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stuff for ICT and Computing
Mario and Sonic relational database

Mario and Sonic relational database

These videos show you how you can genuinely use a Nintendo Wii combined with a copy of Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games in the classroom to inject a bit of fun into a relational database build.
Banner advert in Flash

Banner advert in Flash

Useful for unit 20 of the OCR Nationals course. A set of short videos about how to create a simple banner advert in Flash. If you don't like cartoon violence then a penguin being hit by a car may not be for you. Once again sorry about the lack of controls but I have lost the original screencasts.
Triggered animations in Open Office Impress

Triggered animations in Open Office Impress

Series of tutorials using Impress (sorry for wrongly labelling this as Powerpoint previously) to create a quiz that uses triggered animations and sounds recorded by students. Ideal exercise for combining ICT with Languages. I must apologise to any French teachers in advance for me poor attempts at speaking the language!!
ICT hangman

ICT hangman

Fabulous hangman game to test GCSE ICT students on theory. Taken from the old www.ictgcse.com website.
WJEC A2 videos from youtube

WJEC A2 videos from youtube

I had a bad throat so decided to ask my students to do a trawl of youtube to find various videos that mirrored the contents of the specification. We have dropped them into file format so you can easily embed them in your VLEs. Hope they are of use
Getting funky with Dance Ejay 5

Getting funky with Dance Ejay 5

A short series of videos to show kids how to get to grips with the basics of dance ejay 5. Quality of vid2 is a little sub par due to recording issues but is easily still fine to use. Only funky fresh partaaay people need download and av'it large!!
Art in the style of Leslie de Rose using Photopea

Art in the style of Leslie de Rose using Photopea

Honestly absolute piece of cake to do this and you get some really fabulous work for your classroom walls. The image attached was created in about 2 minutes. Google Leslie’s artwork and you will see what it looks like and how your students can get so very close to recreating it so easily.
Mail merging a picture using Publisher and Access

Mail merging a picture using Publisher and Access

We have had a few posts on the ICT forum in the past about how to mail merge a picture. Seem to get lots of long winded answers so I thoguht I would create this video to show you how it is done. I have used this video with my own AS level students who are doing the WJEC course.
macro and offset to keep a running total of sales

macro and offset to keep a running total of sales

Further to a request on the forum, here's a quick video of how to create a running total of sales on a spreadsheet without having to keep a record of all the actual sales data too. It's very useful for those of you doing the WJEC AS spreadsheet section!!!
Mail merge and spreadsheet test

Mail merge and spreadsheet test

I use this as a mock exam for my year 8 students. It's a mail merged letter to apply for premiership football manager&'s jobs. Bit of a spoof one that requires kids to make a logo and create a graph too. I based it around where I work in Sittingbourne, but you could easily adjust the text in the letter and instructions to work for where you live.
Mafia zoo revisited with a mail merge

Mafia zoo revisited with a mail merge

You will need to download the resources from the exercise http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Mafia-Zoo-spreadsheet-exercises-and-videos-6070807/ first if you want this to make complete sense. However if you just want to teach kids to mail merge from web based generated data then it could work as a standlalone lesson. Anyway one set of instructions and some videos to show how to generate data and mail merge it. Great exercise for KS3 kids and a very useful skill
Making id cards with photos and merging

Making id cards with photos and merging

Nice little lesson to show you how to use a photo merge to make some id cards and it fits in nicely with my other exercises on here with Mafia Zoo in the title. Anyway you will need Serif PagePlus, some photos and a spreadsheet data source.....
Languages quiz using Open Office Impress

Languages quiz using Open Office Impress

In these videos we show you how to make a quiz using triggered animations and Open Office Impress rather than Powerpoint. In this example, we create a quiz for a French class and this sort of work is a good cross curricular exercise between ICT and languages.