St Thomas More Catholic High School
Cheshire East, United Kingdom
Location: Cheshire East, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary
Funding status: State - Academy
Gender: Mixed
Age range: 11 - 16 years
About St Thomas More Catholic High School
In this Catholic School we aim:
- To identify and value the individual abilities and qualities of all pupils, helping and encouraging them to develop fully their knowledge, skills, potential and sense of self-worth, and at the same time promoting a spirit of respect and concern for others.
- To make prayer, worship and liturgy meaningful experiences for pupils as members of the school community, while helping all pupils to develop their own sense of spirituality and morality through personal reflection and response.
- To offer an excellent education, maintaining a challenging environment, which encourages high academic aspirations and achievements through positive teaching and learning practices, and providing every possible help and support to the young people in our care.
- To make our pupils confident, caring and contributing members of society, developing their awareness of the needs of others and inspiring their response to these needs through involvement in school life and the life of the parish and the wider community.
St. Thomas More High School is a voluntary aided Catholic comprehensive school for boys and girls aged 11 to 16, situated close to the centre of Crewe, in Cheshire. It is smaller than average; at present there are 604 pupils on roll with slightly more boys than girls . Most pupils are drawn from four parishes within the Shrewsbury Diocese, and the school serves a wide, diverse area that includes areas both of social deprivation and relative affluence.