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Simultaneous Equations - Calculating both values

Simultaneous Equations - Calculating both values

A PowerPoint slide show with step by step animated examples of how to solve simultaneous equations, that pupils can use as algorithms if required. Then questions, with answers that appear on clicks. This PowerPoint only covers basic simultaneous equations, with no multiplication or rearranging. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Multiplication - the Chinese Method

Multiplication - the Chinese Method

A PowerPoint slide show with animated examples of how to solve problems using the Chinese method of multiplication, that pupils can use as algorithms if required. Then ten questions, progressively more challenging, including decimals, with answers that appear on clicks. This is a great method of multiplication that gives pupils a powerful tool to use in many mathematical situations. No password protection, so you can customise it at will!
Science Fact Maths – Estimation

Science Fact Maths – Estimation

Find the Science fact – estimate the answer to the sum on the bottom row ( round to 1 S.F.), find the solution in the top one. Write down the letters in order to form a sentence. Solution provided.