ¡Qué tengas un buen día!
Compilation of 10 group dynamics and introduction games for the first school week

Compilation of 10 group dynamics and introduction games for the first school week

This resource includes a compilation of 10 group dynamics and introduction games in Spanish. These are ideal for the first school days to make students introduce themselves in a fun and different way as well as create a motivating and relaxed atmosphere in class. The instructions on how to develop each group dynamic are included. I decided to create this compilation in order to have different introduction activities for my groups and not have to repeat the same one year after year. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, SPANISH MIX & MATCH, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!


TEST WITH CURIOUS FACTS ABOUT WORLD LANGUAGES TEST DE CURIOSIDADES SOBRE LAS LENGUAS DEL MUNDO Este recurso tiene un total de 6 páginas e incluye un test de 20 preguntas con datos curiosos sobre diferentes idiomas del mundo. El test está pensado para llevarse a cabo con estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado de español (Nivel B1 a C1 según el Marco Común Europeo de referencia para las Lenguas). Puede utilizarse como actividad complementaria para celebrar: el Día Europeo de las Lenguas el Día Mundial de las Lenguas el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna Día del Español En este pack encontrarás: 3 versiones de juego para utilizar el test en clase Fichas para el alumno Soluciones para el profesor Espero que te guste este recurso tanto como a mí. Por favor, no te olvides de dejar tu valoración después de descargar este recurso. Tus comentarios y valoraciones son fundamentales para seguir creando productos de calidad que se ajusten a las necesidades de los profesores de español. ¡Muchísimas gracias! Te recomiendo que visites mi tienda SPANISH MIX & MATCH regularmente, ya que todos los meses te esperan nuevos productos y descuentos. Te animo a que visites mi blog, LACLASEDEELE, donde encontrarás un montón de materiales gratuitos para tus clases: unidades didácticas con canciones, comprensiones de lectura, juegos, herramientas TIC para profesores y… ¡mucho más! Me encontrarás en: Blogger - www.laclasedeele.com Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.es/spanishmixandmatch Facebook - Laclasedeele Veronica Tarantino Twitter - @laclasedeele Gracias por visitar mi tienda. ¡Qué tengas un buen día!
Spanish Conversation Questions by Topic (Part 1)

Spanish Conversation Questions by Topic (Part 1)

This 6-pages long worksheet includes 6 sets of questions by topic. It can be used to review A-level topics orally and make sure students have enough practice before their oral exams. These worksheets can also be handed in, so that students know what questions they may be asked in their oral exams. The questions are for students who have an intermediate, upper-intermediate level of Spanish (B1-B2+, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The questions listed in this bundle are related to the following topics: - La moda y la importancia de la apariencia física - Internet y las redes sociales - La educación - Las compras y el dinero - Las relaciones familiares y el matrimonio - Los medios de comunicación y el uso del móvil If you are interested in more conversation questions like these, check out my Spanish Conversation Questions by Topic (Part 2). Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Role Play cards with prompts for conversation practice in Spanish (intermediate level, B1, GSCE, AS)

Role Play cards with prompts for conversation practice in Spanish (intermediate level, B1, GSCE, AS)

This resource includes 16 role play cards with prompts ready to cut out and use in Spanish lessons for conversation practice. The cards are intended for pairwork and include instructions/tasks that the students must complete in order to develop a structured and organized conversation. Thanks to the prompts or ideas in each card, students know exactly what they need to discuss together. The resource is also very useful to review general conversation topics and practice future, past and present tenses in Spanish. The file is 4 pages long and has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions are written in Spanish. It can also be used in TA's lessons to practice speaking skills. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!


EMOCIONES Y ESTADOS DE ÁNIMO EN LA CLASE DE ESPAÑOL EMOTIONS AND MOODS IN SPANISH CLASS Este recurso tiene u total de 20 páginas e incluye actividades y fichas para trabajar de forma lúdica y visual 30 emociones y estados de ánimo en la clase de español con estudiantes jóvenes de niveles elementales e intermedios (niveles A2-B1 según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas). En este pack encontrarás: Un póster A4 con 30 emociones o estados de ánimo en español 30 tarjetas de vocabulario (flashcards) listas para recortar + 4 sugerencias de juego Un creador de emoticonos para crear y personalizar nuestras propias emociones Una actividad para emparejar las emociones o estados de ánimo con el emoticono que corresponde Una actividad para identificar y escribir la emoción que nos provocan determinadas situaciones Espero que te guste este recurso tanto como a mí. Por favor, no te olvides de dejar tu valoración después de descargar este recurso. Tus comentarios y valoraciones son fundamentales para seguir creando productos de calidad que se ajusten a las necesidades de los profesores de español. ¡Muchísimas gracias! Te recomiendo que visites mi tienda SPANISH MIX & MATCH regularmente, ya que todos los meses te esperan nuevos productos y descuentos. Te animo a que visites mi blog, LACLASEDEELE, donde encontrarás un montón de materiales gratuitos para tus clases: unidades didácticas con canciones, comprensiones de lectura, juegos, herramientas TIC para profesores y… ¡mucho más! Me encontrarás en: Blogger - www.laclasedeele.com Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.es/spanishmixandmatch Facebook - Laclasedeele Veronica Tarantino Twitter - @laclasedeele Gracias por visitar mi tienda. ¡Qué tengas un buen día!
Spanish game Pasapalabra to practice Travel and Means of Transport vocabulary (GCSE, AS level)

Spanish game Pasapalabra to practice Travel and Means of Transport vocabulary (GCSE, AS level)

This file is a 3-pages long worksheet which includes a Spanish defintion-game called Pasapalabra on the topic travelling and means of transport. It works as follows: It can be played in pairs, in groups or with the whole class. It consists of reading aloud definitions for different sports by saying the letter each sport starts with. The students have to guess the Travel word the definition refers to. You can use an ABC spinning wheel to make the game even more real. This game is ideal to review vocabulary in a fun and motivating way. The worksheet has an appealing and inviting design and the instructions are written in Spanish. Key: atasco, billete, cinturon, despegar, estacion, facturar, garaje, helicoptero, itinerario, pasajero, parking, lancha, maletero, avion, señal, casco, pasaporte, equipaje, retraso, semaforo, tranvia, guia, vagon, wagon-lit, taxi, ferry, cruzar. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!


30 Trabalenguas + 5 juegos para trabajarlos en clase de español 30 Tongue twisters + 5 games to use them in Spanish class Los trabalenguas son una herramienta muy útil y divertida para practicar y mejorar tanto la pronunciación como la fluidez en un idioma extranjero. Por eso he creado este recurso de 23 páginas que incluye: - 15 tarjetas con trabalenguas de animales que podrás recortar de forma separada o imprimir en forma de libro-acordeón - 15 tarjetas con trabalenguas de comida que podrás recortar de forma separada o imprimir en forma de libro-acordeón - 15 tarjetones grandes con trabalenguas de animales - 15 tarjetones grandes con trabalenguas de comida - 5 ideas / juegos con instrucciones para trabajar los trabalenguas en tu clase de español Espero que te guste este recurso tanto como a mí. Por favor, no te olvides de dejar tu valoración después de descargar este recurso. Tus comentarios y valoraciones son fundamentales para seguir creando productos de calidad que se ajusten a las necesidades de los profesores de español. ¡Muchísimas gracias! Te recomiendo que visites mi tienda SPANISH MIX & MATCH regularmente, ya que todos los meses te esperan nuevos productos y descuentos. Te animo a que visites mi blog, LACLASEDEELE, donde encontrarás un montón de materiales gratuitos para tus clases: unidades didácticas con canciones, comprensiones de lectura, juegos, herramientas TIC para profesores y… ¡mucho más! Me encontrarás en: Blogger - www.laclasedeele.com Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.es/spanishmixandmatch Facebook - Laclasedeele Veronica Tarantino Twitter - @laclasedeele Gracias por visitar mi tienda. ¡Qué tengas un buen día!
10 JUEGOS DE MESA GRAMATICALES: conjugación y tiempos verbales

10 JUEGOS DE MESA GRAMATICALES: conjugación y tiempos verbales

10 Grammar board games: Spanish conjugation and tenses 10 Juegos de mesa gramaticales: Conjugación y tiempos verbales en español Este recurso tiene 11 página e incluye 10 tableros/juegos de mesa gramaticales para practicar la conjugación de verbos regulares e irregulares así como los tiempos verbales en español de forma simple y divertida. Lo único que necesitas es imprimir y plastificar cada tablero gramatical e invitar a tus estudiantes a jugar con un dado y peones. Los tableros de juego incluidos en este pack trabajan los siguientes aspectos gramaticales: - presente (verbos regulares e irregulares) - imperativo (verbos irregulares) - futuro simple (verbos regulares e irregulares) - pretérito indefinido (verbos irregulares) - verbos reflexivos - gerundio (verbos regulares e irregulares) - participio (verbos irregulares) - pretérito perfecto (verbos regulares e irregulares) - presente de subjuntivo (verbos irregulares) - expresiones de deseo con subjuntivo Espero que te guste este recurso tanto como a mí. Por favor, no te olvides de dejar tu valoración después de descargar este recurso. Tus comentarios y valoraciones son fundamentales para seguir creando productos de calidad que se ajusten a las necesidades de los profesores de español. ¡Muchísimas gracias! Te recomiendo que visites mi tienda SPANISH MIX & MATCH regularmente, ya que todos los meses te esperan nuevos productos y descuentos. Te animo a que visites mi blog, LACLASEDEELE, donde encontrarás un montón de materiales gratuitos para tus clases: unidades didácticas con canciones, comprensiones de lectura, juegos, herramientas TIC para profesores y… ¡mucho más! Me encontrarás en: Blogger - www.laclasedeele.com Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.es/spanishmixandmatch Facebook - Laclasedeele Veronica Tarantino Twitter - @laclasedeele Gracias por visitar mi tienda. ¡Qué tengas un buen día!
New Year Resolutions Activities Spanish (intermediate level, GCSE, AS, A2)

New Year Resolutions Activities Spanish (intermediate level, GCSE, AS, A2)

This 4-pages-long resource is perfect to start off the New Year! It includes 3 engaging activities around the topic New Year resolutions in Spanish: 1. A worksheet where students must summarize their last year by telling what they most enjoyed, something new they have learned, the places they visited, etc. 2. The second worksheet includes a survey which can be done in pairs or small groups where students take stock of the most popular events of the year: the best Spanish song, the best Spanish film, the Spanish word of the year, the best electronical device, the news of the year, etc. After doing some research and completing this worksheet I asked my students to do a short oral presentation on the year 2016 with the information they had found. 3. In the last worksheet students write their New Year resolutions in Spanish regarding work, studies, family, travelling, health, free time, etc. After completing this exercise, teachers can ask students to write full sentences using the future tense, for instance. The worksheets have an inviting and motivating design and all the instructions are written in Spanish. They are ideal for students who have an intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. If you are looking for extra New Year activities to have fun with your students, this varied resources will definitely make a difference in your lessons. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
7 Oral stimulus cards for AS and A2 Spanish examination practice (intermediate/upper-intermediate)

7 Oral stimulus cards for AS and A2 Spanish examination practice (intermediate/upper-intermediate)

This is a set of 7 oral stimulus card I have created for extra practice on different AS and A2 topics. The cards are very similar to AS and A2 oral examination stimulus cards and therefore, very useful to have some extra conversation practice on this topic before the final exam. Each card is 1 page long and will find : - an image and heading to illustrate the topic - a general question on the topic - two opposing statements on the topic in two different speech bubbles (for A2 cards) - a set of 5 or 6 questions to answer on the topic (for AS cards) - further questions to expand ideas and express opinion Even though these cards are intented for students who are going to take AS or A2 examinations, they can also be used with intermediate and upper-intermediate students in order to practice conversation and hold a debate in class on the topics given. If you download my resource you will find the following cards: - Adictos a Internet (AS) - Conflictos entre padres e hijos (AS) - Cuanto mas peligroso, mas excitante (AS) - ¿Es esto bello? (AS) - Cuestion de disciplina (A2) - El doblaje de peliculas (A2) - La pena de muerte (A2) Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!


This resource is ideal to practice conversation in intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. It includes 60 conversational cards with different topics to debate on. It is recommendable to cut out and laminate the cards before using them in class. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Coversation cards with prompts (Spanish GCSE)

Coversation cards with prompts (Spanish GCSE)

This file includes 16 prompt cards to cut out in order to practice topics such as: description of student's school, neighbourhood, room in the house, family members, shopping habits, last book read, healthy habits, best present ever received, last holidays or student's favourite restaurant, among others. These cards are ideal to make students organize their writing or oral tasks in a structured way since the cards always include ideas/prompts so that students know exactly what to write or speak about. It is also very useful to review general conversation topics and practice future, past and present tenses in Spanish. The file is 4 pages long and has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions are written in Spanish. It can also be used in TA's lessons to practice speaking skills. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Spanish Scattergories Game to review vocabulary based on categories (GCSE, AS, A2)

Spanish Scattergories Game to review vocabulary based on categories (GCSE, AS, A2)

This resource includes 5 different templates to play Scattergories in Spanish class. This game can be also played in pairs or in groups if we have a large class. It is ideal to review vocabulary in a fun and motivating way as well as learn new words. This resources includes a separate sheet with instructions in Spanish on how to play this game. I've used it several times in my lessons and it has always been a hit! I hope you enjoy it! Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Spanish for Children 6 Worksheets Bundle: days of the week, colours, toys, numbers, time, body parts

Spanish for Children 6 Worksheets Bundle: days of the week, colours, toys, numbers, time, body parts

This is a bundle of 6 worksheets to practice the days of the week, the colours, the toys, the numbers from 1 to 100, the time and the body parts in Spanish. This resource is 8 pages long and it includes 6 topic-based activities which are: - days of the week crossword with key - clock worksheet for telling the time practice - toys vocabulary matching exercise - monster body parts worksheet - bingo or number dictation template with numbers from 1 to 100 - colours wordsearch with key (11 colours) These worksheets have an inviting and motivating design and all the instructions are written in Spanish. They are ideal fro children who are learning Spanish but already have basic Spanish knowledge. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Spanish Christmas Cultural and Fun Activities/Games for GCSE, intermediate level

Spanish Christmas Cultural and Fun Activities/Games for GCSE, intermediate level

This resource includes 3 different activities and is 5 pages long. The activities/games included are: 1. A Spanish Christmas vocabulary race where students need to match each definition to one of the 18 Christmas words provided. You can play this game in pairs or groups and then reward the students who have the most right answers. I recommend teaching students what the main Christmas traditions in Spain are prior to this activity. This worksheet includes a key answer sheet for teachers. If you need or are looking for a Christmas presentation have a look at the one I created some time ago on Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/VeronicaTarantino/todo-lo-que-debes-saber-sobre-la-navidad-en-espaa (Just copy the link on your browser and you will be able to read and download my presentation). 2. A set of 12 ready to cut out cards which include a mistake related to Spanish Christmas cultural traditions. This game can be played in pairs or groups. Students have to find the mistake and the winner will be the student or group who first spots the mistake. 3. One page long Christmas diary template for students to fill out with what they have read, eaten, received, visited, etc. during Christmas holidays (this way students will practice the past tense in Spanish). You can hand them in this worksheet and let them share their Christmas experiences after students come back from holidays. These worksheets have an inviting and motivating design and all the instructions are written in Spanish. They are ideal for students who have a pre-intermediate or intermediate level of Spanish. If you are looking for extra Christmas activities to have fun with your students, this varied resources will definitely make a difference in your lessons. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Spanish Days of the week board game and crossword with key (primary)

Spanish Days of the week board game and crossword with key (primary)

This resource is ideal to practice the days of the week in a fun way in your Spanish class. It is 10 pages long and it includes 2 games: - a board game with cards (you only need counters and a dice to start playing) - a crossword with key Both games have an inviting and attractive design and all the instructions are written in Spanish. I'm sure your primary students will love it. It can definitely be used with children who have a basic level of Spanish. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Telling the time card game + cut-out clock for Spanish students

Telling the time card game + cut-out clock for Spanish students

This resource includes a game and a ready to cut-out clock for students to learn how to tell the time in Spanish. The game is 100% fun and educational. It consists of a set of 36 cards. It includes 3 different options to play with the cards and also a score-template for students to write down their points. This resource is 8 pages long and it has an inviting and attractive design since it is thought to be used with primary students (age 7-12). The instructions to play this game are written in Spanish. I've used this game several times in my lessons and it has always been a hit! I am sure you are going to love it! Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
Grammar Activities Reported Speech Spanish

Grammar Activities Reported Speech Spanish

This resource is 3 pages long and includes 5 activities to practice the Reported Speech in Spanish. The activities are based on a Spanish joke on getting a good job and having good working conditions. It is intended for upper-intermediate levels, AS and A2. All the instructions are written in Spanish. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!
8 role play cards for Spanish intermediate level

8 role play cards for Spanish intermediate level

This resource is 5 pages long and includes 8 role play cards with prompts, ready to cut out and use in Spanish lessons for conversation practice. The cards are intended for pairwork and each of them includes a contextualized situation with 7 discussion points students must decide and agree on together. The resource is also very useful to review general conversation in pre-intermediate and intermediate levels of Spanish (B1 and B2- according to the Common European Framework of Languages). The resource has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions are written in Spanish. It can also be used in TA's lessons to practice speaking skills. Please, leave a comment after downloading! Thank you! Visit my TES shop, THE SPANISH WORKSHOP, for tons of great Spanish resources. Sales are awaiting you every week!