What's included in Tes Learning Pathways?

What makes Tes Learning Pathways so powerful for international schools? Our flexible system can help you to improve outcomes for all students.

Teacher looking at a graph

What makes Tes Learning Pathways so easy to use? 

Check out these amazing features.

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    Teacher looking at the Learning Pathways dashboard


    Tes Learning Pathways collates all the information you need in one place. View student progress, performance and feedback, at a glance.

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    Teacher looking at a student learning card

    Learning plans

    You can create as many learning plans as your school needs from adaptable templates. Easily adjust targets to ensure they’re truly specific to each individual student.

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    Learning Pathways Adjustments card example


    Tes Learning Pathways helps you to support inclusion by easily mapping out all provisions and interventions. You can track everything you’ve put in place in the school - assign budgets, staff and which students are attached to what activities, to match their individual needs.

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    Student profile example

    Student profile

    Produce a fully customisable one-page profile which can be written in partnership with the student, so all staff know what support they may need.

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    Example of a student report card


    Don’t waste valuable time producing manual reports. Just choose the criteria you need, and a detailed report is instantly available. If you need to repeat reports based on the same criteria, you can save them to run over and over again. 

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