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I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.




I have over 11 years of teaching and experience in the further education sector specialising in Politics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, Business Studies and Religious Studies. I enjoy creating educational resources that boost students understanding and confidence. I am an established TES author with many new exciting resources in the pipeline. I offer a range of resources for A Level.
Presentations on Edexcel A Level Geography

Presentations on Edexcel A Level Geography

6 Resources
Comprehensive Presentations Covering: Coastal Landscapes and Change, Water Cycle and Water Insecurity, Tectonic Processes and Hazards, Globalisation, The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security, Regenerating Places and Superpowers.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level OCR Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Presentation on Virtue Ethics (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Presentation on Virtue Ethics (A Level AQA Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Aristotle, The Golden Mean, Virtuous People, Strengths of Virtue Ethics, Weaknesses of Virtue Ethics, Modern Perspectives: Elizabeth Anscombe/ Philippa Foot, Rosalind Hursthouse, Alasdair MacIntyre / Michael Slote and Richard Taylor/ Feminism.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level Edexcel Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Presentation on Religious Language (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies)

Presentation on Religious Language (A Level WJEC/Eduqas Religious Studies)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Two Problems of Religious Language, The Vienna Circle, Schlick, Evaluation of Vienna Circle, Ayer – Weak Verification, Evaluation – Weak Verification, Eschatological Argument – John Hick, Falsification Principle - Karl Popper, Antony Flew and R.M. Hare, Evaluation of Falsification, Language Games - Wittgenstein, Via Negativa - Plato, Evaluation of Via Negativa, Analogies - Aquinas, Analogy of Attribution, Analogy of Proportion, Evaluation of Analogy, Symbols – Paul Tillich, Evaluation of Symbols, Myths - Bultman and Evaluation of Myths.
Presentation on USA Political Parties (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on USA Political Parties (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Nature of Political Parties, Leadership of Political Parties, The Two-Party System, State Party Power, Big Issues that Shaped the Parties, The Two-Party System, Structure of the Major Parties, Polarisation – Break-up of the Solid South, The 50-50 nation’ and ‘red vs. blue’, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Third Parties, Third Party Obstacles and Theories of Party Renewal/Decline.
Presentation on Tectonic Hazards (A Level WJEC/ Eduqas Geography)

Presentation on Tectonic Hazards (A Level WJEC/ Eduqas Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Hazard Mitigation, Hazard Adaptation, Modifying Loss, Hazard Prediction, Theoretical Models: Hazard Management Cycle, Theoretical Models: Park’s Model, Disaster Trends And Patterns, Tectonic Mega-Disasters, Multiple Hazard Zones, Development And Governance, Measuring Magnitude And Intensity, Hazard Profiles, Varied Impacts, Haiti 2010, China 2008, Explaining Disaster Occurrence, Vulnerability: Nepal 2015 Case Study, Vulnerability: The Role Of The Government, Pressure And Release (PAR) Model, Haiti’s Par Model, Seismic Waves, Earthquake Hazards, Volcanic Hazards, Tsunamis, Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004, Plate Tectonic Theory, The Internal Structure Of The Earth, Plate Boundaries and Other Tectonic Processes.
Presentation on Tectonic Processes and Hazards (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on Tectonic Processes and Hazards (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: Hazard Mitigation, Hazard Adaptation, Modifying Loss, Hazard Prediction, Theoretical Models: Hazard Management Cycle, Theoretical Models: Park’s Model, Disaster Trends And Patterns, Tectonic Mega-Disasters, Multiple Hazard Zones, Development And Governance, Measuring Magnitude And Intensity, Hazard Profiles, Varied Impacts, Haiti 2010, China 2008, Explaining Disaster Occurrence, Vulnerability: Nepal 2015 Case Study, Vulnerability: The Role Of The Government, Pressure And Release (PAR) Model, Haiti’s Par Model, Seismic Waves, Earthquake Hazards, Volcanic Hazards, Tsunamis, Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004, Plate Tectonic Theory, The Internal Structure Of The Earth, Plate Boundaries and Other Tectonic Processes.
Presentation on Literature Review

Presentation on Literature Review

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What Exactly is a Literature Review? How do I Find Literature for my Review? How Do I Write the Review? Where Does the Review Fit in the Dissertation? and Do I Actually Need a Literature Review?
Presentation on The Judiciary (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentation on The Judiciary (A Level Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: What is the Judiciary? UK Legal System, the Judiciary & the Westminster Model, Parliamentary Sovereignty, Judicial Independence, the Way Things Used to Be, Challenges to the Traditional Balance, Judges Vs Home Secretaries, Strength of Judicial Review in 1990s, the Growing Political Role of the UK Judiciary: Key Factors, European Communities Act, 1972, Judicial Review, Human Rights Act, 1998, Human Rights Act, Articles 2-18, Human Rights Act, 1998, the Impact of Devolution, Constitutional Reform Act, 2005 and Is this a Stable Arrangement?
Presentation on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation that Covers: The Global Water Cycle is of Enormous Importance to Life on Earth, Important Fluxes, The Water Budget, The Drainage Basin, An Open System Within The Global Cycle, Basin-Wide Factors, Precipitation, UK Precipitation, Human Disruptions, The Water Cycle Involves Water Budgets And River Systems At A Local Scale, Annual Budget Graphs, The Impact On Soil Water Availability, River Regimes, Storm Hydrographs, Why And How Storm Hydrographs Vary, Physical Factors Influencing Storm Hydrographs, Human Factors Influencing Storm Hydrographs, Players, Water Deficits, Normal Years, La Nina, El Nino, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) And The Future, How Does Human Activity Contribute To Deficits? The Impact Of Deficit On Ecosystems, Water Surpluses, Impacts Of Storm Desmond 2015, Other Causes Of Surpluses, Human Actions Increasing Flood Risk, Climate Change, California, Implications, Water Insecurity, Physical/Human Causes Of Water Insecurity, Increasing Pressure On Water Resources, Future Projections, The Consequences Of Water Insecurity, Why Does The Price Of Water Vary? Water Privatisation, Water Poverty Index (WPI), The Importance Of Water Supply For Development, Supply And Wellbeing, Murray-Darling Basin Insecurity, Potential For Water Conflict, Nile Basin Conflict, Gaza Water Conflict, Colorado Basin Water Conflict, The Varied Sustainability Of Water Supply Management Schemes, Hard Engineering, Sustainable Schemes and Players In Reducing Water Conflict.
Revision Notes on Health, Human Rights and Intervention (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Health, Human Rights and Intervention (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Covers: What is Human Development and Why Do Levels Vary from Place to Place? - Concepts of Human Development, Variations in Human Health and Life Expectancy, Development Targets and Policies, Why do Human Rights Vary from Place to Place? - International Laws and Agreements, Differences in the Definition and Protection of Human Rights, Variations in Human Rights, How are Human Rights Used as Arguments for Political and Military Intervention? - Forms of Geopolitical Intervention, Development Impacts, Military Aid and Intervention, What are the Outcomes of Geopolitical Interventions in Terms of Human Development and Human Rights? - Measuring the Success of Geopolitical Intervention, The Success of Development Aid and The Success of Military Intervention.
Revision Notes on Diverse Places (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Diverse Places (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: How Do Population Structures Vary? - Population Structures, Population Characteristics, Past and Present Connections, How Do Different People View Diverse Living Spaces? - Urban Places, Rural Places, Evaluating Living Spaces, Why Are There Demographic and Cultural Tensions in Diverse Places? - Culture and Society in the UK, Levels of Segregation, Changes to Diverse Places, How Successfully are Cultural and Demographic Issues Managed? - Measuring Management Techniques, Urban Changes and Stakeholders and Rural Changes and Stakeholders.
Presentation on UK Pressure Groups (A Level AQA Government & Politics)

Presentation on UK Pressure Groups (A Level AQA Government & Politics)

Comprehensive Presentation that covers: Pressure Groups and Power, What is Pluralism? Robert A Dahl’s Work on Power Structures and Pluralist Democracy, Pluralists and Democracy, Pluralists and the State, Evidence for the Pluralist View, Problems with Pluralism, Criticism of the Pluralist Position, What is Elitism? Is this Democratic? So Where is the Power? The Distinction Between Pluralism and Elitism, What Determines the Success of Pressure Groups, Functions of Pressure Groups, Mobilise Public Opinion, Example of the Mobilisation of Public Opinion, Education, Example of the Educative Role, Encourage Participation, Pluralism and Diversity, Example of Encouraging Participation, Single Issues, Example of Single Issue, Redress of Grievance, Example of Redress of Grievance, Representation of Minorities, Example of Representation of Minorities, Expert Knowledge, Example of Expert Knowledge, Public Policy, Example of Public Policy, Check and Balance to the Power of Executive Government and Example of Check and Balance.
Presentations on British Politics (A Level Government & Politics)

Presentations on British Politics (A Level Government & Politics)

12 Resources
Comprehensive Presentations that Cover: Devolution, the House of Commons, House of Lords, the Civil Service, Monarchy and Judiciary, Regionalism and Local Government, Westminster Model, Pressure Groups, The UK Constitution, UK Voting Systems Anti-Politics and Accountability in the UK and the Core Executive.
Presentation on Superpowers (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Presentation on Superpowers (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Presentation Covering: Geopolitical power is conferred by a range of human and physical characteristics, Mechanisms for maintaining power: Mackinder, Problems with Mackinder’s theory, Patterns of power change over time, How did the UK become a superpower? A Bipolar World, Mechanisms of maintaining power in the cold war era, Emerging Powers, Other Emerging Powers, Development Theory Can Explain Changing Patterns Of Power, Modernisation Theory, Dependency Theory, IGOS, The Role Of TNCS, International Decision-Making, Military Alliances, Economic Alliances, Environmental Alliances, United Nations, Disproportionate Environmental Concerns, Differences in willingness to act on environmental concerns, Emerging Middle Class, Superpower Tensions, The Arctic Circle Tensions, Iraq, Trips Violations, Contested Spheres Of Influence: South China Sea, Contested Spheres Of Influence II: Russia And Eastern Europe, Superpower Relations With Developing Nations, Chinese Investment In Africa, China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’, Asian Tensions, Middle East Tensions, Threats To Existing Superpowers, Economic Challenges, Social Issues, The Costs Of Maintaining Global Military Power, Military Power II and Future Balance Of Power.
Revision Notes on Migration, Identity and Sovereignty (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Revision Notes on Migration, Identity and Sovereignty (A Level Edexcel Geography)

Comprehensive Revision Notes that Cover: Impacts of Globalisation on International Migration - Globalisation and Migration, Causes of Migration, Consequences of International Migration, Nation States Defined and How They Evolved in a Globalising World - Nation States, The Role of Nationalism in Developing the Modern World, Globalisation Impacts, Impact of Global Organisations on Managing Global Issues and Conflicts - Global Organisations, The Role of IGOs, IGOs Managing Environmental Problems, What Are the Threats to National Sovereignty in a More Globalised World? - National Identity, Challenges to National Identity and Consequences of Disunity within Nations.