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Learning First Resources

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Sharing Resources to develop understanding of the new AQA Language and Literature Spec. Some differentiated resources to assist Lower Ability Pupils. Homework booklets to consolidate understanding of exam papers. Self and Peer Assessment strategies to engage students in their own learning.




Sharing Resources to develop understanding of the new AQA Language and Literature Spec. Some differentiated resources to assist Lower Ability Pupils. Homework booklets to consolidate understanding of exam papers. Self and Peer Assessment strategies to engage students in their own learning.
Poetry Anthology - Love and Relationships Cluster - AQA New Spec

Poetry Anthology - Love and Relationships Cluster - AQA New Spec

8 Resources
A group of lesson plans and resources which aid the delivery and exploration of the Love and Relationships Cluster of the New Spec AQA Anthology. Include lessons for: Mother Any Distance Porphyria's Lover Follower Climbing my Grandfather Walking Away and An independent writing task in response to Neutral Tones Self-Assessment task for AQA Lit Paper 2 Section B
Neutral Tones - Thomas Hardy

Neutral Tones - Thomas Hardy

An independent writing task which prompts students to create a response to an exam style question - Uses the anthology to develop engagement with 'unseen poems' Uses leading questions to develop students understanding of how to structure a response to unseen poetry
AQA Lit - Winter Swans - Owen Sheers

AQA Lit - Winter Swans - Owen Sheers

A lesson plan which teaches Winter Swans from a 'unseen poetry' aspect, with a view to analysing the poems in the Love and Relationships cluster. Allow for independent annotations of the poem in the anthology - using targeted questioning to prompt thoughts/ideas. Opportunity to create differentiated sentence starters dependent on ability of the group and write an independent response about the poem in an 'unseen poetry' response style
Comparing Poetry - AO3 - AQA Lit Paper 2

Comparing Poetry - AO3 - AQA Lit Paper 2

A lesson plan which gives students a first look at comparing poetry for the New Spec AQA Literature syllabus- Paper 2 - Section B (AO3) It involves the importance of context, annotated copies of the anthology cluster for 'family realtionships', model paragraph and 'example question' as it would look on the paper
AQA Lit - Paper 2 - Exposure - Wilfred Owen

AQA Lit - Paper 2 - Exposure - Wilfred Owen

A lesson plan for low ability group with differentiated copy of the opening of the poem which focuses on AO3 (in this case with 'Storm on the Island' which we did in the previous lesson. Opportunity to write a model paragraph interactively with students to model comparative structure
Structure & Descriptive Writing - AQA New Spec

Structure & Descriptive Writing - AQA New Spec

15 Resources
A load of resources with a focus on Question 3 and Question 5 of the New Spec GCSE AQA Language Paper 1 A range of lesson plans and activities which are useful for home learning and classroom activities Can be adapted to suit ability
AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology - Mother Any Distance

AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology - Mother Any Distance

Lesson plan for Mother Any Distance in the AQA Literature Poetry Anthology Includes model paragraph and focuses on use of Lexical Fields to create a first impression of the poem - something which students often struggle with on first read of the poem
AQA New Spec - Descriptive Writing - Section B - Paper 1

AQA New Spec - Descriptive Writing - Section B - Paper 1

9 Resources
A series of lesson plans and resources which focus on Paper 1 of the new AWA Spec - Section B Includes a HW booklet with a range of tasks for the whole paper and extended writing tasks/mocks. Stimulus and success criteria can be differentiated for ability
Literature Poetry Anthology - AQA

Literature Poetry Anthology - AQA

20 Resources
A series of lessons including the following poems: - Porphyria's Lover - Follower - Storm on the Island - Climbing my Grandfather - Walking Away - Mother Any Distance - Exposure - Neutral Tones - Bayonet Charge - Winter Swans - Singh Song - The Farmer's Bride - London - Remains - Ozymandias with various extended writing tasks, success criteria, self/peer assessment, differentiated poems Comparison (AO3) for Paper 2, Section B focusing on Walking Away (and a model paragraph which includes Follower)
AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology - Porphyria's Lover

AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology - Porphyria's Lover

Lessons concentrate on the poem Porphyria's Lover, for a low ability group, with a focus on the question How does Browning present the relationship between Porphyria and her Lover? Includes: - Opportunity to annotate the anthology as a class (visualiser)/independently depending on ability - Building of Success Critiera - Model Paragraph - Tasks on Lexical Field & Structural features
AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology-  Follower - Seamus Heaney

AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology- Follower - Seamus Heaney

2 lesson plans which allow students to annotate and understand the imagery in the poem prior to creating an extended response in relation to the poem Copy of the poem is differentiated with prompting questions and has a model paragraph which can be adapted to suit ability Following lesson includes a self/peer assessment task to engage students in understanding of how to implement Success Criteria
AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology - Storm on the Island

AQA Lit - Poetry Anthology - Storm on the Island

A lesson plan and activity focusing on Seamus Heaney's 'Storm on the Island' Includes differentiated tasks, model paragraph (which can be up leveled as a class), opportunity to annotate the poem and differentiated copy of the poem
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Full Scheme of Learning

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Full Scheme of Learning

9 Resources
The Bundle includes a series of 29 lessons for BITSP which includes opportunities for; - Guided reading - Extended Writing - Scaffolding - Creative Writing - Non-fiction writing - Self & Peer Assessment - Speaking & Listening/Drama
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lessons 27-29

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lessons 27-29

A selection of lessons from the BITSP scheme of learning with opportunities for: - Guided reading - Extended writing - Self/Peer Assessment - Information Retrieval - Quote Analysis - Creative Writing
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lessons 23-25

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lessons 23-25

A selection of lessons from the BITSP scheme of learning with opportunities for: - Guided reading - Extended writing - Self/Peer Assessment - Information Retrieval - Quote Analysis - Creative Writing
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lessons 20-21

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lessons 20-21

A selection of lessons from the BITSP scheme of learning with opportunities for: - Guided reading - Extended writing - Self/Peer Assessment - Information Retrieval - Quote Analysis - Creative Writing - Speaking and Listening
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lesson 17-19

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lesson 17-19

A selection of lessons from the BITSP scheme of learning with opportunities for: - Guided reading - Extended writing - Self/Peer Assessment - Information Retrieval - Quote Analysis - Creative Writing - Speaking and Listening
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lesson 13-16

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lesson 13-16

A selection of lessons from the BITSP scheme of learning with opportunities for: - Guided reading - Extended writing - Self/Peer Assessment - Information Retrieval - Quote Analysis - Creative Writing
Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lesson 10-12

Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - Lesson 10-12

A selection of lessons from the BITSP scheme of learning with opportunities for: - Guided reading - Extended writing - Self/Peer Assessment - Information Retrieval - Quote Analysis - Creative Writing