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Circle Theorems

Circle Theorems

An extension of a NRich problem whereby students investigate a 10 dot circle (printout available from NRICH under printable resources). The problem begins by consolidating isosceles triangles within a 10 dot circle. The problem then moves into exploring a series of circle theorems using the triangles they found from the first 2 problems. Once students have done this they have the basis from which to generalise circle theorems.
Percentages Game Board

Percentages Game Board

Students create their own percentage questions at grades B and C with bonus questions being made at grade A. Students create as opposed to answer ensuring they develop a generality as to the question types and can better identify the processes required.
Engaging Ideas

Engaging Ideas

Here is a little bit of a crib sheet with lots of useful ideas. I've been reading 101 Classroom Games, written from a PE perspective and been looking at how to use it in a maths context. The problem being the context in which answers are given etc. Well worth a read but here is a selection of some of the ideas it has inspired and a crib sheet to keep them in mind and begin using them.
Interior Angles

Interior Angles

A selection of problems around interior angles for students to solve. Follows on from the investigation into how side lengths link to angle sums. Leads into exterior angles and other problems.
Hexagons; promote discussion, learning links

Hexagons; promote discussion, learning links

These hexagons promote the discussion over length, area and volume for B to A* candidates. The idea comes from a English observation mentioned on the website linked and has been put into a mathematical context. Place like dominos explaining the decision for the tiles placement in its given location thus revealing the deeper understanding of the student.