Percentage and Fraction Loop CardsQuick View

Percentage and Fraction Loop Cards

Loop cards: an activity that can be used on the IWB or prinnted out as cards. Students match equivalent percentage and fractions cards. Ideal for KS2, KS3 and KS4 students.
Time Zone Loop CardsQuick View

Time Zone Loop Cards

Time zone loop cards where the children must work out the time change between GMT and other countries aimed at 2nd Level CfE or KS2 equivalent. Example: What time is it in Moscow when it is 21:30 in Glasgow- children must work out the change of +3 hrs - all children check cards to see if they have 00:30 and read their question until it makes it way right round the class. Can use a time zone reference sheet to support children with the time zone or show a time zone map on IWB.
decimal fraction loop cardsQuick View

decimal fraction loop cards

good as starter or plenary equival decimal & fraction loop cards, to be used individually or in a group like dominoes. Other topics covered: Number
TimesTables Loop CardsQuick View

TimesTables Loop Cards

Here is a simple, easily-editable resources that is aimed at giving the children the opportunity to practise their times tables skills. Each child gets one card each. Each card has a statement at the top and a question underneath. The first child reads their statement and someone else in the room will have the answer. They will then read their statement (answer) before reading their question aloud. This pattern continues until the child who went first reads their statement. This is a fun task that I have done for my Year 4’s in preparation for the MTC but can be used in UKS2 classes as a recap task. Its also fun to time the children and see if they can do it a little faster each time. Hope it helps
Squares and Cubes (Loop Cards)Quick View

Squares and Cubes (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise recalling squares, cubes and square roots. Because of the nature of this topic, it is acceptable (in fact, desirable) that students learn the squares, cubes and roots rather than actually work them out each time! Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
HCF and LCM (Loop Cards)Quick View

HCF and LCM (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise working out the Highest Common Factor (HCF) and Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of two numbers. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
Angles in Quadrilaterals (Loop Cards)Quick View

Angles in Quadrilaterals (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise working out unknown angles in quadrilaterals. They will need to use quadrilateral angle facts such as ‘opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal’, as well as the sum of angles on a striaght line and around a point. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
Simplifying Ratio (Loop Cards)Quick View

Simplifying Ratio (Loop Cards)

These are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉…/More…. This particular set of cards allows students to practise cancelling down ratios into their simplest form. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…/rate-resources…
Completing Sequences (Loop Cards)Quick View

Completing Sequences (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise identifying different sequences and then working out the next two terms. Many types of sequence appear including ‘squares’, ‘cubes’ and Fibonacci’. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
Factorising 1 (Loop Cards)Quick View

Factorising 1 (Loop Cards)

These are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉…/More…. This particular set of cards allows students to practise factorising two terms in which the HCF is an integer. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…/rate-resources…
Algebraic Shorthand (Loop Cards)Quick View

Algebraic Shorthand (Loop Cards)

These are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉…/More…. This particular set of cards allows students to practise converting algebraic expressions which are written out in full, into their shorthand form. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…/rate-resources…
Area and Perimeter (Loop Cards)Quick View

Area and Perimeter (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise calculating area, perimeters and unknown lengths of rectangles. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
Angles in Triangles (Loop Cards)Quick View

Angles in Triangles (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise calculating unknown angles in triangles. Students will need to use the angle properties of scalene triangles as well as angles on a straight line and around a point. Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
Decimals to Fractions (Loop Cards)Quick View

Decimals to Fractions (Loop Cards)

These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class. For Loop Cards on more than 50 other topics click 👉 This particular set of cards allows students to practise converting decimals into fractions. The conversions within these sets of cards are the most common ones, so it is totally acceptable for the student to learn them rather than work them out! Note that the questions have been carefully selected so that they provide good coverage of this topic and so that the opportunities for students to guess answers are minimised. Colour coding: All my loop cards are colour-coded to indicate the approximate level of the questions: KS2 – red and orange KS3/GCSE Foundation – orange and green GCSE Higher – green, blue and purple Further information: In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order 😃 My favourite use of loop cards is for two students to have different versions of the cards and race each other. They then check their answers, shuffle, swap packs and race again (quickest overall time wins). More instructions are included in the download. Cut out card size is approx. 65 x 90 mm. 👍If you like this resource, then please rate it and/or leave a comment💬. If the rate-resource button on this page doesn’t work, then go to your ratings page by clicking 👉…
Addition and Subtraction Loop CardsQuick View

Addition and Subtraction Loop Cards

Three sets of loop cards. One with just addition questions, one with just subtraction and one with a mixture of addition and subtraction. The cards have been designed so that if you print them double sided that the backs of the cards should line up with the fronts. I have laminated the sets that I use so they last a bit longer. There are 36 cards in the pack so they can be used with large classes. With smaller classes students can be given more than 1 card. I usually use this as a starter or plenary activity. I hand out all the cards randomly and find out who has the start card (it is marked as the start card). They read out the question on the card and the person with the answer reads the answer from their card and the question on their card. This continues until the final card is reached. I usually time how long it takes to complete the game to add a competitive element.
Converting Time Loop CardsQuick View

Converting Time Loop Cards

A loop card activity that brings a fun game element whilst practising converting time. There are 30 cards altogether with children reading out a time such as 2pm with a child then having a card that says the 24 hour version 14:00 and another time to then convert to 24 hour version. All times are pm to practise using the 24 hour clock.
Times Table Loop CardsQuick View

Times Table Loop Cards

Great to use as a starter or whole class activity. These loop cards are differentiated.
division loop cardsQuick View

division loop cards

11 sets of round the world/loop cards of division facts for each individual times tables - 14 cards in each set.