Leader/co-ordinator jobs in Malaysia

Primary Class Teacher
XCL International School, Penang, Penang, Malaysia
XCL International School Penang (BXCL) is looking for a passionate and dedicated Primary Class Teacher, with opportunities for middle leadership / Primary School Leadership Team positions.

Key Stage 2 Leader
Sri KDU International School Klang, Malaysia
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, caring and ambitious leader to lead our Key Stage 2 provision as part of our Primary Leadership Team.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 Leader
Sri KDU International School Klang, Malaysia
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, caring and ambitious leader to lead our Early Years and Key Stage 1 provision as part of a Primary Leadership Team.

Physics Subject Leader (High School)
St. Joseph's Institution International School, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Are you a passionate educator seeking a fulfilling career in a values-driven environment? St. Joseph's Institution International School (SJIIS) is looking for an exceptional and inspiring HS Physics Subject Leader to join our Lasallian community.