Heath Lane Academy

Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Location: Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years

About Heath Lane Academy

Heath Lane Academy is:

  • A strong school at the heart of our community where pupils are safe, happy and do well.
  • A school where good manners and good behaviour are the norm; where we look after one another and respect each other.
  • A school where teaching is exciting and learning is successful; where everyone works hard in the classroom to make progress.
  • A school where our partnerships and community links prepare pupils for the modern world and their next steps in education, training and/or employment.

At Heath Lane Academy, we aim high and expect high standards of behaviour and academic effort from all of our pupils. We want pupils to feel happy about what they can achieve.

We believe our pupils should be good to one another, develop responsibility and be self-disciplined. Pupils know that success needs hard work, however we also ensure that pupils who are struggling to keep up receive the help and support they need to catch up from our teachers.

We are seeking to create an environment where we are all working to make children’s lives better and futures brighter. The goal is always that excellent behaviour and excellent learning should be second nature, it should simply be the way that we are. This is a mind-set that we want all our pupils to have, not just at school, but for the rest of their lives.

At Heath Lane, pupils are encouraged to be active participants in the whole community, the feel connected. They know how lucky they are, and they are encouraged to think about those who are less fortunate. We want our pupils to be compassionate, considerate and kind, always looking after those who haven’t been given the same opportunities.

Ofsted report

“An excellent range of subjects and activities reflects the academy’s commitment to meeting all students’ needs and aspirations. A wide range of out-of-school activities extends students’ experiences, and strongly supports their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The progress of disabled students, those who have special educational needs and those for whom English is an additional language is just as good as that of other students. Students feel safe and say they are looked after very well in the academy.”

View Heath Lane Academy’s latest Ofsted report

Principal:  Mr Trimingham

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Address: Heath Lane, Earl Shilton, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 7PD, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1455 845061