St Michael's Preparatory School


Location: Jersey
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Primary
Funding status: Independent
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 3 - 14 years

About St Michael's Preparatory School

Its buildings, which are an attractive blend of the traditional and the purpose-built, enjoy open, rural surroundings and, together with its playing-fields and hard-court areas, give a feeling of space as well as convenient compactness. The school has recently acquired an adjacent property and playing fields. The building has been developed and a new foundation years unit housing the nursery and reception classes was opened in April 2003 and new girls' changing rooms were ready by June 2003. The second phase of the development was completed in September 2003 resulting in new English classrooms and tutorial rooms. The final phase of the development saw the completion of a multi-purpose hall. The building has now been extended to provide an additional classroom and boys' changing rooms. The school prepares children for Common Entrance and Public School Scholarships to mainland schools and entry to local establishments. Classes are small and there is a high teacher-pupil ratio. All the normal subjects are taught and there are flourishing and well-equipped art, music, science, computer and technology departments as well as a custom built sports hall, a gymnasium and indoor swimming pool.

Physical Education
The school has a well staffed and exciting PE department offering an unusually wide variety of sports, from rugby to fencing. Regular sporting tours are arranged both to and from the mainland and there are weekly fixtures with local teams. There is an annual school skiing holiday.

At St Michael's emphasis is placed very much upon the individual child and the curriculum is designed to allow each to achieve his or her full potential. Form teachers are responsible for the day to day well-being as well as the academic oversight of their pupils. In addition, a pastoral system exists in the senior school where each child is assigned to a particular member of staff who is their pastoral tutor and who meets with individuals on a regular basis. This is to ensure each child has one person to whom they know they can go to discuss difficulties and problems as well as their successes and achievements, at any time, on a more personal, private and friendly level. There are twice-termly assessments, recognising and recording academic achievement and effort. Each child is allocated to one of four houses, which compete in many areas. As well as providing a wide range of academic subjects, the school seeks to introduce the child to a large variety of sports and activities, enabling him or her to discover, through experience, hidden talents and preferences with a view to future specialisation. Particular emphasis is placed upon good manners, consideration for others and caring contribution to the community.  

The enjoyment of music is taken seriously in the school, which offers individual tuition in a wide variety of instruments. The school choirs participate locally and nationally in events and competitions. St Michael's also has two school orchestras. Assemblies for worship are held every day, where the emphasis is on Christian values. Local clergy and other visitors are invited to participate.

Other Activities
Varied cultural visits and talks are arranged as the opportunity arises. Seminars on all aspects of growing up are held as a matter of course in the senior school. In the Trinity term the school runs an activities' week, which takes Forms 6 and Forms 5 to France and Forms 4 to France for an overnight stay, Herm for an overnight stay and local places of interest. With Form 6 the emphasis is on outward-bound and team building activities.  

Reports Reports are produced termly, either verbal or written. The headmaster and his staff are available for consultation at other times by arrangement. Close liaison between parents and staff is encouraged. Children who require remedial support are taught by qualified staff, either individually or in small groups, and the school enjoys the services of educational psychologists and speech and language therapists.

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Address: La Rue Due La Hougette, Five Oaks, St Saviour, JE2 7UG, Jersey
Telephone: +44 1534 856904