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Decision Maths 1 Algorithms Videos

Decision Maths 1 Algorithms Videos

This sheet gives links to videos on all 14 of the algorithms that are required for the Edexcel Decision Maths 1 module. Each video gives a demonstration of an individual algorithm, and can be shared with students as a revision resource or used as part of a teaching lesson. Each video can obviously be paused whilst the students work out what is coming next, or rewound to hear an explanation again. The algorithms are: Full Bin, First Fit, First Fit Decreasing, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search, Kruskal's, Prim's, Prim's - Matrix Method, Dijkstra's, Route Inspection, Maximum Matching, Finding Critical Paths and the Scheduling Procedure.
The Greek Alphabet - small

The Greek Alphabet - small

Upper and lower case forms for all letters of the Greek alphabet, with their names. I find this useful to have up in Maths classrooms, but obviously can be used for languages or any other suitable subject. This is scaled to fit on three A4 sheets.
Small Angle Approximations for Trigonometry

Small Angle Approximations for Trigonometry

A spreadsheet that allows you to select the trigonometric function that you need (cell F1), and then a graph is automatically generated to show you the value of theta compared to the trig approximation, also calculating % error
The Greek Alphabet - large

The Greek Alphabet - large

Upper and lower case forms for all letters of the Greek alphabet, with their names. I find this useful to have up in Maths classrooms, but obviously can be used for languages or any other suitable subject. This is scaled to fit with two letters per A4 page and is 12 pages in length.
Prim's Algorithm (Matrix Method)

Prim's Algorithm (Matrix Method)

A PowerPoint demonstrating the use of the matrix method for Prim’s Algorithm. A video demonstrating the use of the PowerPoint can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/lebeO26FuMk
Front Side Plan View activity, with answers

Front Side Plan View activity, with answers

A simple activity where the student is presented with the front side and plan elevations of a block-based shape, which they must create. This has proved to be quite challenging for many students and some of the shapes are demanding for even the most able.
Prim's Algorithm

Prim's Algorithm

A PowerPoint demonstrating the application of Prim’s Algorithm. A video showing the presentation in use can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/kUmi5QKH5m8
Kruskal's Algorithm PowerPoint

Kruskal's Algorithm PowerPoint

A presentation showing how to use Kruskal’s Algorithm. A video demonstrating the use of the presentation can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/Mrb61iGXUFk
Big M Method for Simplex Algorithm (PowerPoint)

Big M Method for Simplex Algorithm (PowerPoint)

This PowerPoint will guide you through an example of using the Big M Method for solving simplex algorithm problems with “greater than or equals to” constraints. There is a video of the PowerPoint being used available at the link below. https://youtu.be/grGWsUHdWQM
Simplex Algorithm -Integer Solutions PPT

Simplex Algorithm -Integer Solutions PPT

This is a powerpoint to demonstrate the use of the Simplex Algorithm when integer solutions are called for, and it supplements the other Simplex Algorithm powerpoint that is available on TES too. There is a video demonstrating the use of this powerpoint available at the link below: https://youtu.be/ICBrU_wghSs
The Planarity Algorithm

The Planarity Algorithm

A PowerPoint demonstrating how to use the Planarity Algorithm for Decision Maths. A video of the presentation being used can be found at the address below: https://youtu.be/nXGtrrq23z0
Travelling Salesman Problem -Upper Bound

Travelling Salesman Problem -Upper Bound

The Powerpoint shows how to use the minimum spanning tree method to find an upper bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem. There is a video showing its use available at the address below: https://youtu.be/xN9ZtYzPewg