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Southern Sands Learning

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I am a practising AST with over 10 years secondary science teaching experience. After having my two children I have become interested in home schooling and aim to develop resources that can be used by professionals in the classrooms and non professionals at home with their children.




I am a practising AST with over 10 years secondary science teaching experience. After having my two children I have become interested in home schooling and aim to develop resources that can be used by professionals in the classrooms and non professionals at home with their children.
Lesson plan proforma, observations forms and OFSTED drop in form

Lesson plan proforma, observations forms and OFSTED drop in form

This is a collection of resources that can be used to improve your teaching. The lesson plan proforma is not designed for everyday use it is just for observations, supporting new teachers or experienced teachers that need some help. The observation forms a couple are linked to OFSTED criteria the other is based on an evidence and judgment format. You could use these forms as a teacher to judge your own lessons or as a guide to help you improve your teaching or as a observer to ensure that you have a structure to follow when in a lesson taking observations.
Electron Transport Chain

Electron Transport Chain

You get a presentation, which includes notes for you as a teacher to use. The hand out complements the presentation with pictures, activities, exam questions and sections for pupils to make notes. Outline the process of oxidative phosphorylation Outline the process of Chemiosmosis Explain the Electron Transport Chain
Kreb Cycle | Cirtric Acid cycle

Kreb Cycle | Cirtric Acid cycle

This is a detailed presentation which includes detailed teachers notes on the topic. The Student handout included pictures for the pupils, activities, space for notes and exam questions. Outline the Krebs cycle, with reference to the formation of citrate from acetate and oxaloacetate and the reconversion of citrate to oxaloacetate (h) (A) explain that during the Krebs cycle, decarboxylation and dehydrogenation occur, NAD and FAD are reduced and substrate level phosphorylation occurs; (B/C)
Circulatory System

Circulatory System

Learning Objectives 3 – pupils can recall that the heart is a double pump, the main blood vessels and what the blood is made up of. 4 – Describe how the circulatory system pumps blood to the lungs and body. 5 - Explain how the heart works as a double pump using a diagram 6– Apply your understanding of the circulatory system to write a creative story about how blood travels around the body 7 – Link what you know about the heart and include this in your creative story. Worksheets included in the powerpoint
Human Biology SOW

Human Biology SOW

This scheme of work is based around the equation for respiration. You start by doing and investigation to find out the equation for respiration and then the following lessons teach pupils how each component of the equation gets to the cells where this reaction takes place. It covers the heart, respiratory system, digestive system


For the new GCSE specification (based on the DRAFT specification) for Edexcel exam board The powerpoint includes a 5 minute lesson plan with AFL, T4W (talk for writing), areas for questioning and practical equipment needed. Learning Objectives: Step 4-5+ Explain the experimental techniques for separating mixtures. Step 6- 7+ Describe an appropriate experimental technique to separate mixtures and evaluate the risks in a practical procedure and suggest suitable precautions.


Learning Objectives: A – Explain the differences in detail between meiosis and mitosis B - Explain what meiosis is and how it is different from mitosis. C- Explain in simple terms meiosis D - Describe what meiosis is used for E - recall what meiosis is for Worksheets included in the power point presentation.
KS3 Scientific Writing Frames

KS3 Scientific Writing Frames

Using the AF criteria, I have created a self assessment and teacher assessment sheet for Planning, Observing, Analysing and Evaluating. Included in this resource are complementary leveled 3-6 and 5-7 writing frames
Respiration, ATP structure and glycolysis

Respiration, ATP structure and glycolysis

Outline the need for ATP in living organisms, as shown by active transport, movement and homeostasis. (D) State how ATP provides energy for different biological processes (D) Describe with the use of diagrams the structure of ATP (C) Outline glycolysis, include the production of pyruvate and NAD (B) Outline the link reaction, include the decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A and the reduction of NAD (B)


Learning Objectives E – recognise that plants use solar energy to make food D – recall plants convert carbon dioxide, water and minerals into biomass C– Give the word equation for photosynthesis and describe what its products are used for (Oxygen waste, but useful for us) B- Use the Symbol equation for photosynthesis and explain why plants produce starch A - Use ideas about light, carbon dioxide and water to explain what things might effect the rate at which a plant can carry out photosynthesis. Worksheets are included in the power point


Learning Objectives: A- Using your understanding of osmosis can you explain how osmoregulation would work in the kidneys B- Explain how your experiment results support the theory of osmosis C- Explain what osmosis is using a model D- Can you describe osmosis using a diagram E- Recall what osmosis is in simple terms Worksheets are included in the power point


Learning Objectives: A - Link the different phases of mitosis together to give a detailed explanation of how cells divide B - Explain in detail what mitosis is C- Explain in simple terms mitosis D - Describe what mitosis is used for E - recall what mitosis is for Workesheets are included in the power point
Breathing and Respiration

Breathing and Respiration

Learning Objectives: E – recognise that we can take in more oxygen by breathing faster and deeper D – recall the structure of the lungs C – Describe the structure of the lungs B– Explain how the composition of blood changes as it passes through the lungs A – Link the function of the alveoli to improved gas exchange. All Worksheets are included on the Power Point.


Learning Objectives E – Recognise the parts of the digestive system. D – Describe where mechanical and chemical break down of food occurs C – Describe where different food types (fats, carbohydrates and proteins) are broken down. B – Explain what fats, carbohydrates and proteins are broken down into and where this happens. A – Explain what enzymes break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Worksheets included in the power point. Please save the Gif file in the same folder as it is an animation that the powe rpoint links to.


Learning Objectives: E - Recall the physical ways our body maintains a constant temperature. D - describe in simple terms how our body maintains a constant temperature. C – Describe how our body maintains a constant temperature B- Explain how our bodies maintain a constant temperature and why this is important for chemical reactions in our digestive system A - Explain how and why it is important maintain a constant body temperature and what would happen if the temperature of our bodies became to hot or to cold. Worksheets included in powerpoint


Learning Objectives E – recognise that we can take in more oxygen by breathing faster and deeper D – recall the structure of the lungs C – Describe the structure of the lungs B– Explain how the composition of blood changes as it passes through the lungs A – Link the function of the alveoli to improved gas exchange. Worksheets are in the powerpoint


Learning Objectives E = recall the how the evolution of drug resistant microbes has occurred D = Describe the how the evolution of drug resistant microbes has occurred and describe the implications for humans C = Explain the how the evolution of drug resistant microbes has occurred and explain the implications for humans B = Explain and analyses the implications for humans of drug resistant microbes A = Link the evolution of drug resistance to superbugs in hospitals and the implications for humans. Worksheets are also included in the powerpoint
Exit cards

Exit cards

These are a set of exit cards, one for a normal lesson and one for a revision lesson
OFSTED 2012 observation Criteria

OFSTED 2012 observation Criteria

This is taken from the DRAFT inspection criteria. I have looked at the judgement for whole school teaching and behaviour and included them in what you would look for when observing a lesson. I hope that this helps.