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French native speaker, I worked as a language assistant in South Yorkshire over the past 3 years while completing a Master's degree in teaching French as a foreign language. I now teach French at Alevel.




French native speaker, I worked as a language assistant in South Yorkshire over the past 3 years while completing a Master's degree in teaching French as a foreign language. I now teach French at Alevel.
La famille en voie de changement -  Questions/Answers for the speaking exam ( French AS Family)

La famille en voie de changement - Questions/Answers for the speaking exam ( French AS Family)

A 20 slides (editable) power point document containing questions with ideas of answers (including facts and statistics) on the topic of “La famille en voie de changement” (AQA Exam Board) This document can be used as a set of questions to let students reflect on the topic for their speaking exam or to give them possible answers and useful vocabulary if they lack of ideas. If you are looking for ppt presentations on all A2 topics look at this bundle here for only £6 Downloading this resource and leaving a comment will give you access to an extra set of questions/answers.
Speaking Exam French A-level

Speaking Exam French A-level

5 Resources
For an extra £3 only get another 9 resources !! Have a look at my Super Bundle Here! This bundle contains key resources to prepare your students for their speaking exam. - 13 unique specimen cards covering all AS and A2 topics - 12 cards on AS topics to develop students’ knowledge on the French speaking world - 2 displays on complex structures and expressions to use during the speaking exam - A card game contaning 130 questions on all As/A2 topics and 50 complex structures cards - more than 300 questions on AS and A2 topics (AQA Exam Board) Buying this resource and leaving a review will give you acess to an extra charged resource for free to thank you for your purchase.
A-level French - Speaking questions - Card Game covering all topics

A-level French - Speaking questions - Card Game covering all topics

This card game is the perfect tool to practise conversation in a fun way for A-level students. It contains 130 question cards covering all As and A2 topics, as well as 50 complex structure cards. For only £1 more get another 300 questions ! The idea is for students to practice questions such as: Comment encourager le respect et la tolérance en France ou dans le monde francophone? Etes-vous pour ou contre le droit de vote à 16 ans? Que savez-vous du patrimoine français? With the obligation of using a complex structure to answer it: si + imperfect + conditional Bien que + subjunctive En + Verb(ant) This ressource is contained in a zip document. To access the cards after your download, right click on the file and extract. This will give you access to 21 documents: 2 blank canvas on words to allow you to create your own questions and structures 5 pdf structure documents. Each document contains 10 cards 13 pdf question documents. (10 questions on famille et relation, 10 questions on relation et couple, 10 questions on cybersociété, 10 questions on bénévolat, 10 questions on patrimoine, 10 questions on musique, 10 questions on cinéma, 10 questions on diversité et tolérance, 10 questions ons on marginalisation, 10 questions on crime, 10 questions on politiques, 10 questions on manifestation, 10 questions on immigration) (AQA Exam Board) Buying this resource and leaving a review will give you acess to an extra charged resource for free to thank you for your purchase. If you're looking for more resources for A-level students, take a look at my other resources: 2 displays on complex structures to use for the speaking exam 13 specimen card for the speaking exam AS vocabulary Taboo game AS data/information cards to enlarge knowledge on French speaking countries and practice speaking
French A level - Film Essay Writing

French A level - Film Essay Writing

Exercices and expressions to practice essay writing for the French A-level. - Formal expressions and idiom for essay - Linking words - Translations : Introduction on La Haine = French to English Conclusion on La Haine = English to French If you're looking for more ressources for A-level students, take a look at my other ressources: 2 displays on complex structures to use for the speaking exam 13 specimen card for the speaking exam AS vocabulary Taboo game AS data/information cards to enlarge knowledge on French speaking countries and practice speaking
New GCSE - Role Play Cards - French Speaking Exam

New GCSE - Role Play Cards - French Speaking Exam

24 Role play Cards to practice for the New French GCSE speaking exam. Cards are designed in an engaging way to invite students practicing the role plays on their own. Each theme contains 8 cards with 2 cards per subtopic. Each role play has an “answer card” equivalent to student’s card in the speaking exam giving information on expected answers as well as a “question card” equivalent to the examiner’s questions during the role play. The documents are contained in a Zip file. After downloading simply right click to extract the files. The files come in ppt editable documents as well as PDF documents to maintain font and form. To complete the practice until the exam: 30 New GCSE Photo Card to practice <strong><a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/new-gcse-photo-card-french-speaking-exam-11847331”> have a look here!</a></strong>
French A-level - Le patrimoine moderne (reading comprehension, summary, translation)

French A-level - Le patrimoine moderne (reading comprehension, summary, translation)

If you're looking for more summary task for AS Have a look at this booklet This article on the protection of Modern Heritage in Liège can be used to cover the topic of Heritage for the A-Level Exam. It includes an article to summarise in 90 words, a true or false reading comprehension of that article as well as finding synonyms. Two short translations are also included. One French to English on the topic of the protection of modern heritage in Liège and one English to French presenting the association Docomomo. The worksheet is presented according to the AQA format. If you're looking for more resources for A-level students, take a look at my other resources: A-level speaking question on all topic game 2 displays on complex structures to use for the speaking exam 13 specimen card for the speaking exam AS data/information cards to enlarge knowledge on French speaking countries and practice speaking
French speaking exam A-level (GSCE), complex structures and expressions poster/mat/display

French speaking exam A-level (GSCE), complex structures and expressions poster/mat/display

Two displays to enlarge and laminate for the classroom or give to students as a mat/reminder of complex structures to use during their speaking exam. The displays are mainly aimed for A-level students but can equally be used at GSCE level to push students. The first display contains complex structures: y/en verbs (subjonctive, conditional, en + ant, aprés avoir + p.p, si + imperfect + conditionnal ... linking works giving reasons filler adverb of spontaneity asking a question The second display presents set phrases and expressions: giving your opinion giving general opinions giving examples avoiding answering time phrases useful words If you're looking for more resources to prepare your A-level students for their speaking exam, take a look at my other resources: 13 specimen card for the speaking exam A-level speaking question on all topic game AS vocabulary Taboo game AS data/information cards to enlarge knowledge on French speaking countries and practice speaking
French A2 topics - more than 120 questions for the speaking A-Level exam

French A2 topics - more than 120 questions for the speaking A-Level exam

Sets of questions to practise for the French speaking exam on A2 topics (Diversité, Marginalisation, Crime, Politique, Syndicalisme et Immigration) (AQA Exam Board) Each topics is covered with around 20 questions, asking for opinions, knowledge on French speaking countries, Ideas... Have a look at the preview to get an idea on different types of questions per topics. The document is available in a Word and PDF format in a Zip file. After downloading, simply right clic on the file to extract the documents. If you are only looking for questions on all the AS topics, find HERE for more than 300 questions. If you are only looking for questions around the AS topics, find HERE . more than 180 questions. If you would like your students to practise speaking questions in a fun way using complexe structures have a look at my Card Game . Downloading this resource and leaving a review will give you access to an extra paid resource to thank you for your time. If you're looking for more resources to prepare your A-level students for their speaking exam, take a look at my other resources: A super bundle to be ready for the exam! 2 displays on complex structures to use for the speaking exam 13 specimen card for the speaking exam AS vocabulary Taboo game AS data/information cards to enlarge knowledge on French speaking countries and practice speaking Thank you for your interest in my resource. I hope it will be useful.
French Christmas Idioms Poster (Expressions sur le vocabulaire de Noël)

French Christmas Idioms Poster (Expressions sur le vocabulaire de Noël)

A great poster introducing some French Idioms which use Christmas vocabulary such as: - Etre le dindon de la farce (to be the butt of the joke) - Perdre la boule (to lose your marples) - Un ange passe (a long silence) If you're looking for more French Christmas activities have a look at my other resources and enjoy 20% ! Christmas Advent Calendar Christmas Vocabulary posters and activities Christmas Vocabulary - Dobble Game Christmas Snake and ladders
French AS topics - more than 180 questions for the speaking A-Level exam

French AS topics - more than 180 questions for the speaking A-Level exam

Sets of questions to practise for the French speaking exam on AS topics (Famille, Cybersociété, Béévolat, Patrimoine, Musique, Cinéma) (AQA Exam board) Each topics is covered with around 30 questions, asking for opinions, knowledge on French speaking countries, Ideas... Have a look at the preview to get an idea on different types of questions per topics. The document is available in a Word and PDF format in a Zip file. After downloading, simply right clic on the file to extract the documents. If you are looking for questions for all A-Level topics, have a look HERE to find more than 300 questions! If you are looking for questions around the A2 topics, find HERE . more than 120 questions. If you would like your students to practise speaking questions in a fun way using complexe structures have a look at my Card Game . Downloading this resource and leaving a review will give you access to an extra paid resource to thank you for your time. If you're looking for more resources to prepare your A-level students for their speaking exam, take a look at my other resources: A super bundle to be ready for the exam! 2 displays on complex structures to use for the speaking exam 13 specimen card for the speaking exam AS vocabulary Taboo game AS data/information cards to enlarge knowledge on French speaking countries and practice speaking Thank you for your interest in my resource. I hope it will be useful.
French present tense display/mat Sample (être et avoir)

French present tense display/mat Sample (être et avoir)

Great display to enlarge and laminate on être et avoir in the present tense to decorate your classroom. This resource is a sample, if you are looking for a A3 version or printer friendly version, as well as displays on the entire formation of the present tense in French (1st/2nd and 3rd group) check out this resource ! I hope this resource will be useful :)
French AS - Speaking - Trivial Pursuit

French AS - Speaking - Trivial Pursuit

A trivial pursuit board game to prepare students for their speaking exam. A fun and effective way for student to practise independently. The game contains (available in PPT and PDF): - board game - 40 cards - card template Blue = questions on famille or cybersociete such as: “Comment a evolue le modele familial en France?” - “Que savez-vous du cyberterrorisme dans le monde francophone?”… Pink = questions on benevolat or patrimoine such as: “Dans quels secteurs les Francais font-ils du benevolat?” - “Avez-vous deja visite un monument francais? Si non, lequel aimeriez-vous visiter?” Yellow = questions on musique or cinema such as: “Quel est votre artiste francophone favri et pourquoi?” - “si vous etiez le president francais que feriez-vous pour proteger le 7eme art?” Green = verbs : “Etre – Elles - Imparfait” or “Faire - Nous - Subjonctif” Brown = Translation such as: “Quel dommage” or “It surprises me that it is” Orange = General knowledge such as: “Quel est le pourcentage de musique francophone à la radio française?” or “Complétez la devise de la France: Liberté, …, …” A2 version and bundle coming soon ;)
French A2 summary practice - A level résumé

French A2 summary practice - A level résumé

A 24 pages booklet to practice for the summary part of the French Alevel Exam. 12 articles/book extract are included (2 per A2 topics) with their correction. They are authentic material, giving an insight on the French speaking world. For each topic, the first text is between 200-250 words and the second one is a bit more challenging: more than 250 words, more complex vocabulary and 2 litterature texts Diversité: - En France, moins de racistes mais plus d’actes violents (Libération) - Le ventre de l’Atlantique - Extrait (Livre de Fatou Diome) Marginalisation: - La marginalisation des personnes handicapées (humanité) - Fracture numérique : 14 propositions pour lutter contre l’exclusion des seniors (Blog de Cyrielle Maurice) Criminalité: - La délinquance est en hausse en France : un “effet gilets jaunes” ? (L’Express) - Etrangers dans les prisons suisses, pourquoi ils sont si nombreux (Allez savoir) Engagement politique: - Neuchâtel veut donner le droit de vote à 16 ans (Tribune de Genève) - Les jeunes et l’abstention : «Ce n’est pas du je-m’en foutisme», explique un sociologue (le Parisien) Grève, manifestation: - Germinal - Partie V, chapitre 5 : La révolte des ouvriers (livre de Emile Zola) - Gilets jaunes, Mai-68 : une comparaison pas vraiment « pertinente » (Ouest France Immigration: -Le projet de loi asile et immigration adopté (Blog Amnesty International France) - Assimilation, intégration et insertion (Mediapart) I hope this resource will be helpful :). Similar AS booklet Bundle AS + A2 booklet - Savings!
French A-level speaking Exam - 300 questions  and Practice Game

French A-level speaking Exam - 300 questions and Practice Game

3 Resources
This bundle gathers resources around questions to prepare students for their speaking exam. - 120 questions on A2 Topics - 180 questions on AS topics - A card game to practice these questions in a fun way using complex structures. (AQA Exam board) For more description, please have a look at the different resources. I hopethese resources will be useful and your students will enjoy it!
French A level translation tips

French A level translation tips

Booklet to help students revise for translation task. It contains vocab from the fantastic resource of Austenlowe available here some tricky grammar aspects, students often struggle with. I have developed this list looking at translations from past paper and errors that my students often encounter. Students can add to the list the grammar points they found difficult to remember. To practise translation have a look at my translations booklets: Booklets for AS and A2 Booklet for A2 Booklet for AS
French A level summary task - reformulation techniques

French A level summary task - reformulation techniques

Document containing some techniques for the summary activity of Paper 1 A level French such as changing tense or using passive form. Also a set of sentences for practising. If you are looking for summary text to practise please follow the links. Each booklets included 12 texts for all of AS and A2 topics with correction. AS booklet A2 booklet Both booklet bundle