Downs Junior School

Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom

Location: Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Community
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 7 - 11 years

About Downs Junior School

At Downs Junior School we provide an environment where creativity is encouraged, curiosity is welcomed and excitement in learning fostered. Our children develop confidence in their own abilities, are motivated to achieve their best and learn to be resilient and adaptable to change. Through an emphasis on the development of the whole child, we equip pupils with the skills and knowledge to lead happy, healthy and active lives. Our children achieve well and are literate and numerate. They learn to care about themselves, each other, their family, community and the wider world, enabling them to make a difference for the better and look forward to bright futures.

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Address: Rugby Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6ED, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1273 558422