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stuff for ICT and Computing
Art in the style of Julian Opie with Flash

Art in the style of Julian Opie with Flash

Simple tutorial but highly effective and engaging for students of all ages. Using just 2 layers in Flash and a few tools you can create a piece of art work in the style of Julian Opie. You will be surprised at just how good your students will get with this one, we have some amazing work on the walls at school that Mr Opie himself would have been proud of....
Comics using comic life and drawplus

Comics using comic life and drawplus

Cracking little sets of videos that shows how to construct comics in comic life but also working with drawplus to rip characters from one cartoon and embedding them in the other. All neatly wrapped up in a cyber bullying theme for a token nod to e-safety. This task kills a flock of birds with one stone and your kids will love it. This exercise sees Homer Simpson being bullied by Bender from Futurama...
Animation with Drawplus ideal for OCR Nat unit 20

Animation with Drawplus ideal for OCR Nat unit 20

Set of 4 videos to cover creating and reusing movie clips, tweening, easing, opacity and the use of actions on buttons. Ideal for unit 20 of the Nationals but let's be honest most of your year 7s could handle this. Not a criticism of Nationals as I like the course, but it's just fun, a decent standard and kids will want to do it of any age.....
WJEC A2 mind maps for revision

WJEC A2 mind maps for revision

A series of mind maps suitable for the A level course by WJEC and based around the Doyle text. These could of course be used by students doing other specs where there is some overlap. Lots more to follow
Car racing game made in Scratch

Car racing game made in Scratch

Sorry about the lack of controls on the videos but I can't find the original recordings to rerender. Anyway nice set of tutorials to show kids how to make a two player racing game in scratch. Have to admit there are a few mistakes later on, but kids will be able to work out how to amend!!
Mail merge and spreadsheet test

Mail merge and spreadsheet test

I use these files as an end of year test for our year 8s. Combines some basic graphic work, with a few formula in a spreadsheet to create a graph that is then used in a mail merge task. It's a bit 'leftfield' in content and would need a few changes to the word docs to make it specific to your school, however it is a lot of fun, assesses useful skills and the kids enjoy doing it.
WJEC AS mind maps

WJEC AS mind maps

Thought I would create a series of mind maps to help my own students revise for this course. I have tried to embed key terms that seem to appear on the mark schemes from the board. Hopefully they may help a few of your students too!! I am going to add lots of these over the next couple of weeks, we find they work very well in moodle within a lightbox gallery
Penalty shootout ICT GCSE quiz

Penalty shootout ICT GCSE quiz

Fabulous penalty shootout game to test GCSE ICT students on theory. Taken from the old www.ictgcse.com website and made in conjunction with our friends at content generator.
Video store database

Video store database

It's a series of camtasia tutorials (vid files) and video footage taken with a camcorder (film files) that explain how to construct a database suitable for a video store. Tables, forms, reports and queries are all covered and some 'advanced' features like combo boxes and report calculations. Please check the document 'order of videos' to get everything in the right way!!
Serif WebPlus exam

Serif WebPlus exam

We use this exam with our year 7's as their end of year exam. The mark scheme is a simple tick sheet exercise that enables you to grade the work created very quickly. Sorry about all the separate photos but you can't use a zip file here.
Scratch top down racer version 2

Scratch top down racer version 2

If you have ever used my previous top down racer videos then I would suggest you move on to these ones as they are superior. Loads of skills to create a 2 player racing game like micro machines, lap counters, oil slicks, speed ups, and showing how to stop any cheats. Will keep kids busy for about 2-3 hours in general.
OCR Nationals French trip scenario resources

OCR Nationals French trip scenario resources

A bunch of films, screencasts and weblinks that you could use to help support the delivery of the French trip model assignment. Some of it is geared to my school, for example we use open source email rather than outlook, but the principles of all the resources can be used by anyone. Please find the second part of this resource in the resource bank to finish off the database videos