The Fulham Boys School

Hammersmith and Fulham, United Kingdom

Location: Hammersmith and Fulham, United Kingdom
Type: Mainstream School
Phase: Secondary with sixth form
Funding status: State - Free School
Gender: Boys
Age range: 11 - 18 years

About The Fulham Boys School


The Fulham Boys School is an 11-18 school for boys. Founded by local parents and teachers, it opened with its first Year 7 boys in September 2014 and now has 800 boys including 200 in the Sixth Form.

We have made an ambitious pledge to be one of the very best schools in this country – state or private.

The Fulham Boys School is an independent government-funded school. We are a free school and fully embrace this freedom. To this end we have created and constantly reinforce a highly distinctive ethos. It is an ethos that is built upon the Christian faith, nurtures enterprise and is geared towards boys, supported by an academic curriculum that equips FBS boys to apply for Oxbridge and Russell Group universities.


Faith, Boys and Enterprise.

Christian Faith

The school is built on our Christian faith which impacts every aspect of school life.

  • Welcoming: Our school will be welcoming to boys of all beliefs, cultures and backgrounds, emphasising the inherent value and dignity of every human being “made in God’s image” (Genesis 1:27)
  • Beliefs: We will ensure that boys have regular, planned and varied opportunities to learn about the main beliefs of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus Christ as expressed in the texts of the Bible and the historic creeds.
  • Questioning: We will ensure that all boys will be encouraged to think and ask questions about the Christian beliefs they are encountering. All boys will be given opportunities to give their own view in response, whatever that might be.
  • Values: Boys will learn about, celebrate and grow in our six core Christian values, as described in the Bible, demonstrated perfectly by Jesus Christ and reflecting God’s character: community, loving truth, serving others, compassion, hard work, and thankfulness. Both boys and staff will seek to follow them in everything we do.
  • Faith: We will provide encouragement and support for any boys who would call themselves Christians to grow in their faith, both in knowledge and in maturity, while they are at the school.
  • Worship: Faith will have an impact on every area of school life, be that explicitly Christian contexts such as assemblies, form times, special events and Christian unions; or other areas of the school such as the curriculum, behaviour and attitudes, the pastoral system and staff wellbeing.


FBS’s education bridges the gap between the norms and expectations of the state and independent sectors, specifically to bring out the best in boys.

  • Best practice: Conscientiously and regularly reviewing the best available research evidence, professional expertise and practical wisdom to ensure that our teaching, curriculum, co-curriculum, pastoral care and school day are always tailored to the needs of boys.
  • Inspirational & aspirational teaching: Setting high academic targets and offering teaching strategies aimed specifically at raising the academic achievement of boys, to engender a lifelong love of learning, and to ensure that each individual achieves an academic outcome which allows them to pursue a career of their choice.
  • Co-curricular: Offering an extended school day so that our boys have the time and space to: be challenged academically; access a wide range of academic subjects; encounter horizon-stretching co-curricular activities; receive the individual support they need; and find and pursue their unique interests and passions beyond the classrooms.
  • Standards: Setting clear boundaries and expecting exceptionally high standards of appearance, behaviour, attendance and punctuality to help boys to develop respect for self, others, their school and society.
  • Respect: Engaging disciplinary strategies which are proven to be most effective for boys so that they can learn and develop in an environment that is respectful, supportive, safe and has unambiguous expectations.
  • Sport: Exceptional standards of fitness and competitive sport for all our boys through to Sixth Form, aiming for very high levels of participation, fit for FBS as a beacon of sporting excellence. It is important to see the whole school thrive both on and off the sports field developing self-discipline, teamwork, confidence, and a healthy, active lifestyle. Through the offering of four core sports (rugby, rowing, football and cricket) and non-core sports, each boy will be actively involved in at least one sport through his time at FBS.
  • Pastoral: High standards of pastoral care where boys will be supported, nurtured and encouraged in all aspects of school life; where a Fulham boy views school as his family, and through being part of a vertical house system within a small school, knows he is known.
  • Community: Creating a powerful partnership between school and home, allowing parents to feel informed about achievement as well as concern, and ensuring that each boy feels valued and recognised as an individual.


Enterprise is woven into all we do at The Fulham Boys School. Our boys will develop the skills and knowledge to show initiative, creativity and tenacity in their personal and professional lives, and the desire to do good, not just to do well.

  • Curriculum: A business and social enterprise curriculum which runs throughout each boy’s school journey, which gives opportunities to understand and work with businesses, charities and community groups.
  • Expectations: Our inspirational teaching and curriculum is designed to encourage boys to be independent thinkers and have a “can do” attitude, always having high expectations of what they can achieve.
  • Safe: Creating a safe and supportive environment in which boys feel confident to broaden their horizons, to try new and even daunting experiences, pushing boundaries throughout their school career.
  • Collaboration: Our curriculum and co-curriculum will give time and space for boys to work interdependently to develop self-discipline, mutual respect and responsibility.
  • School Houses: A house system bringing together boys of different ages, establishing strong bonds, learning from and alongside each other, developing teamwork, competing with other houses, and reinforcing a sense of community.
  • Careers: Giving outstanding careers advice, using outside expertise where appropriate, allowing boys to understand the opportunities available and choose a rewarding and enjoyable career path that is right for them.
  • Leadership: Encouraging boys to develop leadership skills in all aspects of school life from subject prefects to house and sport captains. Managing their School Council, leading school clubs, organising social enterprise projects and providing peer mentoring and support.
  • Fundraising: To meet our far-reaching aims we shall seek to raise significant additional funds through a powerful partnership with parents, and a professional approach to fundraising which maximises opportunities from educational grants, businesses and individuals.


Teaching & Learning will always be an essential part of FBS and as such we value continued professional development and invest heavily in the wellbeing of our staff. We have a well established staff wellbeing group who meet at least every six weeks to discuss staff wellbeing and suggest additional ways we can enhance a culture of wellbeing amongst all staff.

As a school, we have a wide range of tiered CPD available to all staff which includes daily staff briefings, an offer of twilight CPD, fully paid or subsidised NPQ and coaching qualifications, paid subscriptions to professional bodies such as the Chartered college as well as external CPD where appropriate. FBS also works in collaboration with other local schools through the West London Partnership which also includes several CPD opportunities throughout the year.

As a free school we aim to constantly push the boundaries and offer the very best experience to all our boys and staff. Our extended school day means that staff and students benefit from 18 extra days of holiday. We are an incredibly caring school which seeks to listen to staff and support their wellbeing in a range of ways. Whilst we adopt the national teacher pay scales we also try to be innovative with pay each year. In the past this has included having a performance related bonus scheme to recognise the hard work and dedication of our staff. This is something we continue to consider each year and will offer when possible.

Further information is on our school website

If you would like a confidential discussion with our Headmaster or to arrange a visit to the school please call the school on 0207 381 7100.

Application forms should be completed via the QUICK APPLY link on the TES. If you have any questions about the role please contact Jane Proudfoot, HR Manager by email to

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Address: 532 Fulham Road, Fulham, London, SW6 5BD, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 20 7381 7100
What people say about us

Leaders and the governing body know the school well and are determined to improve the quality of education. Teachers are loyal and supportive of the leadership at the school. Leaders consider teachers’ well-being and provide them with well organised professional development opportunities.

- Ofsted report Oct2022

Pupils are happy here. Together with staff, they are proud of their school. Leaders encourage pupils to be themselves, respect the beliefs and cultures of others and be ambitious for their future.

- Ofsted report Oct2022

Pupils have positive attitudes about their education. Sixth-form students are mature and reflective. In the majority of the classes, pupils are focused in class and meet the high expectations set by leaders. Pupils said that their teachers are ‘firm but fair’ and that they like the clarity of the school’s behaviour system.

- Ofsted report Oct2022

If there was ever a school whose ethos was embedded with students being happy, safe and well that The Fulham Boys School was a shining light in this element…if any colleagues from other schools ever wanted to see what a happy and safe school looked like that The Fulham Boys School would be first on my list of schools to send them to look at

- Tri Borough Safeguarding Officer

A can do attitude is in the very DNA of FBS The school has delivered on the big claims they made before the school opened

- Community Focus Group

Parents and carers typically commented on the support pupils receive and said that the school helps pupils to become ‘all-rounders'

- Ofsted Report Oct2022

Morale is high and the school is thriving

- DfE

The boys love learning and speak highly of teaching

- DfE