The Warriner School
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
About The Warriner School
The Warriner School is a co-educational secondary academy for 11- to 18-year-olds, located in Bloxham, Oxfordshire. It is part of the Warriner Partnership, which links nine feeder primaries to the secondary school. Around 1,350 students are in attendance, with 150 in the sixth form.
The school was opened in 1971 for students aged 11-16. In September 2013, The Warriner School expanded, opening a sixth-form centre to provide A-level study for 16-18s. In August 2015, the school joined the Warriner Multi Academy Trust, which is made up of one secondary and five primary schools.
Executive Headteacher
Dr Annabel Kay
Values and vision
The Warriner School encourages the moral, intellectual and emotional development of its students. Teachers encourage a love of learning and emphasise the importance of students fulfilling their potential. The school ethos focuses on celebrating the achievements of pupils in all areas. The aim of the secondary school is to maintain its active role in the community in Bloxham.
Ofsted report
“The headteacher, senior leaders and the governing body have created a culture of high expectations among staff.”
“The new sixth form is good. It offers a range of well-taught courses and is a caring and supportive community.”
“The systems for ensuring the safeguarding of students are strong. Students are kept safe and any bullying incidents are dealt with effectively and promptly.”
Staff Quotes: The best thing about being at The Warriner is…. Staff are provided with the opportunities to develop their professional practice in such a variety of ways that continued professional development is almost inevitable. Friendly and supportive staff, keen and enthusiastic children. We all get together every Friday for tea and cake. The students recognise their potential and show outstanding empathy to other students. Every day, large or small, something amazing happens! "As a recent recruit to TWS, students have a good positive attitude to learning and take pride in the presentation of their work. They have good strong relationships forged with their teachers and form tutors. There are good solid systems in place that cater well for all eventualities. Staff-2-Staff is respectful and mature. Staff work very well as a happy team" There is a real sense of care for the whole school community. As staff we are valued, respected and supported in all areas of school life. Every day I find challenges and support in equal measure.
-Student Quotes: It has helped me develop because of the wide range of opportunities from amazing teaching to school trips to extra-curricular activities. I have always been encouraged to do the best I can do. The teachers care about the students. Knowing that you are part of something incredible. The great atmosphere because everybody seems to love being here. The infectious, inclusive sense of community along with a strong team spirit.