West Hampstead Primary School

Camden, United Kingdom

Location: Camden, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: State - Community
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 3 - 11 years

About West Hampstead Primary School

West Hampstead Primary School is a larger-than-average, two form entry, multi-cultural, mixed primary school in Camden, North London for pupils aged 3-11. It includes a full-time nursery class.


Sam Drake

Values and vision

At West Hampstead our motto is Together, we achieve.   The children at West Hampstead exemplify our school motto; they show time and again that they care for and support each other.  Walk around our school any time, any day, and you will see children and adults actively engaged in learning.  We count it as a privilege to be able to educate such wonderful young people.

Our Ethos

At West Hampstead...

•We celebrate every child's social and academic achievements.

•We provide a stimulating and secure environment where everyone is valued.

•We ensure that our teaching and learning are of the highest quality.

•We prepare children to make successful life choices.

•We treat each other as we want to be treated.

•We create strong and lasting relationships with children, families and the local communities.


We are particularly proud of our recent OFSTED report in March 2022! 

View West Hampstead Primary School’s latest Ofsted report

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Address: Dornfell Street, West Hampstead, Camden, London, NW6 1QL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 207 435 8646
Positions available at West Hampstead Primary School