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Bmoneywize's Shop

We help make the language of money easier for children and young people to understand

We help make the language of money easier for children and young people to understand
Think Before You Click: Best Tips on Online Safety

Think Before You Click: Best Tips on Online Safety

In today’s digital world, it is crucial that we protect and equip young children with the necessary skills to be safe. This is a coloured, pictorial and simple-to-understand book about the basic tips needed to keep safe online. It is aimed at primary school children and or those individuals with learning needs. It covers these topics: • Stay up to Date • Be secure Online • Think Differently • Keep stuff private • Talking Online • Computer Trouble • Keeping well when online • Online Bullying • E-learning • Keep Learning Check out the sample version of this book. Happy reading!
Free #bmoneywize card games

Free #bmoneywize card games

Here are a few cards from the popular award winning bMoneywize game. …“A few bowls of rice lead to the creation of bMoneywize. The idea is that players have to keep and generate money wherever they can. They throw the dice to pick up cards from different categories. Each card throws up a different scenario from an unexpected tax rebate to the boiler breaking down. Players have to work out how to respond in order to protect their money - Monopoly of the real world if you like” - the BBC Try it out, and get the money conversation going!