Member since 2011
Based in
England, United Kingdom
The Education and Employers Taskforce is a charity whose vision is to ensure that: ‘every school and college has an effective partnership with employers to provide its young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential and so to secure the UK's future prosperity’. The Taskforce represents a coming together of partners from the public sector, third sector and private sector, all committed to deepening relationships between schools and colleges and employers. The Taskforce is led by senior representatives of the employer community (CBI, TUC, FSB, BCC, IoD), in tight partnership with leading representative bodies from the world of education (the teaching unions NUT, NASUWT, NAHT, ASCL, ATL), employment and Government. We are a registered charity. Visit: http://www.educationandemployers.org/
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